
Friday, December 9, 2016

Santa Wants Oatmeal Chocolate Chip & Cranberry Cookies This Year!

Disclosure- I received the mentioned product courtesy of the sponsor for the purpose of this review. All opinions are genuine, based on my experience with the product, and have not been influenced by promotional items.

Tis' the season for baking cookies, and we definitely do our fair share this time of year. I usually stick with the same 4 cookie recipes for gift giving, but am thinking about shaking things up this year and trying something new. My father-in-law always plays Santa for the little kids each year, and my oatmeal raisin cookies are his favorite, so we usually leave those out for Santa every Christmas Eve

I was looking to use up some of my oatmeal, and found this Oatmeal Chocolate Chip & Cranberry Cookie recipe over at Golden Blossom Honey. Now Santa (my fil) also loves chocolate chip cookies, so stumbling on a recipe that combines two scrumptious cookies packed into one recipe sounded like something that was definitely going to make Santa's belly shake like a bowl full of jelly. He may be generous at giving gifts, but I bet not one of these cookies gets shared. He'll keep them all to himself. Hey, Santa deserves to have a special treat that's just for him, right?

These cookies didn't spread like other cookies do when they are in the oven. I used a cookie scoop to put the batter onto the cookie sheet, and they baked more like a cookie ball. I thought that was pretty fun since they seem more like cookie bites instead of flat cookies. They're the perfect size to use as fillers in your cookie exchange boxes too!

1/2 cup shortening
1 egg
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 cup flour
1 teaspoon baking powder
1/4 teaspoon salt
1 cup uncooked oats, not instant
1/2 cup dried cranberries, found in dried fruit section of supermarket
1 cup semisweet chocolate chips


You can find this recipe, as well as many more delicious recipes right on the Golden Blossom Honey recipe page! Be sure to follow Golden Blossom Honey on Facebook and Twitter to stay up to date on new products and promotions.

If you like this recipe, be sure to come back every Friday, where I feature a new recipe from Golden Blossom Honey!

What flavor of cookies will you be serving to Santa this year?


  1. Halfa cup of honey makes anything good :) You will, though, make me some with blueberries since I truly don't see what is the fuss with these cranberries, all other fruit has much better aroma and taste from blueberries and cherries to raisins and blackberries, you name it. I've noticed that even teas with cranberries are mildly crappy :) Why don't they discover elderberry or something and get done with the cranberry tyranny :)

    1. PS the same goes for aronia and acaii, they're also tasteless :( but oh so popular

    2. I like them because of their anti-inflammatory properties and because they help prevent UTI. Jason drinks a glass every day ever since getting a bad UTI and hasn't suffered one again.

      I prefer dried cranberries over fresh ones because they aren't so tart. Also, dried cranberries are so inexpensive here compared to the astronomical price of other dried fruits like blueberries and cherries. We only buy those dried fruits as a once in a blue moon kind of treat.

    3. forgot to say that the lil' Santa's belt pot is very whimsical :)

    4. I have a little snowman one too. For a dollar each, I couldn't pass them up :)

    5. we do so love one dollar shops :) I should visit one tomorrow to buy me some new Christmas balls, I've decided I shall go full brown this year the chocolate style

    6. My mom switched her tree all chocolate colors a few years back. It does look so elegant and classy! If you do, please take a pic and share it on Facebook!

    7. Theresa, did Dezmeister say he needs new balls?

    8. @Blue yes, I need me some big, brown ones (I wish.... LOL)

      @Theresa I always post a photo of it on Christmas Eve, you know that :)

    9. Blue, get your mind out of the gutter. It is the holidays, after all. You may resume the first of January ;)

      I do know that, but sometimes traditions get skipped during our busy lives. I'm holding you to posting the photo Dezzy xoxoxo

  2. Santa and everyone near sure have nothing to fear with such cookies in sight.

  3. Santa needs to lose some weight, no cookies for him

    1. Now, now, Adam. That's almost as mean as the North Carolina Santa calling the kid fat. We all should be able to eat a cookie or two without getting shamed for it ;)

  4. Oh man...I have to bake cookies this year! My mom and dad just bought a new house (closing today at 3:00 actually), so she isn't going to be making her normal array of cookies. Our whole routine is a little thrown off this year - instead of coming down Christmas Eve, they will be coming down Christmas Day. Poor mom has been so stressed with packing and getting things ready to move, that she told me yesterday that she might not even have the gifts wrapped - they may just be handed over in the bags they were purchased in. Ha! Poor mama - but now I have to think of cookies...may borrow this recipe and try it out! :)

    1. I feel terrible for your mom! Moving sucks on its own, but to do it during the holidays? I'm surprised she even found time to buy the gifts! I probably would have bought everything online and had it shipped to the recipients. They would have gotten it unwrapped and in an Amazon box lol

    2. I know - she's stressed out. Yesterday they moved boxes to the new house, and some of their church friends jumped in and helped them. She was so relieved after because they got so much done. Saturday they drove down to deliver some furniture they were going to get rid of, but I asked if I could keep it - they brought my daughter's and my birthday gifts, and they were just handed over - mom can't find the wrapping paper because it was all packed up! LOL!

    3. I can't find my wrapping paper and we aren't even moving! I think that's a sign that I really need to get my butt in gear and start a massive house purge, hahaha!

    4. LOL! :) I'd gladly share some of mine - I have way too much!

  5. Oh yeah! I think "Santa" is going to get these at our house this Christmas. Those look so good!

  6. Those sound so good! I love the flavors. I think this is a great replacement to the tired old chocolate chip cookie for Santa.

  7. These cookies look so yummy. We planned on making chocolate chip cookies, but I think I will try this recipe instead.

  8. I always love your recipes and the way that you use golden honey so well. This one looks SO good!

  9. The cranberries are the clincher for me! I love those in cookies.

  10. I bet Santa would have those cookies every year if he could - they look fantastic!

  11. These cookies sound yummy. I like that they did not spread.

  12. You had me at cookies with honey in them! That must be so delicious! Thanks for sharing this!

  13. I have made ones similar to these. They are so good! I finished my Oatmeal Peanut Butter Cookies tonight. Now I'm making Angel Kisses is what I think they are called. We always called them Styrofoam Cookies growing up. Ha!

  14. Yum cookies. Girls, you need to teach me how to take such amazing pics!
    Mouth watering cookies

    1. Thanks Z :) I'm still learning myself, but once I get the photo taking down, you'll be the first one I teach ;)

  15. I would love to have these cookies too! Looks SO delish! Yum!

  16. My kids will enjoy making this cookies. Looks so yummy.. I will buy those ingredients when I go to grocery shop.

  17. I have been so into putting cranberries into my christmas treats this year. I know my kids and santa will love these cookies.

  18. I love oatmeal cookies, and when i can add things like chocolate chips and cranberries i know they will taste great. I will add these cookies to my annual christmas baking list this year, they will be a hit,

  19. Yum these look so good. I love oatmeal cookies and have been wanting to get some baking done. these sound great, and cranberry always gives a nice refreshing taste to cookies! - Jeanine

  20. I use honey in baking a lot. In fact, I use honey a lot. It makes a great sweetener.

  21. Sounds like Santa is very smart. This cookie is right up my alley too.

  22. I make something similar to these. My favorite holiday cookie!

  23. Yes, Santa deserves his own little treat. Ten more years and I'll look like Santa myself. Can't wait to have my own treat.

  24. Santa is trying to stay healthy! I love it and look you even added honey to these cookies genius!

  25. is it crunchy or gooey, Theresa? both ways, my kids will definitely devour it..

    1. It's soft baked, but not gooey at all. Like a soft batch chocolate chip cookie :)

  26. These cookies look so delicious! Never mind Santa, I want these for Christmas!


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