
Wednesday, November 9, 2016

What to See in Charming Frankenmuth, Michigan

Jason's been itching to get to Frankenmuth, Michigan for several years, simply to visit their Christmas wonderland store. Since visiting the holiday store was only going to be an hour or two at most, we researched area attractions so we could make a full day out of our visit. We'll get to the wonderland store in another post because I want to focus on the charming town attractions that I think make for a fantastic visit all on their own.

Frankenmuth was founded by 15 German settlers in 1845, so the whole town has a touristy German look and feel about it. I say "touristy" because my daughter's boyfriend's mom comes from Germany and upon seeing the photos said, "That's nothing like Germany at all!" But, for those of us who have never been, it's feels like a fun little Bavarian village where it's easy to pretend you are visiting a foreign land.

Frankenmuth, Michigan

Frankenmuth, Michigan

We walked the whole town on foot in about 3 hours, making a few stops along the way. Our first stop was at the Bavarian Inn, where several times a day you can catch the cuckoo clock chime and tell a fun little story. *Tip- Get close, otherwise it's kind of hard to hear.

Bavarian Inn Clock Tower

Bavariann Inn Clock Tower

Next up, the hubs couldn't pass by the Lager Mill Beer Store and Brewing Museum. Shopping in the store is free, but you do have to pay a small fee to tour the brewing museum.

Frankenmuth Beer Store and Brewing Museum

You can take a drive or a stroll over the beautiful Wooden Covered Bridge:

Frankenmuth Wooden Covered Bridge

Frankenmuth Wooden Covered Bridge

We didn't take a ride, but you can hop aboard the Bavarian Belle Riverboat for a narrated tour of Frankenmuth.

You must stop at the Bavarian Inn Castle Shops. The area and all of the shops are simply adorable!

Bavarian Inn Castle Shops

Bavarian Inn Castle Shops

Frankenmuth Michigan

There are tons of little shops to explore in Frankenmuth, and the girls were over the moon when they realized many of them passed out yummy food samples. My favorite came from The Cheese Haus, where we picked up several varieties of cheese to bring back home.

Cheese Haus

Cheese Haus

Frankenmuth Leather Shop

Frankenmuth Bavarian Inn

Of course, you can't leave Frankenmuth without having some of their famous chicken! We concluded our tour with a stop to Zender's Famous Frankenmuth Chicken Dinners, where you can get an all you can eat chicken dinner meal. It is a bit pricey, though. We did pay around $100 with tip for the 4 of us for lunch, but aside from the chicken being a bit too salty for my liking, it was a really amazing meal.

Zender's Frankenmuth Chicken Dinner

Zender's Frankenmuth Chicken Dinner

Make sure you head in and reserve a spot before touring the town because they do get filled up quickly. We had a 2 hour wait before we could be seated, but we did hit the shops after we made reservations, and if you still have time to kill, head down to the basement of Zender's where you can do a little grocery shopping, and you can see the pastries they sell in shop being made.

Zender's Chicken

Zender's Frankenmuth

Zender's Frankenmuth

If you are heading toward the upper part of Michigan, I highly recommend a stop in Frankenmuth. You won't be disappointed!

Frankenmuth Michigan

Have you ever been to Germany? Would you like to tour a real Bavarian village?


  1. Looks lovely! A Christmas Wonderland!
    Is it very smelly in the Cheese Haus? Hey, shop assistant, your feet are smelly :)
    Germans do have rich food, we share their love for sauer kraut here in Serbia.

    1. No, it didn't smell in the Cheese Haus at all. It was really more like a cheese grocery store where everything was already packaged and ready to sell.

      I do love sauer kraut too! I'd love to try the authentic version some day!

    2. people here usually make 'sarma' with sauer kraut (mince meat stuffed sauer kraut leaf rolls) or they bake the diced one with meat in the oven. It is good for you because it is one of world's strongest probiotics

  2. That sure looks like a great spot to visit. I always liked those covered bridges. Never been to Germany at my sea, would be cheaper to go to Michigan haha

    1. I love those bridges too. It just makes me think of olden days and horses and buggies. A simpler time.

      Yes, it's definitely cheaper to go to Michigan than Germany lol

  3. Replies
    1. I think that once you and Daisy get more settled in, you two will be quite the world travelers ;)

  4. I would love to see Frankenmuth. I'd love to take the family there. It looks like something right out of Europe.

  5. I've visited Frankenmuth twice this year! It is such a fun town to explore. I love the quaint shops, charming architecture and history of the area. I'm trying to convince my husband that he needs to return with me. I visited with my sister-in-law and 5-year old nephew and he can't stop talking about it!

  6. Wow, what a nice area with lots to see. We've never been to Michigan, but Frankenmuth would be on my list now!

  7. Definitely touristy, but SO cool. Thank you for taking me along with you via pictures. Super cool!

  8. This looks like a great place to visit and the food looks good. Visiting Germany is at the top of my bucket list.

  9. Both my husband and I are of German descent and hope to visit the country someday. This adorable town looks like the perfect way to get our fix until we make the actual trek.

  10. This looks so beautiful. It reminds me a lot of Helen Georgia.

  11. I keep hearing about Frankenmuh! It looks like a fun place to visit with the family.

  12. OMG I love this and want to go! I would definitely enjoy spending time there!

  13. This place it amazing! I have to take my wife here sometime. She'd adore it!

  14. This place looks like something out of a movie, how cute! I would love to visit there sometime, and I have never been to Germany.

  15. This is a great place for me and my husband. I'm pretty sure he would love this place.

  16. Wow what a vintage look. I am so happy they kept with the theme and you did a good job with the recap.

  17. This is a nice assortment of pictures.
    We would love to visit Germany as well, especially my husband.
    But this place looks like a fun prelude to such a trip.

  18. There is a lot to see ! And it is all definitely charming. lol. I would love to take the family there.

  19. Well, your husb and I have this common diet coke habit and now I think we are long lost brothers sisters. I would love to go this place & this reminds of the TV series (once upon a time)


  20. Looks so charming and quaint - would love to visit! Never been to Michigan, but if we ever go I know one stop we'll be making. :)

    1. Also - never been to Germany, but it is on my bucket list of places to visit!

  21. Looks like a best place for kids .Such a fantasy land .
    You made me feel being with you through amazing pics dear

  22. I love the shops there and the covered bridge always makes me happy. Frankenmuth is one of the few things I do miss about living up north. :)

  23. I visited Frankenmuth as a kid and then took my kids to the Christmas store on our way to Sleeping Bear Dunes. Best Christmas store in the world! We enjoy seeing our ornaments from there on the tree every year.

    My son lived and worked in Munich this past summer. I would live to go some day and visit the towns of my ancestors.

  24. I love the look of this place.

    I haven't been to Germany, but many of my relatives are from there. I guess Spiehs (my maiden name) and Apel are both popular names there. Not so much here. I'd fit right in.

    Maybe I should move there now that Trump was elected. JK!

  25. I just love the architecture. Beautiful. And quaint. I would love to visit with my family

  26. looks absolutely charming!! :) have a great weekend my dear..

    Ai @ Sakura Haruka

  27. pretty much look like Europe, Theresaaa..

  28. My best friend has family in Michigan, and she's always sharing how gorgeous it is. This is even more proof! I need to get out there.

  29. Charming indeed! Everything looks so lovely and I would definitely love a family trip here.


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