
Thursday, December 26, 2013

Gingerbread Houses

Our city hosts a gingerbread house contest every year. Of course, I don't participate because my gingerbread house making skills are non existent. I do love to go downtown and take a peek at the creations that others come up with each year though. I have to say, we have some very talented folks living in my city!

While it didn't specifically state that the theme had to be Christmasy, most of the designers base their creations off the holiday. So, we were a little confused by this Halloween house:

Cute, for sure, but a little passed the season to get any votes from us.

Here were some of my favorites this year:

Christmas House

Christmas, ChurchChristmas House

And my two favorites, which did place Grand Prize and First Place, were definitely deserving of the awards!

Christmas House
Christmas, Train
Which one is your favorite? Does your town put on a gingerbread house competition each year?


  1. These are amazing. I'm surprised you don't do these. I bet you'd be good at it.


  2. those are really neat, I haven't made one period myself though

  3. oh my goodness!!! those are so elaborate and pretty.. I don't think I'll ever dare to show my gingerbread house in any competition heh

    Ai @ Sakura Haruka

  4. Wow they go all out, mine would be very very bad. What no vote from the halloween nazi, harsh lol

  5. Wow -those are amazing. I wish there was something like this near us. The Halloween one is my favorite :)

  6. Wow. They look great. The details are amazing.

  7. those white ones are so cute and sweet too!

  8. thanks for sharing. Looks so good. How are ya?>

  9. I love the red roofed one in the second grouping from the top, on the right. It is very well done. There is a Festival of the Trees that has trees and gingerbread houses up available for auction. All the money goes to a Children's Hospital in Salt Lake City. Some of those gingerbread homes are fabulous. My former sis in law and her fam enter theirs in that grouping for charity. They have done some fabulous ones. Once they did a English style country home and used Bite Size Shredded Wheat as the thatched roof. way cool.

  10. Some of those people sure do go all out when it comes to making a Gingerbread House. I like the first one the best... Not the Halloween one,,,, the next one.

  11. I never thought I would be this excited looking at gingerbread houses until today! Circular front is my favorite.

  12. Wow! Such a lovely and yummy post.


  13. you did a wonderful job you should do it more often great work

  14. If a milk carton's not holding it up in mini form, my houses are a disaster too. I saw one blogger write that she needed caulk to make hers work, buwahahaha. These are great ones you've showcased here, and the Halloween one is cute, but you're right...so yesterday. ;)

    1. I hear hot glue is a real help too, but I think the rules state that the entire structure has to be edible. How they get those pieces to stick is a miracle in itself, I think!

  15. That's so fun! I like the 2nd to last one. If I lived there, I'd want to try it out. So cool to look at them.

    1. I think you could come up with some really cool houses Alissa!

  16. Very nice houses, pure deliciousness!

  17. I love them all-even the Halloween one! No our town does not do this at all--and as for me--well crafty or a baker I am not!

  18. Wow! Those ginger bread houses really rocks! I like the one that is a shape of a church but that train really is a crowd pleaser especially kids :)

  19. Very nice!!! I can't even pick which one I like as they are all amazing!

  20. Wow, these gingerbread houses are amazing! I've always wanted to try making one with my boys and this has inspired me to try it one of these days.

  21. These are just lovely. I don't have anything I like in specific as I fancy all of them! <3

  22. no competitions around us but sure enjoyed these!
    my fave is the train one

  23. These were all so adorable and brilliant. I would have failed miserably I can't make one to save my life, I buy the preassembled ones. YOU are correct you have a lot of amazing people in your city.

  24. What an awesome contest! I do have to admit though, I don't think I could make one anywhere close to how these look.

  25. Those are incredible gingerbread houses! I really love the one with the little blue shutters. I saw one on youtube where the guy made that looked just like the castle on Downton Abby! One day I'm going to make one!

  26. No gingerbread contest around here but that would be fun. My fav has to be the one with the doggies. :)

  27. oh man! I wish I had some gingerbread house talent! These look great!!! I love the house that you posted after the halloween one. its beautiful!

  28. Those are some adorable ginger bread houses. We went to the Gingerbread house competition at the Biltmore house in NC. Those houses were simply a work of art. Thanks for sharing.

  29. Holy moly! That's some incredible talent. I've never made a gingerbread house but I love gingerbread cookies. They are so good.. I should give the house a try some day!

  30. Wow those are some really great ginger bread houses. Absolutely too good to eat. At least I won't want to eat them. :)

  31. Wow, these are amazing! I'm lucky if ours has 4 sides and a roof. :) We don't have many neat things going on in our community like this, but we're moving soon so maybe there will be more near our new place!

  32. I love all of them. It's very hard to single out one to be the favorite because they all look amazing!

  33. Wow those are some amazing gingerbread houses and what a cool idea for your town to host a contest such fun! x

  34. My daughter loves gingerbread house making we made it a tradition every year.

  35. Wowzers!! Those are impressive!! They put my gingerbread houses to shame LOL. I would love to get creative like that...must take so much time :) They're all beautiful, but I do love the first and second last one under your list of favourites :)

  36. Wow, those are some amazing creations! They far exceed any skills I'd have for that.


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