
Monday, September 5, 2016

Lions and Cheetahs and Baby Pandas, Oh My!

Earlier this year, we asked the girls where they wanted to go on vacation this summer. We told them they could choose the destination (within reason, of course) and we'd happily start making plans. We gave them a few suggestions- back to Smoky Mountains, touring a different national park, like Yosemite, explore New York, visit a new theme park... Nope, they didn't want any of that. Mariah was itching to go to Canada simply because of the new baby pandas that they recently bred at the Toronto Zoo. Thus, our entire vacation was based around getting a glimpse at Jia Panpan and Jia Yueyue.

Toronto Zoo

We arrived at the zoo as soon as it opened and figured that as the day went on, the line to see the pandas was only going to get longer. So, our first stop was the panda exhibit. We did stand in line for about 30 minutes, but thankfully it wasn't too hot that day and most of the wait was indoors. After seeing this little bugger, the wait was definitely worth it!

Baby Panda

While the pandas really are the main attraction, there were plenty of other beautiful animals to admire as well. And a few not so beautiful animals too. Like this ugly camel that I simply loved.


Red Panda






There are plenty of spots for fun photo opps too! The girls happily hopped on the statues to have their photos taken.

There were extra activities to participate in, like zip-lining over the zoo, but we didn't participate in that. It took us about 3 hours to get through the entire zoo, so we still had plenty of the afternoon to explore more of Toronto. Thanks to those sweet little baby pandas, we were able to plan out an entire week long vacation that was packed with amazing adventures. Be sure to come back over the next few weeks to get a glimpse of more family friendly things to do in Toronto!

What is your favorite exhibit at the zoo?


  1. They did not want to explore New York? What? What kind of kids have you raised? :)))
    I do adore me red pandas! And camels are such charming ladies and gents. We have one of the most beautiful of the European Zoos in my city but I never go because my heart can't stand watching animals in captivity :(

    1. New York was second on their list, and I was surprised that they did want to go to the zoo. One, because they are getting a bit too old for it, and another, because like you, Mariah hates seeing animals in captivity. You should hear her rant about Sea World. That place is the epitome of evil in her eyes. I have to keep reminding Jason that when we visit Florida or California, Sea World is not to be included on the itinerary or we'll feel her wrath. I guess she felt she could bend her rules for the baby pandas though.

    2. it is only good when they have wounded animals or those who cannot live in wilderness, our ZOO is mostly like that, we accept ill animals and treat them there, but Belgrade ZOO is the place of pure ebil, all in concrete and bars.... I once went there and I still cannot recover many years after....

    3. Dammit, Dezz, I was gonna ask the same question about N.Y.....

      Hi Theresa.

  2. I don't think I've been to one with a panda before. Or a polar bear for that matter.

    1. They had a polar bear here as well, but he wasn't in his exhibit so we missed him. Chicago's Lincoln Park Zoo has one too.

  3. The panda was cute indeed. A whole vacation around pandas is sure a new one haha awesome shots. The big kitty sure knows how to relax too.

    1. There were two in the exhibit and their big mama was sleeping off to the side. We got there just after feeding and they were quite playful that early. Such a joy to see, I wasn't too mad they were at the center of our vacation plans.

  4. Pandas are so cute. I also like watching any of the monkeys, gorillas, and giraffes. They are all so neat really.

    1. The gorillas are my favorite too. I remember that movie Gorillas in the Mist from the 80's. That's probably what first started my love for them.

  5. The animals are all so cute! I do love the baby panda most though!

    1. I just wanted to snuggle them! They were so cuddly!

  6. We hit the zoo whenever we can. It's such a great way to spend the day. I'd love to be able to spend the day at the Toronto Zoo with the family.

  7. Monkeys are always a family favorite! That camel looks awesome!!!

  8. We always loved going to the zoo. This one looks like a fun time for the whole family.

  9. I would literally plan my whole vacation around those pandas and I love that there were such a variety of species to learn about! The zip lining sounds fun too -definitely on my list of places to visit!

  10. I miss the zoo. We haven't been in a couple of years and i need to get us back there soon. I love all of it but could sit and watch the giraffes all day long! - Jeanine

  11. I love going to the zoo with my family! I think the pandas are so cute!

  12. 'spots for photo opps.' Did you strategically place that line underneath the leopard? buwahaha I love the pictures, and that was a great idea for a vacation spot. What a sweet little Panda Bear!

    1. Bwhahaha! Not, that "spot" was purely coincidental. Hilarious that you connected the two though ;)

  13. You got some amazing shots and I just love all of the animals! We are in need of another family trip to the zoo.

  14. It looks like you had a great time and you captured some beautiful images.

  15. Aww, I always liked seeing the Red Pandas! I'd be excited to see the owls as well.

  16. I have heard fantastic things about the Toronto Zoo. Looks like you had quite the adventure!

  17. We love visiting zoo! Seeing those animals closer really is a great experience!

  18. They're so cute! I'm sure that my son would love this place.

  19. It looks like Toronto has a great zoo! I'm hoping to visit the area later this year. I'll add this to my list.

  20. I'm not personally a fan of the zoos but the animals are definitely adorable!!

  21. Oh wow! That zoo looks like a blast. I love all the various animals they have there. Thank you for sharing.

  22. You got some great shots of the animals! I love sitting and watching the animals at our local zoo. Looks like the Toronto Zoo has everybody's favorite.

  23. I like the city of Toronto. I don't recall ever having visited their zoo but if I did it would have probably been in the early 1980's. There's a lot to do in and around the city. Someday I hope we can return for at least a few days. Zoo photos are nice.

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out

  24. How beautiful are these shots! I love taking the kids to the zoo especially since it's a pretty awesome learning experience for all of us.

  25. You really took some amazing shots. I am still in awe of how cute the baby pandas are I want one lol

  26. The animals look healthy and clean :) I went to some overseas zoos before and the animals looked so pitiful sigh..

    Ai @ Sakura Haruka

  27. You captures some really beautiful pictures of the animals. That owl is very majestic looking.

  28. What a funny camel... :D
    my children love visiting zoo too...


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