
Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Wordless Wednesday~ Skydeck

We decided to hop on the Skydeck at the Willis (Sears) Tower in Chicago. I am terrified of heights, so I even surprised myself I was able to step on without passing out.

sears tower, chicagosears tower, chicago
sears tower, chicago


  1. wow--i could not do this--amazing :)

  2. I probably would have been a little freaked out, too. I seriously need to plan a trip to Chicago...

  3. That looks way too high and way too scary! Great photos, thanks for sharing.

  4. Oh WOW, that is to scary for me, 2 things I dont like are heights and being closed in. That would freak me out!! lad ya'all had fun!!

  5. Long way down. I'd do it but would be a little hesitant for a second or two.

  6. OMG I LOVE Skydeck!!!! Its one of my favorite places in Chicago

  7. Hi Theresa! Ok, that looks extra scary. It looks like you are floating and nothing is behind you. Me also very scared of skyscrapers and their elevators. You WERE so brave to go up in pose right there.

    Could you do me a bit of a favor? My post didn't show up on the Reading List on Blogger for some reason. Could you check it to see if you can see it from your computer? That's what I get for being behind and doing things (posts) right at the last "min-nute"! It feels great to be back in Blogville, tho! I needed the break but now I need to be here - it just feels right.

  8. Ah ha ha, I've bungee jumped and gone skydiving, but for some reason just looking at those photos I get mad anxiety!

  9. There. Is. No. Way. I. Could. Do. That. LOL...

  10. Oh yikes! I don't think I could stand there!!

  11. Sky decks make me so nervous! Even while looking at the photos!!

  12. I haven't been up there since it was the Sears tower. I love the glass corner. Cool shot.

  13. Very cool shots! I've been in the observation deck in the CN tower in Toronto, which is pretty much exactly like this. It's always a bit scary to be up there!

  14. Yep, I'm pretty sure I'd pass out!


  15. That is amazing but I am not sure I would be able to step on it, your a brave lot heheh!

    Have a skytastic week

  16. That is so cool! I'm glad you braved it. :) Great pics too!

  17. I am afraid of heights too Theresa! I am glad you were able to go there and get these beautiful shots. You look cool and calm! Thanks for hosting.

  18. I stood in it to, it was freaky, but I did it.

    You got some great photos!

  19. Those are all cool pictures, great photo of you and your husband! My daughter got some looking straight down, but I didn't even think to, isn't that silly. :)

  20. I am not sure if I could do that, it looks cool though.

  21. WOAH! I don't think I could do that!


  22. You were pretty high up there. Good for you for facing your fears!!

  23. That is so cool. I'm not afraid of heights but I think my stomach would do a flip...but in a good way!

  24. Great shots. I love the view.


  25. This is so cool! I have a fear of heights so I'm not sure I could have done it...but the pics are great!

  26. You're brave! I was beyond shocked that my height-challenged hubby stepped onto it during our trip there this summer. My son wouldn't get near it!

  27. Wowza, what an amazing view. Although, I'm not sure if I like the glass floor, though. I may be having mini heart attacks the entire time.

  28. Great shots and sure would be a fun time

  29. I would be super scared too! I'm not an eagle to like heights :)

  30. So neat! And what great pictures :) You and your hubby are so cute together :) :) We have something like that at the CN Tower in Toronto and it always freaks me out a bit, yet I've stood there just to say I did it lol

  31. Very funny from above! Nice pictures!

  32. Eeeekkkk!!!! No thanks! :) LOL!! Those are beautiful photos of you all, but I am so scared of heights and that photo of your feet freaked me out LOL :) I might be ok, I really want to try it next time I am in Chicago! :)

  33. You had an amazing day to do that as well.


  34. Oh this is awesome. Chicago is a lovely city.

    If you have not done so yet, we would love to have you come share/link via our WWHop: http://www.craftyspices.com
    Happy Wordless Wednesday!

  35. wow, that's cool! I could imagine that I would be shaking if I were there but definitely worthwhile haha...Btw, love the shot of you and hubby, cute and sweet! :D

  36. That see threw floor on the sky deck is new since I was there. Love Chicago.

  37. OK, that's freaky! I don't know how well I'd deal with that. I guess if you're scared of heights and you did it I might be able to. But I might pee a little.

  38. I've never been to Chicago, but I was up on the 78th floor of World Trade Tower 2 once. I was like looking out the window of an airplane because we were so high.


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