
Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Wordless Wednesday~ One of the Girls

Poor kid only has female cousins, so he is always getting sucked into the girly games.

multicolored fake nails


  1. Heheh! lovely smiles

    Have a fantabulosa week ;-)

  2. My son was the reining champ of Pretty Pretty Princess!


    1. bwahaha! The girls have sucked my husband into that one. We've got some hilarious photos of him in all his princess glory.

  3. Hi Theresa, I followed you here from Paula's @ Sincerely Paula's WW party! That is a fun picture of a Team Player! Thank you for hosting! Have a great week!

  4. He's such a good sport, my girls do this to their brother often, he just runs with it :)

  5. Bless him! I'm sure he loves it really! :o) Thanks for linking up, I've done the same.

  6. Well he doesn't really seem to mind, so that's a plus :)

    Happy Wordless Wednesday!

  7. Hahahaha.... really funny. I bet he loves all the attention from the GIRLS. When he is older, he will have a leg up on the other guys, he will know how to deal with the chickys.

  8. So funny! Thanks for linking on Amanda's Books and More.

  9. buwhahahah
    My daughter used to make her little bro play Pretty Pretty Princess. He loved it until he figured out it was a 'giiiiiiiirl game.'

  10. Real cute shots Theresa! Thanks for hosting and Happy WW!

  11. but he's still looking darn happy :) I love seeing cousins playing together :)

    Ai @ Sakura Haruka

  12. Ah ha ha, that is why I am hoping #4 is a girl too, I will feel so sorry bad if the baby is a boy because he will inevitably be tortured by girly girls!

  13. What a trooper!!

    <a href="http://www.myorganizedchaos.net>My Organized Chaos</a>

  14. He looks like he is having a great time with them. What a cute picture that is!!

  15. I see I am not the first one to think it, but it was the first thing to pop into my head. What a good sport he is.

  16. That is so funny. Such a good sport!

  17. Is is a good sport, except when he gets a few years older, ooooo watch out. Thanks for sharing it is cute.

  18. Awww! What a great sport he is about it though!!! AWESOME!!

  19. What a good sport. Doesn't hurt to get to know what girls like. It'll sure make life easier when he gets older.

  20. Ha ha! I have a nephew in middle school. He's the only one his age. No one to hang with.

    Even with all the girls, I bet he still has fun. He's so cute!

  21. Great post, I always enjoy coming by.

  22. I love this! My son loves to have spa nights with us and do the whole foot soak etc and would likely wear the polish too!

  23. LOL, my girls would love these games :) They used to do this with their friends younger brothers.

  24. hahaha too cute!! He'll have a better understanding of girls though as he gets older and become a hit with the ladies ;) hehe

  25. Looks like they are having fun.
    Have a great day!

  26. Boy really do have such a good tolerance for this sort of stuff. We did so many things to my poor baby bro. He had natural curls...looked really pretty with a bow in there!

  27. Too cute! I can totally see my grand son doing this. I hope he had fun...sure looks like he did.

  28. At least he will be in touch with his feminine side. Future girlfriends will love it :-)

  29. I love it, brings back memories of my oldest when he was younger. I was explaining to a friend that had just become a single dad of two girls that he could do a great job with them, I was a single mom to a little boy, then here comes my son out with the tiara, dress and heels, my friend looked at me and laughed and said he couldn't do worse than I was doing, lol.

  30. That's so cute! It's great that's he able to have so much fun with his cousins, even if they have to do "girly things."

  31. Nice pictures, that rich and smiling with their crowns ..., greetings.

  32. LOL too funny! He'll probably hate this pic later on... my son has a pic of him with a foofy boa on and he HATES it now. He's 15 haha!

  33. LOL! those will be some of his favorite memories i bet!

    Stopping by from the GYB blog hop!

    Trish @ Tales from ...

  34. lol. These pics are precious! Show it to him when he's grown up ha ha


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