
Sunday, September 25, 2016

Why My Teen Rocks! #YoplaitGoBig

My teen daughter just started her senior year of high school, and I find myself constantly wondering where the time went. I am simply amazed at what an awesome kid she is, and admire her gung-ho approach to life. Sometimes I feel overwhelmed just looking at her daily schedule and can't believe how much she can accomplish in just one day. That girl is going to conquer the world some day. I was recently challenged by Yoplait Go Big to write an open letter to my daughter telling her how amazing she is, and I want to it with all of you today because she really is one of a kind! And, you know, because of mommy bragging rights and all that jazz.

Dear Mariah,

You know what? You are a pretty incredible teen! From the day you were born, you have been a constant joy in our lives. You have so many strengths, and the world is a better place because you are in it. You never cease to amaze us, so we want to share just a few things that we admire about you:

Your Adventurous Nature

You are always up for a challenge. Whether it's riding roller coasters, hiking through the mountains, or kayaking, you hardly ever turn down the chance to explore new things and experience new adventures.

Your Love of Family

You are a fabulous big sister! Even though there is a 5 year age gap between you and Allison, you have always treated her as an equal. I love that she can turn to you for advice and I know you will guide her in the right direction. You are always ready to step up to the plate and help her with her homework because, let's face it, mom and dad stink at math.

Your Work Ethic

Not only are you at the top of your class, all while taking advanced placement classes, you still find the time to volunteer and hold down a part time job. Seriously, how do you do it all? You can certainly run circles around us with all that you accomplish in a day, and we are so excited to see your future achievements! We love you and are so proud of the person you have become!

Mom and Dad

Tweens and Teens have a hunger for life, and new Yoplait Go Big is there to help fuel amazing things they do and to help them power through their day. The large grip and rip pouches are filled with delicious fruit yogurt that's bursting with flavor, and Mariah loves snacking on them with her lunch, as an after school snack, during homework, hanging out with her little sister, or any chance she can get!

Yoplait Go Big

Yoplait Go Big

Go Big is a great snack for tweens and teens because it contains:

• No artificial colors
• No high fructose corn syrup
• Contains real fruit
• Good source of calcium
• Gluten free
• Kosher dairy

Each multi-pack box contains 8 Go Big pouches, in two different flavor varieties: Strawberry/Mixed Berry and Peach Mango/Cherry. You can find them in the dairy case at most major retailers, except for Publix. We found ours at Martin's Supermarkets and Walmart.

Do you have a teen that you think is pretty amazing too? Go Big wants to spotlight their amazingness! For a chance to win the spotlight for your teen, head over to the Go Big Facebook Page and share how your teen inspires you. Go Big will select 3 teens with incredible stories and give them a platform to show the world! Nominees must be between 13-17 at the time of nomination. More information and contest rules can be found directly on the Go Big Facebook page.

How does your teen Go Big in their everyday life?


  1. Wow! What an incredible daughter you have. I love your letter and can see why you are so proud of her! Congrats.!!

  2. Mariah, please come over my kids could learn a lot from ya:)
    (my boys will turn 11 next week) I know they are not as old, but you are such an amazing dahgter & sister!

    Theresa, the credit goes to the parents all the way. More to moms! So., in shirt you need to give me some tips!

    Jokes apart, so amazing that your girls are lovely. I love their names!

  3. I really love it that Mariah works, that is so lovely! Sadly in my country teens don't really have places to work, since even those least paid ones are taken by poor adults, but I can imagine how beneficial it can be, especially in a country like USA whey they have all the basic things, so working can teach them that not everything comes for free. We're proud of Mariah!

  4. I had the same job as her once upon a time. I always hated how your hands would freeze to death by the end of the day.

  5. She sure is a daughter to be proud of indeed.

  6. Sounds like you have a wonderful daughter - I know you are one proud mama! :)

  7. What an amazing daughter! I know you are proud!

  8. This is a wonderful post. We often times get hung up in the negative things. Our Children, Tweens, Teens and Adults all need to hear good things. You have a wonderful daughter. I love that she helps Allison with math. I don't know what I'd do without my husband in that area. He's the helper in our family.

  9. What a great post and your daughter sounds amazing. I like that Go Big is gluten free and contains real fruit.

  10. This is a sweet post! Your daughter sounds like a great kid. Love the Go Big yogurts too.

  11. Gosh I would love to be a high school senior again - the excitement of college and going out on your own! sounds like you raised a pretty great responsible smart kid, so awesome! Sweet note to her, I'm sure she will treasure it and the words of encouragement! Blessings to you and her, and that amazing future she is about to discover!

  12. This is such a sweet and adorable post. Congrats - looks like you've got quite the well-rounded and beautiful teen!

  13. This is such a great post. Your daughter sounds pretty great!

  14. Aww, it's great that you're daughter is making you so proud! She sounds like such a motivated person!

  15. She sounds like an amazing girl! I DO have two amazing teens in my home too. Now I'm inspired to write them a letter too


  16. So sweet! Your daughter is so adorable! I would love to write a letter to my daughter too!

  17. This has to be one of the sweetest posts I've read today! We're all very proud of our kids and it's nice to tell them that every once in a while. I think it's awesome of Yoplait to promote something like this!

  18. I love your letter to your teen. How fun that yoplait is offering up such a platform! Guess I will mosey on over and give my two cents. I have a fab. teen too. :)

  19. You deserve a pat on the back too. Your daughter is awesome because you raised her well. I am happy to know that she also makes great choices for healthy snacking. Staying healthy and fit will help her a lot in achieving her dreams.

  20. Mariah sounds like a really lovely young girl! You've done a really great job! Love this post, so very sweet! So great of Yoplait to do something like this as well! - jeanine

  21. You have such a beautiful girl! Great post btw, thanks for sharing! <3 - http://www.domesticgeekgirl.com

  22. This is so sweet! What a great campaign. Best wishes to Mariah!

  23. It sounds like you have an amazing kid. such a good mommy!

  24. Oh, she sounds amazing! Please bid me good luck to her. How I wish I have a daughter too!

  25. Oh she sounds so wonderful. Wishing her the best of luck!!!

  26. Sounds like you've raised a very accomplished girl. I have two boys that are seniors this year. How time flies!

  27. Mariah sounds like an amazing girl and she's beautiful! She will do great things in life!

  28. I've loved seeing your girls grow up on your blog through the years. You are raising them up to be fine young ladies!

    Ai @ Sakura Haruka

  29. Aw, she sounds wonderful. Great job on raising such great children.

  30. Don't we just love these "little women"? We were all like that as well and gosh, how time flies when it comes to their maturity and development. I better think of stocking up on those Go Big yogurt packs!


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