
Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Wordless Wednesday~ Neighbors

Excuse the window glare. I think we all have one of "those" neighbors. You know, the ones who put garish things in their yard that we all have to suffer looking at. When driving down the road the other day, I spotted this eyesore and immediately felt sorry for their neighbors. I appreciate a little knick knack in a yard as much as the next person, but lining your entire driveway with colorful plates on sticks is a bit overkill, don't you think?


  1. HUGE overkill! I would be so annoyed if I lived next door to that. Side note, my old next door neighbor (he moved out 4 years ago) used to have all these over grown blueberry bushes in his back yard that spilled into my yard. Until I went out one night in the middle of the night and Weed-Be-Goned all of them.

  2. Our neighbors were all great...until one retired. Oy, the guy spends so much time in the yard and he keeps adding stuff. Too much stuff (and their fake silhouettes always startle me). I hope he takes up another hobby soon. :D :D :D

  3. I have such tasteless, kitschy people within my own family.... actually I'm the only one with a refined taste in my whole clan :)

  4. lol maybe they are just trying to livin things up

  5. A bit much, yeah. It looks like a life size Candyland Game - but without the candy. And that's not only an eyesore, but a cruel teaser.


  6. HAha! so true! To think someone has all the time in the world to do all that is so unfair! Lol!

  7. Oh boy! That is interesting. LOL Crazy neighbors.

    I have a neighbor that has a gold chicken on his roof. He says it's his cock. What the??? Never mind that we live in the city, not the country. They painted their house mint green. Almost white, but a touch of green. The other neighbor is from New Jersey. They never had a yard before, and now have a huge one. They sprinkled seeds of some kind down and watch every day to see if something is growing. Travis says they look like gorillas examining something they know nothing about. They let oak trees grow by their house because they think they are pretty. They don't understand they'll become full trees. Their son blows dandy lions and she thinks it's cute. I'm like, "There's 20 more weeds in your yard."

  8. Maybe their children made them and asked that they put them out there? It is a bit much-maybe they will take them down when it rains?

  9. That's a lot of yard beautification! I would hate to have to mow around all that stuff!

  10. I am wondering if they did that so they could see where to plow. Or maybe it is just a decoration. That is pretty ugly though.

  11. Is that a permanent thing?? I like the light glare in your photo actually heh

    Ai @ Sakura Haruka

  12. Oh that is too funny! I agree with you and like tasteful decorations!


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