
Friday, February 1, 2013

A Girl After My Heart

Valentine’s Day is quickly approaching. It’s one of those holidays that your either love or hate. For me, I choose love. I am a girly girl, so a holiday that focuses on love, hearts and pink is A OK in my book. I think that it is a holiday that can be celebrated a few different ways. If you are new into a relationship, you may want to show your love with a card, candy and Valentine’s Day Flowers. It’s a day of romance and celebrating your coupledom. I used to look forward to spending some one on one time with my husband. I have been with my husband for 16 years, and we now have two girls. Valentine’s Day, to us, is more of a celebration of family, and the love we have for each other. It’s not about the two of us any longer, but the family as a whole. The girls and I like to focus on making a few sweet treats and a few handmade cards to pass out to friends and family. We love to put out pink decorations, then make a few crafts. 
All of us moms know how our hearts light up when our kids bring home something they made at school in art class for us, but Allison just stole my heart the other day. The one thing I love about my children getting older, is they can take the initiative on what kinds of crafts they want to make all on their own. That’s exactly what Allison did.

“Here mom. I got started on your Valentine’s Day gift early. I wanted to make you something, but I didn’t know what, so I got on Pinterest for some ideas. Here you go!” And she handed me her finished gift.

Yes, it looks like the art work of a 9 year old, but the fact that she got on to one of my favorite sites to find inspiration for crafting a gift for me, well, that’s just priceless. She is surely a girl after my heart.

 Do you celebrate Valentine's Day? Do you do it as a couple or as a family? 


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  1. What a sweetheart she is.

    My husband will be off on Valentine's Day this year, so we'll probably go out to lunch together. I think that it might be our first Valentine's Day date without Elliott ever. We were only dating during one Valentine's Day, but he was here, and I was 1100 miles away in Missouri (where we are both from). The next year we were married and had a newborn.

    We do most of our stuff as a family, though. We usually buy some movie that everyone will enjoy, and have a family night at home. Sometimes we play board games as well.

  2. Awwwwwwww.... how cute!! She is going to be a Minime ... meaning mini you! A Chip Off The Old Block!

    I don't know what we are doing for Valentines Day.

  3. Awwwww - what a sweet, thoughtful girl you've got there. I love it & she did a great job on it.

    I always get the boys a little something for Valentine's Day, but my hubby and I don't celebrate it. I am one of those "hate it" people lol.

  4. Awh Theresa! So sweet and so funny. Yesterdays post was a gripe fest and today's is showing the love, ...hilarious, girlfriend. LOL

    Q answers: My daughters celebrate it separately with their HM's. My HM (handsome man / husband man) and I, of course, do our romantic gifts; usually roses!!! But my daughters and I always tells each other our romantic plans; ie. "we are going to go out to dinner and at dinner I want to surprise him with a gift of chocolates", etc. HM and I love love love Valentines Day. This will be our 13th one. Yay! [have you read my "about my life" page? It will explain a bunch] When I was single, I gave Valentines to my daughters and my parents. It is the day of LOVE and the month of LOVE!

    1. Well, Renae, we have to keep a good balance of griping and love around here. Don't want them getting too spoiled, but don't want them to feel inadequate either lol.

    2. Oh, and I totally missed your about me. Going to come read it now :)

  5. AWWWW that is the best!! I love when kids make gifts...they are so much more meaningful :) I love celebrating as a family, and I always get them a little Valentine's gift to wake up to in the morning, make their lunches and dinner extra special...and of course get creative with desserts that day :)

  6. Very cute indeed, always that much better when initiative is taken as well, as for valentine's day pffffft is all I will say haha

  7. A 9yr old pinner! That's the cutest thing I've ever heard! Its posts like these that make me wish I had a little girl.

  8. I love that you celebrate Valentine's Day as a family instead of just as a couple! My Hubs and I try really hard to include the kiddos in our celebrations, too, but we also like to have some special time reserved just for us.

    Your daughter is too sweet! I've only got boys, so the best I can hope for is that they don't eat my chocolates before I get home! ;)

    ~Caroline Connors (blogwithmomdiane)

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    1. Thanks for following back and entering the giveaway! : )

  10. I'd like to celebrate Valentine's Day 365 days a year!

  11. That is too cute! I love that she knows how to get onto pinterest for crafting ideas! You're creating a future Crafter/Do-It-herselfer :) I also like how you celebrate as a family too! That is so sweet!

  12. It's cool that she takes the initiative to make something for you all by herself.


  13. Over the years the best way to bond with family has been to find something that they love to do and try to share in it. Looks like that is a lesson your little one has already learned well. Simply adorable.

  14. That was very kind of your daughter. The craft turned out cute.

  15. Aww, best Valentines' Day gift evaaaa''''' :) And she went to Pinterest, lolol, I love that! :)

  16. That is a cute butterfly and you are one lucky momma! Hmmm I can't imagine any of my boys will come home on Valentine's day with such a cute gift made by themselves (but they are still under five so I can justify lol). Allison is soooo sweet :)

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Never mind me, I had your blog up and was trying to post on my own. It's early still, and I haven't had coffee yet. ;)

  18. At her age putting that much thought into a gift is priceless. It is beautiful.

  19. Wow she got on Pinterest for you?! So sweet and thoughtful! :)

    Ai @ Sakura Haruka

  20. Oh my gosh!!! How awesome is she? And it's so adorable!

  21. That is so sweet!!! I love it!

    I wanted to take the kids to the Valentines Lowes Clinic, but Isaak will have a playdate he's been asking for, for 3 weeks that day.

    I usually give the boys a small box of chocolates. I'm excited this year because I ordered artistic chocolates from Fannie May. I won a GC from A Nut in a Nutshell. Then I'm planning on giving my husband a tie to; that I won from you!


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