
Friday, November 4, 2016

Sweeten Up Thanksgiving Dinner with Pecan Topped Sweet Potatoes

Disclosure- I received the mentioned product courtesy of the sponsor for the purpose of this review. All opinions are genuine, based on my experience with the product, and have not been influenced by promotional items.

Now that we have Halloween behind us (sniff, sniff), it's time to think about Thanksgiving. Growing up in the south, we were big on serving up comfort foods for Thanksgiving, which I still love to do to this day. But, there was always one dish on the table that I refused to touch, and that was anything made with sweet potatoes. My mom always called them yams, which are totally different from sweet potatoes and can usually only be bought in the ethnic grocery stores here, but the name "yam" was just a turn-off for me, making me think of vomit. A little off-topic, but have you ever seen I'll Be Home for Christmas and the old lady says, "Santa just yammied in your handbag?" You can see where I would associate the two. Anyway, I went about 33 years of my life never having a sweet potato, but a few years back a restaurant opened near my house that served only southern cuisine and they had sweet potato pie on the menu. Feeling a little brave that day, I decided to split a slice with Jason. You know what? I learned that sweet potatoes aren't bad at all. They are actually pretty amazing! This year I'll be adding them to the menu in this Sweet Potatoes with Pecans recipe that I found on Golden Blossom Honey. 

Sweet Potatoes with Pecans

My mom usually tops hers with marshmallows, which is fine, but I like the idea of a brown sugar and pecan crumble on top of mine more. It's less gooey and more sophisticated, I think. It just looks prettier on the table too, more like a dessert loaf. 

1 1/2 pounds sweet potatoes, peeled and cubed
1 egg
1/2 cup milk
3 Tablespoons butter, melted
1/4 teaspoon cinnamon
1 teaspoon vanilla
1/2 cup light brown sugar, packed
1/3 cup flour
2 Tablespoons butter, cut into small cubes
3/4 cup pecans, chopped


Sweet Potatoes with Pecans

You can find this recipe, as well as many more delicious recipes right on the Golden Blossom Honey recipe page! Be sure to follow Golden Blossom Honey on Facebook and Twitter to stay up to date on new products and promotions.

If you like this recipe, be sure to come back every Friday, where I feature a new recipe from Golden Blossom Honey!

What are some of your favorite Thanksgiving side dishes?


  1. Ooo~ Looks tasty. My norm for sweet potatoes is Bourbon Candied Yams. I'd share the recipe but have to dig it out first. :)

    1. Those sound like something my husband would love! Once you dig it out, please feel free to send it my way!

  2. never had me sweet potatoes nor pecans, but it does look nom

    1. I think you would love both Dezzy!

    2. I did see sweet potatoes in one of our supermarkets. How does one usually make them? Can they be baked savoury like the regular ones? Or are they just for cakes and such things? Are they too sweet, or like pumpkins? Can I mix them with regular potatoes and bake them in the oven?

    3. PS that little orange pumpkin looking bowl in which you keep pecans is absolute delight!

    4. Sweet potatoes are actually a root, so they are harder than your standard potato. Maybe a bit harder than a carrot. They can be boiled, baked, fried. Really, any way you want to serve them, except for raw because they do taste bland without spices. They aren't sweet at all until you mix in your sugars or other sweeteners.

      Isn't that dish awesome? I found it on clearance for $1 last week and snapped it up. I was bummed that there weren't more!

  3. I just eat the same old come Thanksgiving, not surprising I bet haha, which has come and gone here.

    1. Did you eat your normal chicken or did you get a little crazy and have turkey on Thanksgiving?

  4. Yum - we have several recipes for sweet potatoes that we swap out from year to year. May have to add this one to the list. Looks so good! One of my favorite parts of the Thanksgiving meal is sweet potatoes - however they are prepared. :)

    1. This is the link to the one we do the most - it's reaaaaallllly good! http://www.foodnetwork.com/recipes/patrick-and-gina-neely/glazed-sweet-potatoes-recipe.html

    2. Those look amazing! I am pinning that to try soon!

  5. Thanksgiving is my least favorite holiday. I don't think it's a coincidence Americans made a holiday dedicated only to food.

    1. Valentine's Day would be my least favorite day. Nothing irritates me more than women getting upset because they didn't get chocolates or flowers.

  6. Yay-UH! This is a great variation on an old favorite. We have sweet potatoes at every Thanksgiving, and I can't wait to try this variation.

  7. This looks so yummy. I love sweet potatoes with brown sugar and cinnamon. I will have to try this recipe for Thanksgiving. My husband loves pecans.

  8. I am not a huge sweet potato fan, but my daughter is. She would love this recipe!

  9. These look real tasty.
    I like your easy-to-follow directions. I hope mine look as good as yours do in the pictures...yum, yum.

  10. This looks delicious! I love sweet potatoes and I can't wait to try this recipe.

  11. I absolutely adore sweet potatoes and do my best to incorporate them into our meals year round. This delicious dish sounds perfect for Thanksgiving!

  12. These sound so good. Sweet potatoes are a staple at our family dinners.

  13. I just bought a huge bag of sweet potatoes at Cosco's. I'm going to try making these next week.

  14. Wow! This is really good on Thanksgiving! Honey is really perfect for this.

  15. I love sweet potatoes. My boys, not so much. Just more for me. :)

  16. My husband would love this recipe. I am not a huge of marshmallows so I would try the pecans also. I will add this to the Thanksgiving day goodies list.

  17. I have never made this before but I would love to try it. Sweet potatoes are a huge hit in this house so I imagine it would be a huge hit.

  18. I'm not waiting until Thanksgiving to make this recipe. Looks so delicious. I want to make it soon.

  19. Yum! I will definitely be trying these! This would make a great addition to any meal!

  20. Sweet potatoes are so yummy! I look forward to them especially this time of year. Your recipe with pecans sounds delightful.

  21. What?! This looks really interesting. I havent really jumped into the sweet potatoes and this would pretty much make my life to make. It looks SO good! - Jeanine

  22. What an amazing meal! I should try this and add on our Thanksgiving menu!

  23. It did turn out looking nice. My granddaughter loves sweet potatoes like no other!

  24. Wow, this is one of the best sweet potato dishes I've ever seen. Gorgeous and sounds delicious!

  25. YUM! We like our sweet potatoes on Thanksgiving around my house. This is truly a recipe we are going to add!

  26. What a delicious way to enjoy sweet potatoes! I'm saving this recipe and sharing it with my sister. We'll be hosting the family's Thanksgiving dinner this year and we're trying to put together a fantastic feast. :)

  27. OH I love how this is different from the normal marshmallow topping! We love pecans!

  28. We absolutely love pecans and would so much rather use them on our sweet potatoes this thanksgiving! Thank you so much for this wonderful idea and DELISH Recipe!

  29. I will have to make this dish for the holidays. It looks so delicious and easy to make.

  30. This dish looks amazing! It's quite easy to do and I love sweet potatoes as well. They're a healthier alternative to potatoes. I would love to keep the recipe!

  31. I have never thought to put pecans on top of the sweet potatoes. I will have to give them a try.

  32. pecan on top! brilliant idea..I love it for its great taste and crunch..


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