
Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Wordless Wednesday ~ A Tale of Two Countries

While touring around Niagara, we had to stop for a photo opp on the U.S./Canadian bridge where we noticed a plaque letting us know we were right on the border of the two countries. We all (except for spoil sport Jason) took a photo standing in both U.S. and Canada at the same time.

Have you ever stood in two different countries at the same time?


  1. such a pretty bridge picture indeed!

  2. Two countries at once is neat. Were there many doing that? I bet it is something many do, unless they are spoiled sports haha

    1. You know, we only saw a lot of people crossing the bridge, but only one other family taking photos in this spot. The plaque is small and is hard to miss if you are staring out at the falls, so maybe many just don't know it's there?

  3. How fun! I have got to stand at four corners and be in four states at once, but I've never been in two countries at once.

  4. So cool! I've stood in two states at the same time, but never two countries!

  5. I've always wanted to be in two places at once! haha Super neat! I've wanted to travel to that spot too.

  6. That's the kind of thing that you really remember from a family trip. We've never been in two countries at once, but I think that would be a blast!

  7. It's so cool that you can do this! I love the pictures. The view from the bridge is really nice.

  8. What a great photo opportunity. I haven't been in 2 countries at once but a few months ago I was standing in New York and Pennsylvania at the same time. I took photos, I thought it was so cool!

  9. We have never done 2 countries at once but we have done 2 states at once.

  10. Just between America and Alabama

    1. That was a joke, you'd never find me in Alabama

      and it's also a U.S. state that ironically wants to be its own country of redneck heaven

    2. Bwhaha I can't say I've spent much time in Alabama, but I'm sure the people are a real hoot there ;)

  11. How fun! I have always wanted to do this!

  12. That is so cool!! Should I be holding my passport when I'm jumping over the line?! :)

    1. The Canadian customs is a few hundred feet away from the line, so nobody is there demanding a passport thankfully. The bridge is such a great way to get a good view of the falls without having to deal with a passport if you don't want to go through the Canadian customs, but you will need it to come back through the US side.

  13. I have stood in two different counties at the same time, but the opportunity to stand in two countries at once has not presented itself. If I ever get the chance to, I am going to do it just for fun.

  14. Looks like fun! I have done this before between the US and Mexico.

  15. That looks like fun! I've never stood in two countries at once!

  16. How cool! It looks like such a fun place to visit!

  17. Oh wow! That's so cool! I love photo opportunities like that one! It gives incredible memories! :D

  18. Wow, this is so interesting. I love this post, so cool!

  19. How cool! Reminds me of the movie, A Walk To Remember. I have never been to Niagara. Hope to make it there someday!

  20. How fun! I love see photos of your family!

    I only have been when I was in high school. My grandparents stayed in Texas, so I visited and then went to Mexico.

  21. Love this! What a fun idea. I've been to Niagara Falls but never done this, what a fun idea! - Jeanine

  22. It would be so cool to get a photo like these. I will be going to Niagara Falls in the next few weeks. I will have to take one then.

  23. haha That's awesome, it's pretty cool being able to say you've been in two places at the very same time! Awesome pics

  24. Oh this so fun!! I totally want to visit this area of the country.

  25. So cool! I miss the Falls. I'm from Buffalo and miss it!

  26. I have never stood in two countries at the same time. Very fun though!

  27. I am just loving it, this could have been so much fun & a wonderful feeling as well to take a picture standing in 2 countries at a time. The pictures are pretty amazing & I want one such stand sometime!

  28. That is so amazing! In would love to visit Niagara one day. I've never been in between two countries before. I would love that experience though.

  29. Beautiful images! And I can't think of a more incredible spot to capture a photo!

  30. Hahaha I actually have!!! I live about an hour south of Niagara Falls ;-) love the picks!!!

  31. You look so good! You look like you could be a sister to your kids! Looks like y'all had a blast!

  32. That's awesome! I have never stood in 2 countries at once but now I think I must.


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