
Friday, December 23, 2016

Homemade Glazed Pecans Make A Delicious Last Minute Gift

Disclosure- I received the mentioned product courtesy of the sponsor for the purpose of this review. All opinions are genuine, based on my experience with the product, and have not been influenced by promotional items.

It never fails. Every year I forget to get a gift for someone on my list. I am really good about getting the family and friends done way early, but there's always that neighbor, co-worker, or relative that you hardly see that just slips your mind. I like to make extra cookies when I am doing my holiday baking so I can quickly box them up for gifting so nobody has to know they were forgotten during the holidays. This year, I was a bit cookied out, so I decided to make homemade Glazed Pecans from Golden Blossom Honey instead. This recipe can be made up to a week ahead of time, so it is perfect to have on hand for last minute gifts.

Glazed Pecans

Pick up some little ceramic pots from the $1 store or Michael's, quickly wrap it up in some cellophane, then top with a ribbon or bow for an inexpensive, yet elegant presentation. These pecans are the perfect holiday treat, not only for gift giving, but they are great to keep out for your holiday guests to snack on too!

These are super simple to whip up, but the syrup dries very quick, so when the recipe says work quickly, you better work quickly. Also, before the candies dry completely, remove them from the wax paper and transfer them to a cookie sheet to fully dry, otherwise you'll end up having to pick off wax paper from the bottoms of the pecans. You can use a metal spatula to effectively remove the candy from the cookie sheet a lot faster than it would take to pick off stuck on wax paper. Allow candies to fully dry and harden before storing in an airtight container to prevent them from sticking together.

1 1/2 cups packed brown sugar
1/2 cup cream sherry
1/3 teaspoon ground nutmeg
1/4 teaspoon salt
3 cups pecan halves, toasted


Glazed Pecans

You can find this recipe, as well as many more delicious recipes right on the Golden Blossom Honey recipe page! Be sure to follow Golden Blossom Honey on Facebook and Twitter to stay up to date on new products and promotions.

If you like this recipe, be sure to come back every Friday, where I feature a new recipe from Golden Blossom Honey!

Wishing you all a Very Merry Christmas! I hope you have a lovely weekend with your family and friends! ♥



  1. What is cream sherry, deary?
    That is how I roll too! Buy a cheap pot or plate, put some cookies or chocolate on it, wrap up and there you go!
    Those pots really are cute especially in that pair of festive colours.

    Merry Christmas and HAPPIEST OF BIRTHDAYS to you today, hope you get to spend Friday resting and enjoying gifts and presents :) Sending you a big birthday kiss from Europe!

    1. Cream Sherry is cooking alcohol. I've never used it before and had to send Jason to the liquor store to get some. It gives the nuts a really warm flavor and a nice glaze in addition to the honey.

      Thank you for the birthday wishes dahlink. It's a lazy day for me doing nothing. I haven't had one of those in a long time and I will be taking full advantage :) xoxoxo

    2. Have a carefree one, dahlink, rest and do nothing :)
      Oooh, and just saw that snow photo of yours at Facebook, did not know that frozen peer was near you! Its photos went around the world this week, appeared even in our papers :)

    3. Did it really? That pier is about 45 minutes from my house. We went to another one too, about 20 minutes from that one. You can see some really amazing photos and video of the frozen lighthouse if you search Joshua Nowicki - Photography on Facebook. I'll be sharing the ones I took on the blog, probably next week sometime, but they are nowhere near as good as his. He's a pro at photoshop lol. I think he also lives pretty close to that pier, because he takes photos of it daily.

  2. Sounds like the perfect way to gift those who slipped ones mind.

    Hope a great christmas is had at your pad and you have a happy birthday too. Also hope you got more than the poop thing for your birthday/christmas lol Does that actually work? Should I ask?

    1. Thanks Pat :) Well, Jason thinks the squatty potty is the best thing ever, so it definitely gets his seal of approval ;)

  3. Happy Birthday!!!
    I am so going to try this - I spoke with my dad a couple days ago, and before they moved from their old house they picked up over 40 pounds (YES pounds) of pecans from their two trees. He asked me if I wanted some, and heck...I said absolutely! Perfect time to try out this recipe of yumminess! :)

    1. 40 pounds just from 2 trees? Did they realize they were sitting on a gold mine with those trees in their yard? lol If I had a pecan tree in my yard, I don't think I would ever move. Those are my favorite nuts, but man are they expensive! I usually only treat myself to a small bit around the holidays and end up using walnuts the rest of the year.

    2. I know!!! That's what I thought too. I honestly didn't EVER think they would move from that house - they've talked about it many times over the years, but nothing ever came of it. So when they told me they had put it on the market, I was shocked - they had been there 32 years. The pecan trees were HUGE, and they were always giving them away to people. They probably have enough stored up to last them a few years. LOL!

  4. They did turn out cute. I forgot about the mailman and will run out and get him something today. Goodness knows he works hard at this house, lol. :) The yummy pecans would make MY day. Love this idea!

    1. I was going to gift to the mailman this year, but over the past 2 months or so we've had different ones coming to the house. I think our old one must have retired and they are just using fillers until they find a more permanent driver for our area. Some of them are fabulous, the others though, I hope they don't stick around much longer lol

  5. Those sound so amazing! I can see putting these on top of ice cream for a delicious frozen treat. Thank you!

  6. Ahh! Those are so great! I think I'm going to put these on top of my sweet potato casserole this year. Yay!

  7. I love glazed pecans! However, I don't think that I have ever made them myself.

  8. That would be great for a last minute item. I thought I'd have to make more things, but it turns out that I don't too much. I won a tin of old fashioned cookies at work. That's going towards our New Years Eve Party. Then I got a tray of mixed nuts to review that's going towards our Christmas Eve.

    I made gobs of cookies and goodies.
    I need to make a cheese ball, Travis is making a soup, and I'll make a veggie tray.

    It's all coming together. :)

    1. I wish I would have made a cheese ball. Jason is freaking out thinking that I'm not going to eat anything this weekend since both of our families are big meat eaters. I keep reassuring him I'll be fine, there are plenty of sides I can eat lol. Men! I'd love to get my hands on some old fashioned cookies. I saw some at Costco and thought about buying them, but then figured I had leftovers at home I needed to eat first.

  9. Those are so yummy looking. I loved nuts that are prepared like this, and pecans go perfectly with almost anything.

  10. These sound fantastic! They would be great to have out on the table for guests to snack on as well.

  11. Oh my these look so delicious and easy to make. I have never made my own homemade Glazed Pecans before. I will have to give it a try for the Holidays.

  12. Oooh, I've never made them with honey before! I'll have to try these!

  13. Those would actually make a great treat for friends on New Years. Make some little bags of em and tie with a pretty ribbon and all set.

  14. My friends would really love this. And very easy to prepare! Thanks for this post!

  15. Oh wow these sound delicious and the perfect holiday treat as well.

  16. Healthy snack for the holiday season! Perfect gift indeed, Theresa...Happy holiday to you and your family..

  17. I would be nuts to skip this one! I can make these and give them to my lil' nephews and nieces and I think they'll like them in little plastic sock bags!

  18. I've never had homemade glazed pecans before. Looks like a delicious snack.

  19. I love honey recipes. It's healthy and yummy!
    Hope u had a great birthday xo


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