
Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Wordless Wednesday ~ Farm Fun

Mariah's workplace gave her free tickets to the local pumpkin patch/fun farm, so we took full advantage over the weekend. I'd say the kids looked like they had a blast :)

Have you been to the local pumpkin patch farm yet this year?


  1. such fun seeing kids happy and entertained :) That lil' piggie needs a bath, methinks! We do have pumpkin days in Vojvodina, even competitions for the biggest ones, but not in a city where I live, just in small towns. Grannies like to bake filo pastry pumpkin pies here, but I hate them :) I prefer my pumpkins roasted with potatoes or in a cream soup....

    1. Those piggies were so filthy! I think a filo pastry pumpkin pie sounds really good. I may have to make one for dessert this week. I like pumpkin in everything except for drinks. Those pumpkin spice lattes everyone goes nuts for this time of year make my belly churn!

    2. Here's da recipe:
      You need to mix 3 egg whites with a cup of sugar (2dcl), some vanilla, and then 3 egg yolks too. And then a cup of yoghurt or butter milk, and half a cup of oil. You may add some baking soda in it too, or baking powder.
      You also need a kilo of grated pumpkin which you sprinkle with some vanilla and sugar to taste.
      Then you take three filo pastry sheets, brush each one with the egg mixture, put them one on top another and spread pumpkins over the last one and then roll it. The mixture is enough for three or four of such rolls. You then brush them with some oil and bake them at 200*C for about twenty minutes or half an hour at 180*C.

    3. Awesome! Thanks Dahlink. Printing it off now. Maybe I can get the girls to make some with me this weekend :)

  2. We haven't gone yet. We're waiting until Grandma and Grandpa Apel come to see if they want to go. They never want to do anything, so we shall see.

    I'm so glad to see that your girls do the things! Mica last year wouldn't jump. I'm like, "It's so fun. College students are jumping over there." He's too cool to have fun - what's up with that?

    Anyhow I just found out that we have one of the 10 top pumpkin patches in the US. YAY! If you ever come to Nebraska come when it's fall to hit up the zoo and the patch. Ha!

    I love all the colors in this post. You got some great pictures!

    1. That's so cool ya'll are in the top 10 for pumpkin patches!
      These 5 will do anything when they are together, no matter how babyish it seems. Separate them and it's like pulling teeth to get them to have fun. It's not just Mica!

  3. They sure look like they are all having a grand time indeed.

  4. That looks like so much fun! I'm ready to get out to our pumpkin patch - however, Hurricane Matthew is bearing down, and it looks like we're heading out of town through the weekend. :( We're thinking of taking a little road trip to Tennessee, since we have to leave anyway. :) Why not...take advantage of the school and work closings, and have a mini vacay!

    1. Sorry you have to deal with the hurricane, but a road trip sounds like a lot of fun! Maybe you should take in The Smoky Mountains? We went last summer and loved it! We did cave exploring and Rock City too. At least you'll have some fun options to make lemonade out of the lemons that are headed your way.

  5. That looks like so much fun! There's nothing more fun that hanging out with the family... AND varmints!

    1. Family and varmints. There's not better combination to pass away a fall day :)

  6. It looks like you guys had a great time. There's nothing better than a day of being with the family and enjoying some gadget-free fun.

  7. It looks like you guys had a ton of fun! I would love to bring my kids to a farm like this.

  8. I would love to take my son there! What great family photos you got, for great memories, my favorite is the one at the top!

  9. Such great photos of your family enjoying the farm. I love the whimsical colored tires!

  10. I love these photos! There's so many fun things to do and memories to make. Farms are fun.

  11. This looks like a great way to spend the afternoon. I just love the cow train.

  12. Fall is the perfect time to visit a farm! There are not many cows in Las Vegas, so I am especially jealous that you all got to pet one.

  13. Oh my goodness, this looks like it was a blast. So glad you guys had so much fun!

  14. With the kids being older I thought they wouldn't mind me picking up pumpkins at the grocery store. Boy, was I wrong! Off to the pumpkin patch!

  15. What a way to kick off Fall. Cute family and I love the splash of colors in the decor!

  16. Great pumpkin patch, Theresa..We haven't visited any this year..I hope soon :)

  17. You got some wonderful pictures!! This looks like a very fun day. :) Hurricane coming through here tonight and tomorrow. I'll see you on the flip side!!

  18. That looks so much fun! Love that your kids are having a blast! So cool pics!

  19. This look like so much fun, your crew looks like they are really enjoying themselves! So awesome. We have yet to get to a pumpkin patch in our area, but I need to find out about checking them out! - jeanine

  20. This looks like such a perfect fall activity! You look like you had a blast.

  21. This looks like it was a fun way to spend the day with the kids. We have a great farm we like to visit this time of the year.

  22. This looks like so much fun! I think we have something similar in my area. My kids would love it!

  23. This place looks like so much fun! We haven't been to the pumpkin patch yet, but I am hoping to find a great place like this for the kids.

  24. Good to see your girls' shiny faces again. That place looks so much fun. I hope all's as well as it appears, Theresa.

  25. Oh, this is a wonderful fun experienced for your family! I hope to bring my son in a farm like this.

  26. Looks like a fun time! I haven't been to a pumpkin patch yet this year, but hoping to.

  27. I wanted to take the grandkids to a pumpkin patch this year.. but time got away from us and now we are headed to Las Vegas. Maybe next year. Looks like your kids had a great time

  28. What a fun time out!! And ps.. I'm looking forward to what you're gonna do for Halloween this year haha


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