
Friday, July 22, 2016

Three Bean with Bacon Bake

*Disclosure- I received the mentioned product courtesy of the sponsor for the purpose of this review. All opinions are genuine, based on my experience with the product, and have not been influenced by promotional items.

Even though August is right around the corner, there is still plenty of summertime left, and I'll hold on to the season for as long as possible. We finally wrapped up painting our deck last week, and it's been fabulous getting to use it now, just enjoying the fruits of our labor. We eat most of our meals outside (one of my favorite perks of summer!), and BBQ food is one of our main staples this time of year. I usually stick with my grandma's baked bean recipe since it's a family favorite, but since I am really, really loving the new Golden Blossom Honey Mustard, I thought I would try switching it up with this Three Bean with Bacon Bake recipe recently. 

A little tangy, a little sweet, a little savory made for one surprisingly great twist on an old classic! 

4 thick-cut slices of bacon
1 cup onion, coarsely chopped
1 1/2 teaspoons dried thyme
3/4 cup ketchup
1/2 cup apple cider vinegar
2 tablespoons dark brown sugar
1 bay leaf
1/3 cup water
1 (15-ounce) can Great Northern or cannellini beans, rinsed and drained
1 (15 ounce) can black beans, rinsed and drained
1 (15 ounce) can red kidney beans, rinsed and drained
1/4 teaspoon Tabasco sauce


You can find this recipe, as well as many more delicious recipes right on the Golden Blossom Honey recipe page! Be sure to follow Golden Blossom Honey on Facebook and Twitter to stay up to date on new products and promotions.

If you like this recipe, be sure to come back every Friday, where I feature a new recipe from Golden Blossom Honey!

What's your favorite perk of summer?


  1. I reckon you didn't eat any of it :(
    Melons, nectarines, peaches, tomatoes would be my fave part of the summer since we only have seasonal produce here

    1. I did have a small helping, minus the bacon. Since I am not flaring, I can tolerate beans in moderation for now. You know, my tomatoes are taking forever to get ripe this year! My mom is already picking hers, but mine are still very green. My stupid zucchini plant died too. Gardening just didn't work very well for me this year. Probably all that crazy weather we had at the beginning of the season :(

    2. You're not the first one I hear complaining about the zucchini.... they are generally very sensitive plants... Our peaches have been getting ripe for three months now :)

    3. Fresh peaches from the back yard sound heavenly! I am trying to convince Jason to buy me a fruit tree for one of the ugly patches in our back yard. I haven't decided if I want a granny smith apple tree or a plumb or cherry tree yet. I would love some mulberry bushes too. I won't be doing zucchini again next year though. Too much work for them to die on me!

    4. What do you mean too much work? :) Pish and tosh :) You just plant the sees and goodbye Charlie :) You do need to research on the internet what kind of soil they require... you never know with them cucumberlike plants....

      Bare in mind that fruit trees require spraying against diseases and pests... we have an ugly peach tree, and we're lucky when it gives us a few kilos a year, mostly with worms :) Apples and plums are less sensitive, but they all need care... even the bushes... I just don't have the nerves for it...

    5. I researched on what I did wrong. You really have to baby those stupid zucchini plants. Water at the root level. If it rains, go wipe the leaves down. I'm not messing with all that lol. Jason is worried about the fruit trees because he thinks I won't pick all the fruit off and it will fall to the ground and make a mess, attracting unsavory critters in the process.

  2. My mom has a recipe that's similar to this. It's so good. I'll have to share this one with her. She always brings it to potlucks. Nom!

    1. This would be great at a potluck! Baked beans are such a great potluck staple since they are so easy to prepare.

  3. Whole bunch of things in that one, probably make the cat run lol

    1. I hope you mean run as in run away. Not get the "runs" there at your bay ;)

  4. I didn't know they made a honey mustard! I usually make my own, but this seems like the perfect short cut!

  5. That looks so good! Beans and bacon are a classic combo, and they're so yummy!

  6. My favorite perk of summer are evenings at the pool! This recipe looks great! What an awesome combo of flavors!

  7. Now, that is different. I can't say that I have ever seen a soup that looks like that. It sounds good though.

  8. I am typically not the biggest fan of baked beans, but these seem like a total exception! I really appreciate that they are both savory and sweet, yet not covered in sauce. YUM!

  9. This baked beans look so good! I love the tangy, sweet and savory flavors going on in there!

  10. Wow! That looks delicious. I'm not the biggest bean fan so this is something I would enjoy as I don't have them often. Will have to give it a try! - Jeanine

  11. Golden Blossom has honey mustard? Woot!! And oh yes, I would definitely love to try this recipe!!

  12. I'll try any... most things once and I'd definitely try this recipe. It looks delicious.

  13. That looks really yummy! I love a good bean bake.

  14. If it's one thing I love, it's beans especially with bacon. This looks heavenly right now!

  15. You know I never really thought to add those things to beans but the combination sounds amazing!! BBQ is definitely one of the many delicious perks of Summer. I'm big into seasonal fruits; nothing like a nice watermelon or juicy peach on a hot day!

  16. Oh, this is a nice meal. My son loves beans and surely he will like this plus it is baked!

  17. OH yum! This looks so delicious easy. Perfect for that end of summer BBQ

  18. This is a perfect side dish to any summer get together! Yumm!

  19. You had me at bacon! This sounds phenomenal! NOM.

  20. That looks delicious and would be great to take to a potluck.

  21. beans and honey sound perfect! WIll substitute the bacon with something else, Theresa..but it certainly looks yuuum..

  22. You know your beans, all right! It looks great.


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