
Thursday, December 22, 2016

How I'm Taking Care of ME in 2017!

Disclosure- I received the mentioned product courtesy of the sponsor for the purpose of this review. All opinions are genuine, based on my experience with the product, and have not been influenced by promotional items.

I know it's said too often at the end of the year, but really- where did this year go? It seems like just yesterday I was planning my New Year's festivities, and now I'm already doing it again. This year was a series of ups and downs for me. I had a serious health scare in June that made me reevaluate my life. Was I spending my time wisely? Was I doing something each day that made me happy? Was I doing all that I could to live a long and healthy life? Simply put, the answer was no. I am now on the mend physically, but getting to emotional well being has been a long road. Now that the holidays are just about behind us, I am going to focus more on myself in the New Year! Here are a few little ways I plan on doing just that.

Read More

Before having children, I would read a book a week. After the kids came, I still tried to squeeze in reading each day, but most days it was just Green Eggs and Ham and The Little Engine That Could. I'm sure it's a universal struggle that all moms face. Once you have kids, you slowly give up doing the things you loved before they came along. This year, my book total was a whopping 5. Most of those being beach reads. So, I'm going to be carving out time each day, even if it's only 15 minutes, to fit my love of reading back into my daily routine. 

Enjoy the Little Things 

We live in a go, go, go world. Everything seems so faced paced these days, and nobody seems to stop to smell the roses anymore. I have been slowly disconnecting from my electronics this past year, and fully plan to continue that next year too. You may have noticed that it's taking me longer to respond to comments and emails, as well as social media posts these last few months. I don't find joy in being so connected these days. I'm slowing down so I can enjoy the beauty of the little every day things. Something I have taken for granted for far too long. 

Allium Flower

Learn Something New 

An idle mind is the Devil's playground, right? I want to learn a new skill, so I just recently bought some crochet needles. I've been pinning tutorials and patterns that I want to attempt in the next few months like a crazy woman.

Go on New Adventures

Sometimes I get stuck in a routine and think that if I break that routine the rest of the week will go straight to hell. I'm slowly letting go of being a stickler for routine and have been saying YES! to new adventures. It doesn't have to be earth shattering adventures. Something simple like trying a new restaurant, trying a new sport, taking a day to explore a neighboring town. The laundry isn't going anywhere and the floors can always be swept tomorrow. Chores can wait, new adventures can't.

Pamper Myself

I think many women are used to spending the majority of their day taking care of others, we forget that we deserve to be pampered too. My mornings start with making sure everyone else has everything they need. After they are out the door, I'm back to cleaning, laundry, running errands, and making appointments for the rest of the family. Then, it's dinner and homework help, followed by trying to squeeze in a little work before lights out. I fall into bed exhausted, not even realizing I didn't do much for myself throughout the day. So, even on those busy days, I am vowing to spend a little time pampering myself each day. A hot bath, using the neglected foot massager, or even trying a new skincare routine. Actually, the new skincare routine I have been working on since the beginning of the month. My birthday is tomorrow. The big 3-7! I find that skincare products that used to work for me in my 20's and early 30's are no longer effective at combating my skin issues. I've since switched to Swissvita skincare products


I'll start my morning by using the Micrite 3D Cleanser Cream. Washing my face is a great way to get me awake and perky in the morning. The cleanser foams, then easily washes away. As soon as my face is washed with the cream, my skin feels soft and refreshed, and I feel like I am ready to take on the world. It's a rare thing, but I love this face cleanser so much, I'm willing to share myself in all of my makeup-free glory.

I follow up the routine with the Micrite 3D All Use Anti-Wrinkle Serum and Micrite 3D Eye Cream. Both products go on my skin velvety smooth, leaving my skin bright, tight, and glowing. In just those 5 minutes of taking care of my face, I feel very pampered! What better way to pamper yourself then by reducing the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, crows feet, and large pores? Swissvita targets all of those problem areas to help give you a more youthful appearance. Like I said, I'm about to turn 37, and I'm starting to need products that work with my skin, not against it.

I love how high-end the cleaner, serum and cream looks and feels, but doesn't come with the high-end price tag. Swissvita believes in delivering beauty to every corner of the world, but doing so affordably. The products are designed so you only need a little bit of product, so the tubes last a long time. If you are looking to pamper yourself in the new year, check out Swissvita. They have a large selection of products that will target any skincare need you may have, and leave you feeling like you were able to do a little something special for yourself each day.

How are you taking care of YOU in the New Year?




  1. You had a very tough year and I'm proud of you for being brave!
    OMG that snow picture is so delightful!
    OMG you look even younger without make up and a hairdo! You look like you're 16 in that mirror photo!
    I'm currently finishing some goji berry antiage face cream and then I'm returning to regular Dove because I feel my skin is asking for it. I have a few wrinkles under my left eye caused by the pillow while sleeping and they irritate me :)

    1. Thank you so much for your support and encouragement this year Dezzy! You were such a rock and a real blessing when I needed a friend the most ♥
      I haven't used Dove in awhile, though I do love the scent so much. I've been unimpressed with their deodorant and hairsprays that I had to take a break from their line of products. I am about out of body wash, and think I'll pick up Dove for my next bottle. My skin gets so dry in the winter, it's one of the few brands that don't cause my body to get all itchy after a hot bath.

    2. Thank you, dear, I'm always here!
      Yes, Dove does wonders to skin, the only one that keeps my skin moist too. Some of their scents are nasty, but I usually pick out the nice ones, I currently have their exfoliating blue one, which is lovely, their waterlilly and mint one, utterly seductive, firming one, which I always have for ten years now, and also a cherry blossom one, but that one is almost impossible to find :)

    3. I have actually never tried their scented lotions or washes. I like the clean scent of the original. It's just so light and refreshing. I will, however, look for that mint one this week. I really love mint scented things this time of year!

    4. The blue exfoliating one actually has that clean scent, very similar to the original Dove, I think you would actually find it enchanting, it is very rich and has little pearls in it for exfoliating skin. It has that powderish soapy scent or rich luxury.

  2. Damn, you do look like you are 16 in that mirror photo. Products sure work indeed.

    Health crap is the worst and makes you reevaluate indeed. I sure take more time out of my day now to do what I want and damn the rest of the crap. Also said yes to more things than I would have before. 2016 was meh, not the worst year, but not the best either. So let's see what 2017 holds.

    1. Probably explains why nurses are always calling me "honey" and treating me like a kid when I go in for checkups without makeup on. I know damn well I am older than you. Stop it lol. I know you know all about the health crap and reevaluating life choices. Here's hoping that 2017 is a great one for the both of us!

    2. lol you aren't much older than me

    3. I meant the nurses need to stop hahaha! But I'm pretty sure I've got a few good years on you too ;)

  3. Happy Early Birthday!! Sounds like you have a great list to start 2017 off right. I love to read, too - I have made it a goal for the past few years to try to get in 25 books per year. Sometimes I make it, sometimes I don't (Goodreads is good about helping you keep track). I'm half a book away from reaching my goal...and 9 days left!!! You look amazing without makeup, BTW. Hope you have a wonderful birthday, and take some time for you. :) One thing I want to do for 2017 is get back into exercising - I used to Zumba, and had lost a lot of weight in the process. I loved it - but when I lost my job last December, I got out of my daily routine...and gained the pounds back. :( Then my knee started giving me problems, and I was scared to Zumba because it's tough on the knees. So...my goal is to start riding the bike on the trainer every morning - maybe it will build my knees up again so I can get back to Zumba. I just need to do SOMETHING. Once you get out of a routine, it's so hard to start back - but I felt sooooo healthy before and I'm ready to feel that way again.

    1. Thank you so much! I'm staying in under my heated blanket and watching Christmas movies all day for my birthday. It's too cold to do much of anything else!

      25 books this year is amazing! I am sure you'll hit that goal easily if you only have 1/2 a book to go. What were a few of your favorite titles this year? I need to add some to my reading list and haven't kept up with what's hot lately.

      It is so easy to stop exercising once you stop the routine. I like the idea of riding a bike to build up the knees again. I do hope that helps you. Have you thought about getting something like a FitBit? Once I got mine, that really motivated me to get moving again. Even if the only exercise was a walk around the block, it was more than what I was doing before.

    2. Ooh - sounds great - enjoy the movies! :)
      Some of my favorite books this year were (no particular order)
      1. We Were Liars - E. Lockhart
      2. The Day That Saved Us - Mindy Hayes
      3. What Alice Forgot - Liane Moriarty
      4. Paper Planes and Other Things We Lost - Mindy Hayes/Michele G Miller
      5. The Girl on the Train - Paula Hawkins (I haven't seen the movie)
      6. All the Light We Cannot See - Anthony Doerr
      7. The Bookseller - Cynthia Swanson
      Currently Reading My Grandmother Asked Me To Tell You She's Sorry - by Fredrik Backman
      I've read some others that were meh - but I liked all of these.

    3. Thank you! I did have We Were Liars and All the Light We Cannot See on my current read list. I did see the movie What Alice Forgot (that was the one with Julianne Moore I believe?) Good movie! I just added the rest to my epub wish list and can't wait to give them a go in the new year :)

    4. The movie with Julianne Moore is Still Alice - the book What Alice Forgot is much different, and much lighter than that - it involves amnesia, but not Alzheimers. It's a cute book.

    5. That's right! I'll be adding What Alice Forgot to the list too :)

  4. Go you! I need to go on more adventures. It's always great to set up goals for what you want to do in the following year.

    1. I think the adventures that you do go on always look so fun! You introduce the boys to so many new and exciting places that look so amazing to explore! I wish we had more scenic areas to travel to in Indiana. It's just so flat and boring here!

  5. I would love to go on some new adventures next year. I am also going to try to learn something new next year.

    1. Take me on some of your adventures Robin! Especially to Disney when you hit it up again this summer ;)

  6. I love your goals for 2017. I need to do the same. Taking care of ME needs to happen this year.

  7. I think it's so important to remember to take time for ourselves. We all deserve to enjoy our lives!

  8. I think all of these ideas are great. Learning new things keeps your brain healthy, and it's a wonderful way to stretch the old noggin.

  9. I definitely need to take care of myself more this year. I rarely give myself any time to do anything other than try to keep my kids from killing each other.

  10. Yes, yes, and yes for reading more! I too will be setting myself up with a reading challenge and I simply cannot wait.

  11. I'll be doing the same as 2016

    1. Come on Adam! Get out there with Daisy and explore some new places. It's time to start planning new adventures with your new bride ;)

  12. It is so important to take care of yourself. You can't take care of anyone else if you aren't taking care of yourself.

  13. Ohh good luck these are some awesome ways to treat yourself in 2017. I would love to go on an adventure myself as well.

  14. I like your ideas. It is a shame that moms have to give up so much with raising children, but I suspect this will not change too much.
    Glad to hear you are making some goals for yourself.

  15. That skin care line sounds interesting. Is that St. Joe behind you??????? That pier always looked so awesome when it was frozen, though the poor thing, lol, it really takes a beatin'! I love the pics, love the list (you go, girl) and hurrah for your birthday!! I hope it is amazing! Happy Birthday and a big birthday hug from me. :)

    1. Good eye Rosey :) Yep, St. Joe! I have never been to see the lighthouses when they freeze over and made it a priority to get there early this year. What a beautiful sight! I'll share more pics probably next week.

      Thank you for the birthday wishes ♥

  16. I am constantly looking for new adventures. I used to read a lot too but then life got in the way and it's hard to enjoy things sometimes.

  17. Going on an adventure and reading books might go hand in hand. Recently, I found myself exploring most of JRR Tolkien's adventures and it's like I'm already in a different world!

  18. It's been a busy year, busier than most. I need to take better care of myself in 2017. Sometimes I just have to make the time.

  19. I love all your resolutions to living a better life in 2017. I think as a mom sometimes I forget to put on my oxygen mask because I am so busy tending to everyone else and your post is the reminder I needed to take care of me!

  20. I really want to stop and enjoy the little things, I didn't do that enough at all this year!

  21. How I miss pampering myself, Theresa! Back home in Indonesia, we have soooo many affordable and great spas, not as overly expensive as we have here >_<

    1. It's ridiculous what spa treatments cost here. I about died when I started pricing pedicures a few months ago. Factor in tips, and I don't have much of a paycheck left over. Our beauty school is reasonably priced, but it is hit or miss if you get good service though :(

  22. Great idea!! I need to do that too. I want to have a more consistent quiet time, get organized, and eat better.

  23. Yes to all of this! I've already made a list of doctors appointments i need to go see!


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