
Monday, January 27, 2014

Want Some Candy?

Last week I saw Allison sitting at the computer, busily munching on some candy. I haven't had any candy in the house for a while, so I look around and see she has her Halloween bag sitting next to her. Yuck! I tell her that candy is too old to be eating, toss it out. She argues with me for a bit about how it's still good, bla bla bla. We strike an agreement. Take a few of her favorites out, toss the rest.

When I came back in the kitchen a while later, I had to laugh. Never one to miss a money making opportunity, I see she has grouped her remaining candy in piles on the counter... For Sale To The Family!!!

Halloween Candy

Of course, it wouldn't be in her fashion unless she was trying to be philanthropic about the whole thing...

So, I wound up paying for the candy to throw away myself. Good Grief!

How long before you toss out Halloween candy?


  1. I threw mine away at Thanksgiving, but you just reminded me of a funny story. Back when we were growing up, my mom always made my brother, sister and I a dated Halloween bag with the year on it. My sister is a huge messy pack rat and despite my mother always telling her to clean her room, she never did. One day, my mother had had it & went up there to gut the room herself and found a bunch of old Halloween bags going back 5 or 6 years and they were all filled with candy! Ewww.

    1. This sounds like Allison. A freaking pack rat is what she is! Though every season I do go through her room and do a deep clean myself. Usually when she's at school so she doesn't see me tossing stuff out. I would die if I found 5 years worth of candy stashed in there. I'm a little obsessive when it comes to clean hahaha!

  2. What, what? Throwing away candy?? What scandal is this? I thought candy doesn't usually have a short expiring date? :)

    1. I don't think it does, but some of it was super hard. Definitely time to toss it!

    2. ROFL I know, right? Now I want to go look at our candy stash to see if there's an expiration date on them!

  3. I never throw much candy away, gets eaten long before the date.

  4. I just posted somewhere today or yesterday about my son still having his Halloween candy, lol

    It's nice that you donated your money to charity, buwwhahahaha

  5. I don't thing that stuff ever goes bad Theresa. There are so many preservatives in it. Before you know it she'll have valentines candy that will last her until Easter.

    1. I'm not sure if it goes bad or not, but some of it was rock hard! If the cavities don't hit from all that candy, we'll still end up at the dentist over broken teeth lol. I have a rule of thumb. If candy lasts until the next holiday, they have to toss it. Hers has already gotten her through Christmas, and with Valentine's quickly approaching, it's time to get rid of it.

  6. That's funny. She's a kindhearted entrepreuner.
    How long before I toss candy? I didn't know it has an expiration date.

  7. Hahahaha.... that little girl has you right where she wants you. Come to think of it... I have a Daughter like that too.

  8. That's funny! I remember having candy forever after Halloween growing up, but then again it was just me. Between my three kids and husband, and well me too, it doesn't last more than a few weeks!

  9. Oh, such a funny chuckle I just let out. Allison is so creative and I think I know where she has picked up that talent. hmmmm?

    I see you have changed over to the dark side {g+}. dang, you were my only hope. lol. I refuse and if it is the death of my blog so be-it. Well not a death but more like a transfer to WordPress or something. I refuse to give into the GoogleGods, I refuse.

    Well, you are really smart so perhaps I should but you'll really have to sell me on it's wonderful characteristics FIRST. lol

  10. What a little entrepreneur. Even better that she wants to give the money to charity.

  11. ROFL! This is most adorable thing I've ever seen! At least the money was going to charity...LOL!

  12. That is so what my son would do? He's always trying to find money making oportunities also :)

  13. I use to do the same thing but I would do mine at Halloween. I would section mine out to candy I love, candy to trade to my siblings for them doing my chores, candy to sell to my siblings, and candy to give to friends at school lol.

  14. LOL!! That's hilarious!! I love her business spirit!

  15. Hmm.. I think we still have Halloween candy in the pantry..

  16. My kids usually go through their candy pretty fast. Mom and Dad kind of help a little. I remember though trying to keep my candy for as long as I could when I was a kid.

  17. Our basement flooded on trick'r treat night so we have a ton leftover! Candy is not cheap, so I haven't made the move to throw it away yet

  18. hilarious! We have a 24 hour eat everything you want period, followed by a two week portion control/day period. After that, it's Halloween fudge or toss it!

  19. Oh my goodness, I'm sure I toss it by Thanksgiving. At that point, it's usually the stuff nobody wants anyhow. lol

  20. I never thought about selling Halloween candy for charity! How entrepreneurial and sweet. We just went through the Halloween candy last weekend. We kept about a Ziploc baggie and tossed the rest. That bag will be tossed by February if not eaten - I figure 3 months is enough.

  21. I'll admit. I was looking for a piece of chocolate one day and dug in the stash that I had hidden from the children. I feel like we don't know how long it has been sitting in the store before purchasing!

    Love her take on donating to charity!

  22. hahaha she sure knows how to make money. I can see her running her own business at a profit no less. I usually throw my candy out after a week. We're a no candy house unless it's halloween and then I go through, take the good ones out and all the rest go in the trash. After a week I throw them all away.

  23. I don't throw my halloween candy away until easter. maybe it is gross LOL

  24. That is hilarious! I could see my kids doing this.

  25. So funny! Can't believe she still had her candy but I love that she donated it : )

  26. This is hilarious! I love her creativity and generosity.

  27. I like the entrepreneurial spirit your daughter showed. It made me smile and wonder what she will be doing 30 years from now.

  28. smart girl! and mommy is sooo supportive...I love the way she volunteered to give the money to charity :D...cool!

  29. haha that's too funny! Smart cookie :)

  30. Oh my gosh, what a great start to my morning. Hilarious and such a good girl. Way to go mom for supporting her. :)

  31. This is so cute. Love your daughter's giving spirit! We throw Halloween candy out before we put Christmas candy in.

  32. Gotta admit, that's a pretty creative idea she came up with!

  33. Oh my, what a creative idea! Nice job supporting her!

  34. Halloween candy doesn't last long in this house. I have the three kids plus a sugar phene fiance so it goes quick but i also don't take my kids to that many houses, therefore not a whole lot of candy!


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