
Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Fabulous Environmentally Friendly Holiday Gifts for Kids Under $30!

Disclosure- I received the mentioned product courtesy of the sponsor for the purpose of this review. All opinions are genuine, based on my experience with the product, and have not been influenced by promotional items.

I'm a girl's girl. I love to see women succeed. Yesterday was Day of the Girl, and it really makes you realize that women don't always get the same opportunities as men to grow and thrive and be successful in the world. I feel very blessed having been born in the U.S., and while it's not a total perfect system here, women have many opportunities to be just as, and sometimes more successful then their male counterparts. 

I am a big fan of not only supporting women in the workplace, but I also like to support small business, especially if that small business supports women, is environmentally friendly, and has amazing products. Recently, I was introduced to Pebble by Kahiniwalla and immediately fell in love because they offer everything I look for when shopping for my holiday purchases. 

Pebble aims to provide employment opportunities to women in rural Bangladesh, where women can work close to home, keeping families together and leaving them less susceptible to vulnerable or violent situations. Pebble has a deep commitment to Fair Trade, paying their 12,000 female employees promptly and fairly, and ensures safe working conditions while protecting the rights of children. 

The handmade items from Pebble are not only ethically made, they are incredibly adorable! Sure to capture the hearts of your children this holiday season, you'll feel good knowing your purchase is contributing to making a better life for women in Bangladesh. 

I'll be gifting this precious Horse Rattle and Corn Rattle to my baby nephew this Christmas. I love how vibrant the colors are on each rattle, how soft the 100% organic cotton is, and how beautifully each piece was stitched. You can tell each piece is high quality and made with care.

Best of all, both of these rattles are affordably priced at under $30 each! Not only can you find these cute little handmade plush, Pebble has a beautiful selection of hats, key rings, and nursery items. When making your purchases this holiday, be sure to keep Pebble in mind. You'll be helping to pull women out of poverty while putting smiles on your little's face.

If you would like to learn more about Pebble's handmade items, be sure to visit their website. Follow along on Facebook to learn more about how shopping with Pebble is changing the lives of women.

Have you started your holiday shopping? Will you buy more big box or small business this year?



  1. 'tis lovely that they're environmentally friendly! Da corn is certainly weird, I mean why would one need a stuffed corn :), but the animal is cute!

    1. They have a whole line of little food rattles. The donuts are especially adorable!

  2. Cute indeed. Would make neat little gifts. I use the internet for shopping so very little big box stores.

    1. Me too. I despise heading out into the crowds. Online shopping is the way to go for me too.

  3. I like the corn.

    I'm getting there. I have my nephews done for sure and then some. I think their birthdays are finished as well.

    1. I have Allison's bday and Christmas in the same week, and have barely bought anything. We'll be taking her to Chicago to meet one of her favorite YouTube stars later tonight. She gets a signed book with the ticket we bought that I'll save for one of those days.

  4. Oh my goodness they're cute. I like things like this, and yep, I totally am a girl's girl too (but not anti-man, lol)!! Power to the women folk. I wish her well in her business!

    1. We definitely aint' bagging on the men folk, but we sure do love to see woman succeed :)

  5. These are both so cute. I have not started any shopping yet. I do most of my shopping online.

  6. I love these! I'm from the south, so we all appreciate crocheted and knitted items down here. These are great!

  7. I love that they are fair trade and support keeping families together in rural Bangladesh. It's important to put your money towards companies that treat their employees ethically!

  8. Um these are the cutest things ever!!!! I love what they stand behind too!

  9. This is such a great list! I love how cute those crochet animals are.

  10. super cute!! I think crochet stuffed animals are all time classic. Love!

  11. We LOVE the Pebble company! We have a new baby in the family and I sent her a few of the toys. They are so cute and socially responsible.

  12. Oh these are some lovely gifts! It's so nice that they are handmade and it's good to hear that Pebble treats their employees fairly.

  13. I love the fact that they are ethically made. It is good to see that in other regions of the world they are looking out for women.

  14. I haven't started to even think about holiday shopping yet.... will get through Halloween first. November is my month to figure out Christmas. I love to give handmade items though...my kids prefer that sort of gift as well.

  15. Ah. I havent started my holiday shopping yet but I need to get on that ASAP. I think these are so cute, that corn is adorable! - Jeanine

  16. Pebble sounds like a great company. I love these stuffed animals. They would make great gifts.

  17. These toys are beyond adorable and just right for my 9 month old nephew. I love that they support fair trade and working women too!

  18. Wow, they are so gorgeous. I love the fact that they are environmental-friendly, great for kids!

  19. Those are too dang cute. I am a huge fan of small businesses as well.

  20. I love this!!! I'm a huge fan of supporting women around the world and purchasing fair trade items! KahiniWalla has so many cute things!!!

  21. I think that's brilliant. To be able to employ and help out communities that need it the most is an amazing thing, how can you not support a cause like that. I love that it's eco-friendly as well, perfect for kids!

  22. These are adorable! You're right they would make amazing holiday gifts this year for some super special kiddos

  23. What beautiful toys! I know they will become cherished keepsakes for any child who owns one.

  24. I would love to get the stuffed horse rattle for my grandson. At a young age of 10 months, she shows interest in animals and smiles and giggles whenever he sees a dog, a cat, bird, or any other animal. I love that purchasing these would help empower women and help them out of poverty. Awesome.

  25. I would buy one of those for myself - they are so cute!! I agree with someone above - I haven't even started thinking about holiday presents

  26. Really great and exclusive! Thanks!

  27. Really great and exclusive! Thanks!

  28. I haven't started shopping yet but I need to. I love the corn rattle, too cute!


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