
Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Snack Smart with Gingerbread Granola Bars

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I really love gingerbread, but have never had much luck making it myself. I tried making some gingersnap balls a few years back, and swore I was never touching that dough again. It was a gooey, sticky mess that I still have nightmares about. The treats were really tasty, but so not worth the effort to put them together. That was strike one.

Strike two on the gingerbread came last month when one of those coffee shops was having a buy one get one free on their holiday drinks. Mariah was so excited to try a gingerbread frappe, I treated her to one before our volunteer shift for the angel tree. That drink turned out to be one of the worst things we've ever tried. It was so bad, Mariah won't even look at a cute little gingerbread man without feeling sick now.

I was really hoping the season wasn't going to pass by without at least finding a good gingerbread recipe. I didn't want to do cookies, I didn't want to try another drink, and I really wasn't wanting to find anything to give me that final strike on such a beloved holiday flavor. I remembered that over the summer I saved a granola bar recipe I found from a book I checked out from the library called Clean Eating Made Simple. Off I went to hunt it down, and after looking over the ingredients, I knew I found a recipe that was going to be a new holiday favorite.

Gingerbread Granola Bars

Not only are these bars soft and delicious, they are made with clean ingredients so you won't feel guilty indulging in more than one this holiday season. And, they are really quick and easy to make too! Score!
print recipe

Gingerbread Granola Bars

prep time: cook time: total time:


  • 3 cups rolled oats
  • 1/2 cup dried cranberries
  • 1/2 cup slivered almonds
  • 1 tsp ground ginger
  • 1 tsp ground cinnamon
  • 1/2 tsp ground nutmeg
  • 1/4 tsp baking soda
  • 1/2 cup unsweetened applesauce
  • 1/3 cup pure maple syrup
  • 3 tbsp molasses
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract


  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Line an 8x8 inch pan with parchment paper. Set aside.
  2. In a large bowl, combine oats, cranberries, almonds, ginger, cinnamon, nutmeg and baking soda.
  3. In a small bowl, stir together applesauce, syrup, molasses and vanilla.
  4. Add wet ingredients to the dry ingredients, and stir until combined.
  5. Pour oat mixture into prepared pan. Press down firmly.
  6. Bake for 20 minutes, then remove from oven. Allow the mixture to cool for 30 minutes, then score into 12 bars, but do not cut all the way through. Allow to cool completely, then continue to cut the bars all the way through.
  7. Store in an air tight container for up to 1 week.
Created using The Recipes Generator

gingerbread granola bars

You could change up the recipe and add different dried fruits, nuts, or even chocolate chips if you want to be a little naughty. I won't tell ;)

gingerbread granola bars

Keep a batch on hand for a quick grab and go breakfast or for a sweet afternoon pick-me-up. You won't be disappointed in this yummy holiday treat!

What are your favorite seasonal flavors?


  1. I was never crazy about ginger myself, but I do like the gingerbread mix of spices with cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg and what else goes into it.
    Your cutting board is lovely with those wavy lines :)

  2. Those sound delicious! I love granola as a quick breakfast or on the go snack, and I think this recipe sounds like the best ever.

  3. I guess gingerbread frappe is best to never ever go near. Sounds like you found a great recipe indeed.

  4. Those sound awesome - would love to keep a few in a container at work for an afternoon snack. :)

  5. I MUST make these! I love granola on its own or in yogurt, and that gingerbread flavor is a holiday classic.

  6. I want to try these. They sound really good. I love to serve different things for breakfast.

  7. Totally love the fact that these are healthy and delicious-looking. Gingerbread is a flavor I just can't do without during the holidays.

  8. This sounds so good. I love seasonal flavors, and gingerbread is one of my favorites.

  9. I LOVE oatmeal and anything made with oats! This is a great snack or breakfast that my kids would adore. I like that its made with applesauce too. iI'll be trying to these soon!

  10. These look so yummy and I can't wait to make this recipe. I love gingerbread and pumpkin this time of year.

  11. This is so creative! I can't wait to copy your recipe I love ginger bread!

  12. What a tasty treat idea! My kids would appreciate a snack like this while hanging at home during winter break.

  13. Oh my goodness these sound absolutely delicious - I love the idea of making them gingerbread based YUM!

  14. These sound so good. They would make a nice gift as well.

  15. This looks delicious. I adore gingerbread and so does my younger son. We will have to try this out.

  16. Ohhh, these gingerbread granola bars sound really good! I love the flavor of pumpkin, though it's usually gone by Fall. I hold onto it as long as I can!

  17. These look awesome, but I don't like Granola Bars unless I'm out hiking. I think I'm gonna have to go through your other recipes...I need some cookies and baking for Christmas!

  18. The Missus has a knack for making gingerbread and I have a knack for eating so we're a match made in.... the kitchen. That's right.

  19. I love this! Such a great flavor for granola bars! I can't wait to try!

  20. Those cute little ginger-bread men :P

  21. We love granola in this family and are always looking for great recipes and ways to incorporate it into breads and puddings and now gingerbread men! Thanks for sharing!

  22. I had to pin this recipe. Looking for a healthier New Year and this will be on my list of things to try. Thanks for sharing Theresa!

  23. Love this recipe! We are all crazy for gingerbread this year, and I know the whole family is going to really enjoy these.

  24. These sound so delicious with the gingerbread flavoring! Great snack for the busy holiday season!

  25. Anything involving granola bars, ginger and the spirit of Christmas really gets me going! Thank you for a wonderful recipe.

  26. Besides sounding so good, they look amazing! AND I love the board they are on too!

  27. Hey that's pretty daggone tasty looking! Glad you found a way to make a ginger treat that you love. :) We saw some empty soft gingerbread men in the store today. I was 'this' close to buying them. I wanted to decorate them, but I passed on them to get the hostess treats I was really there to buy. ;)

  28. These look so yummy and festive! I love anything ginger!

  29. cute! I might not eat them because they look too cute to munch :)


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