
Thursday, February 23, 2012

My Kids, Social Media, and Sidewalk Chalk

I just gave my girls a brand new pack of sidewalk chalk. Usually this lasts them a few weeks, so I was pretty surprised when they came in after only one day of use and said they were out. I went outside expecting to see the usual rainbows and flowers, but there were none to be found. What did I see? My driveway turned into a billboard for social media advertising! I'm beginning to think they may be spending a little too much time online.


  1. OMG they drew all that? those are so well-done! :) be careful, they might take over your blog soon haha..

    Ai @ Sakura Haruka

  2. There were more, like Facebook and such, I just couldn't fit it all in in one shot and have it show up. The chalk was too light.

    And I wouldn't be surprised it they tried to take it over lol.

  3. haha wow! They actually did a really great job on those! You should have them do guest posts on your blog from time to time LOL...that would be so cute ;)

    1. I like to give them my camera from time to time and will give them a "theme" I'd like them to take pictures of or just tell them to take a few pictures of whatever they like that day. I like to see the world through their eyes and it is so fun to see what they come up with! I'll probably put some more up here some day. I did a WW of theirs for Thanksgiving.

  4. Future graphic artists! There is money in logo design and the way to begin is by learning about those that become popular...

    1. Hmmm, I never looked at it that way. Maybe they'll become rich off graphic design and they can tell everyone it all started with a $1 pack of sidewalk chalk. What a story that would make :)

  5. I love it! "It all Started with Some Chalk" great title! Following you. Check me out at (http://chatonsworld.blogspot.com), Twitter: @chatonsworld

  6. Replies
    1. Thank you :)

      Yes, I think that would make a great title. I'll make sure the girls credit you when they have a best seller on their hands!


Thanks for your comments! I appreciate every one of them :) Except promotional posts with added links. Those will be deleted.