
Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Thanksgiving Side Dish: Pumpkin Risotto

I think I'm causing a little panic in my family, since I'm going into my first holiday season as a vegetarian. My mom was wondering what she should make for Christmas dinner, since we always have a prime rib and ham on hand, and went as far as saying we simply could go without it this year. I love how supportive everyone is trying to be, but I know they would totally mourn the holiday meats if I actually asked them not to be served this year (which I wouldn't do!) Even though I haven't eaten any meat in over 5 months, I am sure that even I will mourn not having those dinner staples this year, especially the Thanksgiving turkey! But, I've had all these months to perfect vegetarian dishes. We eat a lot of rice these days, and I find that Arborio rice is one of my favorites. I've experimented with a lot of risotto recipes lately, and last month found a new favorite: Pumpkin Risotto!

Pumpkin Risotto

It has a creamy consistency and is so flavorful, I think it is going to make for an excellent Thanksgiving entree. Who needs turkey anyway?
yield: 6-8 servingsprint recipe

Pumpkin Risotto


  • 1 tbs olive oil
  • 1 cup sweet onion, diced
  • 2 cups Arborio rice
  • 1 cup white wine
  • 2 cups vegetable broth
  • 2 cups water
  • 1 cup pumpkin puree (canned or homemade)
  • 1 tsp grated nutmeg
  • 1/4 cup Parmesan cheese
  • salt and pepper to taste


  1. In a medium skillet, warm the oil over medium heat. Saute the onion until translucent. Add the rice and saute until opaque, about 5 minutes. Add the wine and stir until the liquid is absorbed.
  2. Add the vegetable broth and 1 cup of water. Bring the mixture to a low boil, then reduce the heat to a simmer. Cover the skillet and let the rice simmer for about 45 minutes, stirring occasionally. If liquid inside the pan is absorbing too quickly, continue adding small amounts of the remaining cup of water until rice is cooked through. 
  3. Once rice has finished cooking, stir in the pumpkin puree and nutmeg. Heat until warm. Season with salt and pepper and top with Parmesan if desired. Serve immediately.
Created using The Recipes Generator

Even if you are going to be carving into a delicious Thanksgiving turkey, this pumpkin risotto will make a fantastic addition to your holiday spread this year!

What are some of your favorite non-traditional Thanksgiving entrees or side dishes?


  1. Sounds like you have a way around the meat dishes indeed. Have to eat what is best for us, no muss no fuss.

    1. I agree. Long gone are the days when we could eat whatever we wanted without consequence.

    2. You eat the wrong meat and you end up looking like a turkey from space. All that crap they keep feeding animals...

  2. It looks fantastic, Theresa.. Love to try it.. I'm stuck with pumpkin soup so far, but I really love it!

    1. You know, Indah, I have never tried pumpkin soup. I had it saved in my recipes from Golden Blossom Honey for this year, but just haven't gotten around to making any kind of soup this season yet. I look forward to trying it though!

  3. This looks like a great Thanksgiving dish. I haven't decided what I'm bringing. Usually I bring pomegranate seeds, squash, and a veggie tray. It varies. We have a big meal at my aunt's house. Everyone brings stuff, but no one communicates on what they are bringing. Someone is always annoyed because I bring the same thing as someone else. Sorry!

    1. I think your picks sound awesome! I would love to add pomegranate seeds to our Thanksgiving mix this year. Our family is one big hodgepodge of food too, but if something similar is brought from 2 families, it's not a big deal. The more the merrier :)

  4. I don't know if I could do a meat-free life. My husband wants to toss the traditional Thanksgiving out the window and do an international theme with foods from all over the world. I like the idea, but I haven't given him the green light yet. I like my traditional turkey dinner!

    1. I totally love your husband's idea! Maybe you could still have turkey but just change the spices for a more international flare?

    2. My husband has been trying to get us to do this for Christmas the past 3 years...I just can't give up the traditional either.Turkey for Thanksgiving, ham for Christmas. :) We save the international dishes for New Years - I don't worry about the traditional dishes then...we can vary it up to welcome in the new year.

  5. How are you coping with the food?
    I do love to put pumpkin in rice and in millet! I've recently started cooking brown rice with garlic and dried peas, since it takes them about the same time to get cooked. When you have rice or risotto leftovers you can always make some patties from them the next day :) The same goes for mashed potatoes

    1. Aha! I've never before caught you while you're here answering comments :)

    2. I am doing surprisingly well with the food. I found some vegetarian chicken patties and nuggets from the grocers that I love. Taste just like chicken so that made it a lot easier. I am still trying to find a good veggie burger, but so far none are to my liking. I do need to find a good balance though, because it seems that I am eating way too many carbs these days. I've been adding in more brown rice, but the girls hate it, so I only use it when I can mask the flavor, like cooking it with salsa for burrito night.

      Did I owe you a response on Facebook dahlink? I deleted the app on my phone, and only hop on it when I use my iPad, which isn't often. I think I have several messages to catch up on that I let slip :(

    3. Oh, and there are never leftovers when it comes to Risotto. It's one of my favorites ;)

    4. Yes, I'd stay away from vegetarian bought patties and nuggets with flavourings etc... those are probably artificial and the idea of you going vegetarian is you staying away from any refined or industrial food. You make patties yourself and freeze them and have them whenever you want :) With lentils, beans, soy, peas, cauliflower, sprouts, seeds, sunflower, walnuts, potatoes whatever....

      Indeed you do, deary dahlink :) I did guess you are again using your phone on no computer for Facebooking

  6. Oh wow. I've never had a risotto like this before. Pumpkin is the classic fall flavor, though, so it sounds perfect for the holidays.

  7. I love risotto. It's a dish that takes a little extra love, and people can definitely tell.

  8. This looks so yummy. I have been wanting to make risotto. I can't wait to make this recipe for Thanksgiving.

  9. I have never made risotto. I know a few friends who would love this though.

  10. I just got a kitchen gadget that makes risotto easier. Now I can make this without worrying I'll mess it up. I have never had a pumpkin risotto.

  11. I never had risotto! How sweet of your family to be so supportive!!

  12. This looks really tasty, I would love to try this as a side dish for thanksgiving. I am a very traditional girl, I don't think ive ever strayed from the usual thanksgiving sides. But this looks like it would be a hit!

  13. mouthwatering .
    i am definitely going to give it try

  14. This looks like a great variation.
    My dad loves to cook risotto.

  15. Oh wow! That looks amazing! I have never had this before. I will definitely be trying it soon!

  16. First of all- welcome to the club! I am going on my almost one year anniversary as a vegetarian and I could not be feeling healthier or happier and since I too will not be partaking of any turkey this holiday I'm so excited to incorporate this recipe into our feast!

    1. I do feel so much better, even after only 5 months of being meat-free. My skin is still taking a beating though, but it seems to be clearing up little by little each day. Hopefully that means all those icky toxins are about out of my system now.

  17. I've never had this before and am usually not a huge fan of pumpkin. However, this looks amazing and would love to try it!

  18. Pumpkin Risotto??? Who knew? I'm definitely going to make it and bring it to the Thanksgiving feast.

  19. This risotto looks fantastic! I think I will have this prepared for my Thanksgiving table because not everyone wants turkey or ham.

  20. Oh my that looks yummy and I must have missed something somewhere... I didn't know you became a vegetarian! what caused the change?

    Ai @ Sakura Haruka

    1. I don't think a lot of people who read here realized it since I still feature recipes with meat in them. I had a few health issues over the summer and made the decision that going meat free would be better for my overall health in the long run :)

  21. My husband would love this. He's a risotto fan!

  22. What a healthy and yummy dish! Happy Thanksgiving to all of you from the Philippines!

  23. That looks amazing! I love risotto and to add pumpkin to match the season makes it even more better. It's going to be a hit with the kids as well.


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