
Thursday, November 24, 2016

Gobble Up Turkey Salad with Walnuts and Grapes

Disclosure- I received the mentioned product courtesy of the sponsor for the purpose of this review. All opinions are genuine, based on my experience with the product, and have not been influenced by promotional items.

Since I wasn't hosting Thanksgiving at our house this year, I went out and bought a small turkey breast for the family to enjoy earlier this week. I knew that after the big meal on Thursday, then doing some power shopping on Friday, I was not going to want to spend a lot of time in the kitchen this weekend. I bought enough so there would be plenty for leftovers, which we've been putting to good use already. Jason took the cranberry turkey sandwich I made earlier this week to lunch, and dinner tonight will be Turkey Salad with Walnuts and Grapes since I found that scrumptious recipe on Golden Blossom Honey and it looked too good to pass up. 

Since Jason has been on a diet, I did end up using fat free mayo and sour cream to try to keep this dish on the healthier side, so I like that I could switch it up to fit our needs without compromising too much on flavor. This salad can be eaten as a stand alone dish, or use it as a spread on some crusty french bread or rolls for lunch or a light dinner.  

4 cups cooked turkey, cubed
2 cups red seedless grapes
1 1/4 cups walnuts, coarsely chopped
1/2 cup mayonnaise
1/4 cup sour cream
1 teaspoon poppy seeds
pepper to taste
radicchio or other lettuce leaves



You can find this recipe, as well as many more delicious recipes right on the Golden Blossom Honey recipe page! Be sure to follow Golden Blossom Honey on Facebook and Twitter to stay up to date on new products and promotions.

If you like this recipe, be sure to come back every Friday, where I feature a new recipe from Golden Blossom Honey!

What's your favorite way to use up Thanksgiving leftovers?


  1. Oh, noes, moma's putting fruit in her savoury salads again :)) You've combined the colours gorgeously! There is always something enchanting in the mix of red with light green!
    We're doing some power shopping today? What are we buying?
    Jason's on a diet? During holidays? Good luck to him :)

    1. We just had a few things to buy this year. I just like going out and being in the mix of the holiday shoppers. I don't live in an area where we are uncivilized when it comes to getting deals. Everyone is so friendly and joyous, even at 4 in the morning lol. Mariah needed new blankets for her bed, so that's about all we bought. Oh, Allison splurged on an oversized teddy bear for $10. I should have told her no, since she has way too many already, but sometimes you just have to give a little treat, you know?

      Jason's chiropractor told him that he needs to reduce gluten from his diet, so he's ever so slowly switching up the diet. I'm trying to put more high protein/low carb/low fat items on the menu. Fingers crossed he can stick with it during the holidays!

    2. yes, sometimes I think we should all quit wheat and other sources of gluten, pasta and bread and pastry, because all of those things slow us down, cause many problems and sometimes even cancer :( But to live without pasta and bread... only if I had a private cook....

    3. The pasta and bread are my issues. I just can't give them up, no matter how hard I try. I'm a sucker for white foods- rice and potatoes too. High carbs and starch, which I know are so bad. I'm sure I could give up the chocolate faster than these things :( If I ever came into money, the first thing I'd get is a personal chef!

    4. I once lived two or three years without potatoes and chocolate :) it ain't difficult, you just don't buy them, but I bet we could replace bread if we had a cook to prepare us tasty replacements! I just can't imagine breakfast without wholewheat bread, nothing else fills my belly. I could live without it in a sandwich for dindins if I had me time to prepare a cooked meal for supper which I don't have.... I don't think I've ever had a warm supper in my life... nor a warm breaky either...

    5. Don't buy them is easier said than done. You pass them in the store and I swear they just call out "buy me! buy me!" You haven't had warm oats for breakfast? I don't eat a lot of hot breakfasts, but I will have hot oatmeal every once in a while.

    6. Nope, never had me any kind of porridge. My moma was never the one to prepare breakfast or dinner, it was always bread, margarine and some salami and feck of kids :)
      I use oats only for stuffing things instead of minced meat. Like red peppers for example. And for stuffings in my filo pastry rolls and pies.

  2. A good way to not have to cook the rest of the weekend. Are you a Black Friday shopping nut at your sea? lol don't stomp on anyone.

    1. It's leftovers and frozen pizza this weekend. I won't be turning on the stove at all. We don't really buy anything on Black Friday, opting for online shopping for our purchases. I just like to wander around and soak up the fun. We don't trample here ;)

  3. Since we never host, I never have much

    1. Smart, Adam. Let everyone else take care of the prep, cooking, and cleanup lol!

  4. That looks so good! I have a metric ton of leftover turkey. I can't wait to try this recipe.

  5. I think I just found the best way ever to use up our leftover turkey. That looks so good, and it seems easy to make. WOOT!

  6. Wow that looks beyond incredible. I need to make this asap! I haven't had turkey in so long so I need to get on this asap because that jus sounds sooo good! - jeanine

  7. Wow! I've never tried it. But I'm pretty sure my husband would love it.

  8. That's a good looking salad to take to work (or eat at home) and a great way to use the leftover turkey. I didn't host this either, but we still ended up with a lot of food (everyone did, our host made a LOT of food, lol). No complaints here!

    1. You gotta love it when you don't host, but still end up bringing leftovers home! :)

  9. That sounds like a great combination of flavors! Love walnuts and grapes!

  10. I will have to make this Turkey Salad with Walnuts and Grapes. It looks so delicious and easy to make. I am sure it will be a big hit.

  11. This salad looks delicious! I love creating new things with left overs!

  12. Hmmm. Maybe I can think of a variation without mayo and sour cream. Personally just not a fan. Thanks for the ideas though~

  13. You did it again! A Turkey salad with honey in it wow looks great!

  14. I bought a turkey breast and a duck. We ate some turkey last night. Now it's turkey, turkey sandwiches and wraps. Then it's duck time!

    This salad does look good!

  15. This looks beyond delicious. Totally a new spin on salad that I have never seen before.

  16. Yum - looks good! I can't stand Black Friday Shopping!!! We got out, but the lines were sooooo long, and even worse trying to get out of the parking lot. It took us 45 minutes to an hours just to get out of the Best Buy Parking lot and cross over the light to get to the mall!! :( Not fun - the mall was better, but the lines were still ridiculous! Kohls...man, the lines literally wrapped around both sides of the aisles all the way to the back wall. We left without buying a single item, after being out for 4 hours! But...I've already completed most of my shopping. All I have left is stocking stuffers.

    1. Kohls was ridiculous here. We stopped in and our lines were to the back of the store as well. We came home, napped, then went back to get what we wanted at about 3am thinking the lines would be cleared out by then. Nope. Still almost to the back of the store. We bought most of what we wanted online this year, but it was fun to be out and about. We did avoid the mall though. I heard there was chair throwing going on (teens trying to start something I believe.)


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