
Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Double Decker Peanut Butter Cookies

Late last month we took a week long trip to Canada (pics coming soon!) We did a lot of the touristy things in Toronto, but I think some of the most fun we had was stopping by the supermarkets to load up on stuff we don't get here. Ginger Pepsi for my father-in-law, Coffee Crisps for my bestie, and Tim Horton's drinks for the girls. Jason came across some peanut butter sandwich cookies that he had to have, though I am sure we probably carry the equivalent somewhere local.

Yesterday, Allison asked why we didn't spend much time making crafts and baking this summer. We were so busy with traveling and other adventures, I admit, I slacked on the creativity with the kids these past few months. She did ask if we could make something before summer's end, so we thought we'd end the summer with a bang and made some Double Decker Peanut Butter Cookies. The girls got a little baking in and Jason will get his fix on peanut butter cookies (which are much better than the store bought ones anyway!) now that he's out of his Canadian bought box. Win-Win!

Peanut Butter Sandwich Cookies

We started with a basic peanut butter cookie recipe, but then sandwiched the filling that I use for my peanut butter balls between two cookies, resulting on one amazingly scrumptious double decker peanut butter cookie.

Cookie Ingredients:

1 cup butter flavored shortening
1 cup creamy peanut butter
1 cup sugar
1 cup brown sugar, packed
3 eggs
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
3 cups all purpose flour
2 teaspoons baking soda
1/4 teaspoon salt

Peanut Butter Filling:

16 ounces confectioner's sugar
1 ¼ cup creamy peanut butter
¼ cup butter, softened (real butter- not margarine or a spread)
2 tablespoons milk

In a large bowl, cream the shortening, peanut butter and sugars until light and fluffy.  Add eggs, one at a time, beating well after each addition. Add in vanilla.

In a separate bowl, combine the flour, baking soda and salt. Add to creamed mixture and mix until well blended.

Shape dough into 1 inch balls. Place 2 inches apart on ungreased cookie sheet. Flatten to 3/8 inch thickness, then using fork tines, make a criss cross pattern on top of dough.

Bake at 375 degrees F for 7 minutes, or until cookies are golden. Cool on wire rack.

Once cookies are completely cool, beat all peanut butter filling ingredients together until well combined. (DO NOT make the filling ahead of time or it could possibly harden. If this happens, just beat in a little more milk until you get a smooth texture.) Spread peanut butter filling across the flat surface of a cooled cookie, then top with another cookie. Serve.

Peanut Butter Sandwich Cookies

Peanut Butter Sandwich Cookies

Did you do a lot of baking or crafting this summer or did you slack off like me?


  1. I have made similar cookies to these. There was a recipe on King Arthur's site. They are so good!

    Of course I've been slacking. I need to step it up.

  2. Once again I'm with Jason, I'd stack stashes of peanut butter cookies myself :) We have some expensive ones filled with peanut butter coming from Greece and they're heavenly. These of yours look lovely! There's no better taste than sweet peanuts!

    1. PS funny how we have identical rectangular white plates :) I have two of those myself on the other side of the world

  3. They'd keep one coming back for more. I never cook or craft, so guess I'm a big slacker there lol

  4. You are my hero right now! You took my favorite cookie and made it even better.

  5. Those look absolutely divine! I think my kids would flip their lids if I made these. How delicious.

  6. AAAAHHHH! This is the best cookie recipe ever! I love the filling you added to the cookies. How yummy.

  7. Those look so good! I am definitely going to be making some of these over the weekend.

  8. I totally slacked this summer! My husband and two kids would love all the peanut buttery goodness of these cookies though. I may have to get my cookie sheet out this weekend.

  9. These look so good! I have always loved peanut butter cookies. They are my favorite.

  10. Oh yes! These are so perfect for the last days of summer! My kids love peanut butter cookies and I'm sure they'll flip over these!

  11. I am a huge peanut butter cookie fan. I'll be saving this recipe for later, yummy! I baked 2 birthday cakes this summer and tried a lot of new recipes.

  12. WOW, these look outstanding! I am a huge peanut butter lover, so the thought of cookies AND a filling is amazingly wonderful.

  13. Yum! I'd absolutely love these for a dessert. The peanut buttery filling looks amazing.

  14. My kids LOVE peanut butter. They eat it right of the jar. They would devour these cookies within seconds.

  15. These sure do look good! I like the additional boost of peanut butter in the center! Yum!

  16. Those look delicious! I love the double peanut butter, it's like a dream come true!

  17. Thanks for sharing the recipe. Looks super yummy

  18. These look super yummy. Anything peanut butter goes in my home for me and the kiddies!

  19. Those cookies look mouthwatering! I also love the peanut butter addition because then you don't feel so guilty eating one or three since you know --they have PROTEIN!

  20. The kids and I love peanut butter and we always come up with ways to enjoy it. One of the easiest is to add it as an ingredient in cookies! These look so good and they're perfect with milk, the kids will love them for sure!

  21. Goodness, that's an overload in a good way! Thanks for the additional tips for the filling as well!

  22. I've never thought of making double decker peanut butter cookies before, but I think I may make them tonight!!! They look absolutely amazing!!!

  23. I literally never get tired of peanut butter cookies. I can eat too many of them in one sitting haha

  24. Heaven in a cookie. I LOVE peanut butter. peanut butter cookies, brownies, candy. MM. These are at the top of my list to try!

  25. I've been slacking off this whole year!! Hardly did any baking or crafting.. gotta get my groove back on hehe. Those look soooo good btw!

    Ai @ Sakura Haruka

  26. These look amazing. I am not the biggest peanut butter fan but I am sure peanut butter lovers would enjoy this!

  27. Wow, I love peanut butter but I can't imagine how good these cookies are.

  28. I love baking and these look amazing! They are buttery and crumbly, just the way I like them!

  29. YUM! These look amazing! Peanut butter is my favorite!

  30. Oh, those look good! I will have to add this to my list of to do's!

  31. Wow! I love peanut butter cookies and I never thought it can be much better.

  32. Those cookies look oh-so-yummy! It's been too hot too cook or bake so my husband has been grilling out a lot.

  33. oooh my, Theresa...they look sooo soft and yuuum. I usually just eat PB like that and it already tastes heavenly :)

  34. I did a little baking, not much though, it's too hot. The peanut butter cookies look like they're def. worth an exception. :)


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