
Friday, December 16, 2016

Hamming It Up This Christmas

Disclosure- I received the mentioned product courtesy of the sponsor for the purpose of this review. All opinions are genuine, based on my experience with the product, and have not been influenced by promotional items.

Confession: I have never hosted a Christmas dinner in my home. I have cooked a big portion of the meal and have transported it to another family member's house, but never have I had to deal with the bustling of extra company on the holiday. We always spend Christmas Eve at my mom's, and the day of at the in-laws, and somehow Christmas breakfast with the extended family kind of just became my job, passed along from my sister-in-law. That's usually done the week before the big day, so we'll be hosting that this weekend. Another confession: I actually like that I won't be dealing with the pressure of having company at my home Christmas day. After being dragged out of bed at unholy hours, watching my floor become littered with paper, ribbons and bows, then having to open toy packaging that I am sure Satan himself pieced together (seriously, have you ever tried to pry a Barbie out of the box without a minimum of 10 different tools to get the job done?) the idea of rushing to clean, cook, then look halfway presentable before company comes strolling in does not appeal to me. At all. So, I would like to take a minute to give a shout out to my mom and mother-in-law for hosting the holiday meal. Thank you for saving my sanity!

Both dinners we'll be attending this year will be served with the traditional holiday ham. Since I am in charge of the main course for my mom's house, I wanted to do something a little less traditional this year and try using Golden Blossom Honey Mustard to add an extra kick of flavor to the meat. I did a test run of this Holiday Ham over the weekend, and it was a success! 

Holiday Ham
Simple, juicy, delicious. I also skipped out on traditional mashed potatoes and served it with steamed baby new potatoes. I did cheap out on prep and used some frozen dinner rolls to round out the meal, but hey, even weekend meal prep has its time limitations. 

1 (5-6 pound) cooked ham (shank or rump portion)

2 cups apple juice or cider
1/2 cup apple cider vinegar
1 cup Golden Blossom Honey Mustard
1 tablespoon butter
1/4 teaspoon ground cloves, divided
1/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon, divided


You can find this recipe, as well as many more delicious recipes right on the Golden Blossom Honey recipe page! Be sure to follow Golden Blossom Honey on Facebook and Twitter to stay up to date on new products and promotions.

If you like this recipe, be sure to come back every Friday, where I feature a new recipe from Golden Blossom Honey!

What are you serving for Christmas dinner this year?


  1. 1st world problems - the toil of getting your presents out of boxes :)))

    Watch and learn from your momma, because one day you will be hosting Christmas lunches for your daughters and their kids :) If you and Jason don't cunningly schedule your yearly European vacations somewhere around Christmas, that is.... :)
    Them potatoes look nom and crunchy indeed!
    I'll probably be eating dry pretzels and not much else at Christmas in my imperial chambers upstairs, as usual, avoiding the ebil feast downstairs.

    1. Dezzy, I don't think you know hell until you try to remove a Barbie or action figure from a toy box ;)

      I think palm trees and sea breezes are in our Christmas futures. I am so sick of the snow and cold! I think a nice tropical Christmas will be fab-u-lous!

      Why not go down to the feast and be the Grinch to the rest of the festivities? Get in the holiday spirit one way or another ;)

  2. haha yeah sometimes one toy takes longer to open than all of the presents. The packaging was all mangled when I got some open, stabbed them with a knife. Thankfully I have no hosting in my future, who needs that work?

    1. I think these toys should come with a set of wire snippers included. Makes one not want to buy the same kind of toys the next year after all that work!

  3. I usually eat the same thing on a normal day. Eve is usually when the families create something that's like a feast

    1. I hope you get to take some of the leftovers home to enjoy on Christmas Day!

  4. Yum - as much as I love turkey on Thanksgiving, I look more forward to the ham on Christmas! Although, we always host Christmas (and Thanksgiving) at our house - it's not ideal in my head, but it does work best for our family. My MIL stays the whole month of December with us (arrives before daughter's birthday, and leaves after Christmas), and my parents usually come down Christmas Eve - this year, not until Christmas Day. When our kids were younger, it was just easier to stay put with all of the Christmas gifts then having to lug them out of town...so we became the Holiday Hub! I would love to try the honey mustard on the ham, but I'm not so sure my hubby would go for that...he's not a fan. :(

    1. We used to have to travel to 4 different houses with both girls and it was a nightmare. When we bought our house, we said, enough! We'll do breakfast, cut out 2 houses, and do the eve at my mom's. It is really hard to trek all over when you have small ones, so that's great your family comes to you! You get the bonus of extra hands to help prepare the dinner and wrap the gifts too. Sounds like a pretty sweet deal ;)

  5. We go to my parents for Christmas dinner and they make turkey. This ham sounds better than that, though. NOM.

    1. I think turkey would be great on Christmas, Robin. We've done prime rib a lot as well.

  6. That looks so good. We have turkey every year, but we also have a ham. I'll have to give this a try. Everything's better with honey.

  7. I like that you switched it up and did whole potatoes instead of mashed. I love that idea!

  8. We always have ham for every Christmas dinner and this looks amazing! I have to have one!

  9. Honey mustard and ham is a classic combination. This sounds perfect for the holidays.

  10. My husband always had ham on Christmas (until he married me!). All of your recipes always look amazing!

  11. Our Christmas is not complete when ham is not on our table! That looks fantastic!

  12. That one looks fantastic! Ham is the center of our table for Christmas eve!

  13. Looking forward to having delicious ham this Christmas! I will try your recipe. I just love the combination of apple cider and honey! Yum.

  14. My sister-in-law is in your shoes regarding this hostess thing.
    I will share your valuable article with her.

  15. This looks SO delicious! Definitely trying this for Christmas! :D

  16. I LOVE ham...I want!!

    Have a Merry Christmas :)

  17. That's a succulent looking ham. I'm not hosting this year and I didn't last year. I actually miss it though. ;)

  18. We're totally making ham this year too! Your recipe looks amazing!!

  19. This looks yummy!

    We have different types of soups, shrimp, crackers, a veggie tray, holiday grapes and more for Christmas Eve and a hodge podge for Christmas day. Meaning everyone brings stuff.


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