
Friday, July 29, 2016

Baked Minted Cherry Tomatoes

*Disclosure- I received the mentioned product courtesy of the sponsor for the purpose of this review. All opinions are genuine, based on my experience with the product, and have not been influenced by promotional items.

It's about that time to finally get out into the garden and pick that produce you've been growing all season long. I've put a lot of work into my garden this year, and have to admit that I am a little miffed since none of it seems near ready for picking yet, but my mom planted hers later than mine and is already enjoying the fruits of her labor. I am hoping that when we get back from Canada this weekend, I'll be pleasantly surprised that it magically sprouted a bountiful harvest. A girl can always dream, right?

I doubled up on my cherry tomato plants this year because they are my favorite veggie. Or, have we decided they are a fruit? I'll grab handfuls of them throughout the day to snack on because they are just so darn good! Like I said, mine aren't ready to be plucked from the vines yet, so I've been stocking up on large containers when they go on sale at the market. While I usually eat them cold out of the refrigerator, I wanted to try them warmed up for lunch yesterday and ended up making this Baked Minted Cherry Tomatoes recipe from Golden Blossom Honey. 

Baked Cherry Tomatoes

I love that most of the ingredients can be plucked fresh out of the garden, for a healthy and delicious lunch, side dish, or snack. 

4 Tablespoons olive oil
1/2 cup fresh mint or 2 teaspoons dried mint
2 pints cherry tomatoes
4 scallions, thinly sliced
salt and pepper to taste


You can find this recipe, as well as many more delicious recipes right on the Golden Blossom Honey recipe page! Be sure to follow Golden Blossom Honey on Facebook and Twitter to stay up to date on new products and promotions.

If you like this recipe, be sure to come back every Friday, where I feature a new recipe from Golden Blossom Honey!

What veggies did you plant in your garden this year?



  1. they do look nom! They terribly expensive here, compared to the regular tomatoes, so I can't say I eat them. I like yellow tomatoes too! I've seen yellow water melon (yellow inside) too recently in the shop, how positively novel! Hope you're relaxing in Canada!

  2. Ah-mazing. I need to make these asap! They sound wonderful.

  3. Bet they taste good indeed there at your feed.

  4. We have a nice, big plot right in the bright Georgian sun. The real question is what DON'T we have in our garden. LOL. ;)

  5. It's Friday so I knew a Golden Blossom recipe was going to be up! Woohoo! This one, like every single one you've put up so far, looks delicious. Now here's to hoping your garden blooms like crazy while you're gone. Have fun on your trip. :)

  6. We just bought a bunch of heirloom cherry tomatoes from a local farmer's market. They would be perfect in this recipe.

  7. I wish we would have planted these cherry tomatoes. Isaak loves them! We planted 2 other types of tomatoes, popcorn, kale, potatoes, basil, oregano, banana peppers, strawberries and lettuce.

  8. I love, love cherry tomatoes. They make the best snacks but are much more expensive than larger, on the vine type. I catch them when they are on sale and stock up.

  9. What an interesting recipe idea I haven't thought of making cherry tomatoes like this before. Certainly worth at try!

  10. These look amazing! I've never had honey and mint with tomatoes before, but it sounds so good!

  11. I don't have a garden I have a jungle

  12. Oh I love this! I think these would be fun to make. I'd love to have them as a side.

  13. I would have to say that baked or grilled tomatoes have the best flavor and I love to eat them. This is one recipe that I could really get on board with.

  14. Yum! Those look amazing! And they would be perfect alone or in many different meals, like salads!

  15. I love cherry tomatoes on my salad! This is another great way to enjoy them!

  16. These look and sound delicious. I'm not the biggest fan of cherry tomatoes but I would love to try them other ways and maybe would enjoy these! - Jeanine

  17. Ohhhh, what a tasty sounding snack or side dish! Never thought to do this before! Yum!

  18. Growing up, I had a faux-grandmother (not actually related, but we cherished her) that ate cherry tomatoes with salt as her daily snack. Seeing this recipe brings back such happy memories!

  19. I like cherry tomatoes, they are so cute and explosives in the mouth. Nice idea for cherry tomatoes.

  20. Oh yum! These sounds so so delicious!!

  21. These look so delicious. I can not wait to make some. I have a small garden with tomatoes and squash growing along with some herbs.

  22. I never bothered baking them before and just eat them fresh. These would make great appetisers though!

    Ai @ Sakura Haruka

  23. I can imagine the sweet taste of honey on those cherry tomatoes. I love them..I keep eating them fresh just like that :)


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