
Friday, November 18, 2016

Keep Your Fork, There's Pumpkin Pecan Pie!

Disclosure- I received the mentioned product courtesy of the sponsor for the purpose of this review. All opinions are genuine, based on my experience with the product, and have not been influenced by promotional items.

I know the turkey tends to steal the show on Thanksgiving, but I'm not ashamed to admit, I actually show up for the desserts. The pies to be exact. I love pumpkin and pecan pie and look forward to seeing them on the menu each year. Plus, can you eat a slice of each on any other day of the year and not get judged for overindulging? Probably not. But, if you are watching your waistline right now and don't want to gorge yourself on two pieces of pie but still want to treat yourself to the flavors of the holiday, I have the perfect recipe for you! This Pumpkin Pecan Pie from Golden Blossom Honey combines the deliciousness of pumpkin pie and is topped with pecans, so you get the best of both worlds all wrapped into one amazing dessert. 

Pumpkin Pecan Pie

I have never made a pumpkin pie from scratch before, so I was a bit nervous that it wasn't going to bake up right. I was needlessly worried since it came out of the oven perfect on my first try. This recipe didn't call for pumpkin pie spice, which caused me to raise my eyebrows, but I went with the flow and hoped for a tasty outcome, and a tasty outcome was exactly what I got. If you serve this pie on Thanksgiving, you won't need to tell everyone to save their forks for pie. They may just start the meal off with dessert first!

3 eggs
1 (15 ounce) can pumpkin, not pie filling
1/2 cup brown sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1 unbaked 9-inch piecrust
1 cup chopped pecans
whipped cream, optional


Pumpkin Pecan Pie

You can find this recipe, as well as many more delicious recipes right on the Golden Blossom Honey recipe page! Be sure to follow Golden Blossom Honey on Facebook and Twitter to stay up to date on new products and promotions.

If you like this recipe, be sure to come back every Friday, where I feature a new recipe from Golden Blossom Honey!

What's your favorite kind of holiday pie?



  1. My, my, somebody has bought tons of pumpkins for Halloween and now moma's only cooking pumpkins stuff :)))
    Looks gorgeous, is it a photo from Honey Bear or your own, if it is your own, bravo lady, bravo! Methinks cinnamon makes even pumpkin edible :)

    1. I will never understand your dislike for pumpkin. It is so dang yummy (well, once you add in the spices lol) That's my photo but Honey Bear owns it now ;) I've been finding all kinds of cute new cookie cutters at the craft store lately and have been snapping them up left and right (like for making those little leaves on the pie). I just bought a bunch of Christmas ones, now all I need to do is figure out how I want to use them!

    2. Don't eat them raw, Dezzzmeister from Dezzyland.

    3. @Blue, oh, my, I've been eating them the wrong raw way all my life!

      @Theresa have you tried that recipe for filo pastry pumpkin roll that I gave you sometime ago?

    4. I was just going through my saved videos last week and came across those pumpkin rolls and kicked myself for not having made them yet. I actually haven't made any bread myself in a few months. It's just been super busy since the beginning of October around here. I will definitely get to them soon and will share a photo on FB when I do :)

  2. Showing up for the pie I've seen many do, not a bad reason to show up indeed haha

    1. Forget the main course, just plop dessert on my plate and I'm a happy girl!

  3. Saving this recipe for next year - this year we have so many desserts already lined up, but that one is definitely a keeper!

    1. Bite your tongue! You can never have TOO MANY desserts ;)

  4. That sound SO GOOD! Pecan pie is one of the biggies down here in the south. This combination of pecan and pumpkin sounds delicious.

  5. Pumpkin pie and pecan pie are two classic holiday desserts. I love this double whammy recipe. This recipe is AWESOME!

  6. This looks amazing and perfect for the holidays! Now if I could somehow get my pies to look that beautiful!

  7. This does look so good! I made a pumpkin pie, but used almond milk instead of evaporated milk. I added a bit of coconut flour to thicken it up, our own cooked pumpkin, and less sugar (since coconut flour has a sweetness in it). Of course other spices. It turned out good. I love pumpkin pie. Most pie I'll dig into though. It's all good.

    1. I love the idea of substituting almond milk for evaporated milk in recipes. I just made a fabulous praline sauce that called for evap. milk, but now I am wishing I would have tried almond milk. Maybe next time.

      I agree on any pie being all good. I so wish it was birthday pie instead of birthday cake. I'll eat pie any day of the week!

  8. Get out!! I love both of those and never thought to put them together! YUM!

  9. That looks so good! I never thought about the addition of honey in a pecan or pumpkin pie. I need to try this for sure.

  10. I have to make one of these! Not only does it look delicious, it is so pretty, too!

  11. I love saying that word out loud: pumpkin... pecan... pie!

  12. This looks SO good! I wish I can try all the pie recipes out there! I would love to have this on our Thanksgiving table!

  13. The pie looks amazing, and I already know I'd love it. But let's talk about those leaves!! How cute. That was a fabulous idea to use for making the crust. Pinning it.

  14. I am all over this recipe! We always make pecan pies for thanksgiving so I will definitely be trying yours! Printing this post now!

  15. I actually like that it doesn't have pumpkin spice in it. This looks great with the pecans on top. My favorite though is good ol' apple pie.

  16. This really looks like an unique pie.
    I will have to try this.

  17. I would love to try making my own pumpkin pie from scratch. This recipe looks so delicious I am excited to make it this weekend.

  18. Ooo~ Tasty. I just made a pumpkin pie yesterday. While I'm not a huge fan of Pecans, I might integrate a few bits of this recipe for the next go around. :)

  19. I should save this recipe! I really want to try this for my family

  20. Such a classic. Love that it's made with honey. I'll have to try this for Thanksgiving.

    Besos Sarah.

  21. This looks totally delicious! I never would have thought to mix my two favorite pies together.


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