Theresa's Mixed Nuts: Wordless Wednesday~ 1 or 2?

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Wordless Wednesday~ 1 or 2?

Allison is going to be a jr. bridesmaid in her cousin's wedding. She is having a hard time deciding between 2 dresses and would love opinions on which you like better. Keep in mind the dress will be black and since she is so tiny, we have to have the smallest size altered to fit a little better :)

davids bridal, bridesmaid, children, girls

davids bridal, bridesmaid, children, girls
#2~ Picture this one in black


  1. I like the first one! Very cute for her age :)

  2. both are pretty, but I prefer the blue one.Happy WW

  3. I love the blue one.

  4. hi Theresa! Oh my vote is definitely for the 2nd one, the blue one. It looks really great with her skin and hair. The styling is more unique, too. The black style is a bit trite or less unique? Can't wait to see the wedding photos. Yay!

  5. I like the blue one also very pretty have a lovely time :-)

    Have a fantabulosa week ;-)

  6. One is my favorite but as cute as she is, she could pull off wearing a burlap sack :)

  7. Their both really cute but I choose #2!

  8. Not that my opinion is great on this stuff haha but I always like blue better too, so #2.

  9. She is adorable in both but I will vote blue.

  10. On the one hand it's a tough decision because they both look great on her. I like the style of the black dress and love the color of the blue! So it's actually an easy decision because either way she is going to look beautiful.

  11. They are both adorable, but I like number 1. I like the straps on that one a little better I think.

  12. Allison looks great in both dresses! They fit her so nicely. If I had to choose I would pick No. 2. Thanks for hosting Theresa.

  13. She looks adoreable in both but the blue one just gives her that zing... You know... You ain't got a thing if ain't got that zing!!

  14. They are both lovely, but I favor #1

  15. I love the first one! She's so pretty!

  16. I think they both look beautiful on her!! I like how "fun" and cute the first one is, and the 2nd one has a more elegant look. Her smile looks bigger in the first one she's wearing though ;)

  17. #1 for me too! They both look great but the 2nd one's design seems more "mature". #1 is more playful and her style! :)

    Ai @ Sakura Haruka

  18. They are both adorable but I'm leaning towards the blue!

  19. I'm not going to be much help because I like #2 but my daughter likes #1. Of course, we both agree that she looks cute in both of them.

  20. can't make a wrong choice! she is beautiful in whatever she has on! I like them both.

  21. She looks great in both, if I had to pick I'd pick #2. 'Grats to your daughter on the Jr. Bridesmaid position, that's big time. :)

  22. I like #1 best, but man, she looks so nice in either one!

  23. I love number 1, she looks so pretty in it.

  24. She looks so lovely in both that it's almost impossible to choose...but I'd say the black dress (#1) has the edge. Hope she has a wonderful time!

  25. She looks beautiful in both so I will go with my favorite color which is blue.

  26. Simply exquisite, gorgeous model... delicious dresses!


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