
Friday, December 2, 2016

Spice Up the Holiday Table with Curried Vegetable Dip

Disclosure- I received the mentioned product courtesy of the sponsor for the purpose of this review. All opinions are genuine, based on my experience with the product, and have not been influenced by promotional items.

After all that Thanksgiving eating, I almost cringe at how many more gatherings we'll be going to over the next month that will all be serving food. There are so many sweet and savory dishes shoved in our faces at every turn, I really welcome seeing a fruit and vegetable platter on the food table this time of year. While I can munch on raw veggies all day, sometimes it's nice to have a yummy dip to spice things up a bit. I've been using this Curried Vegetable Dip from Golden Blossom Honey for the past few weeks because it gives a nice kick of flavor to almost every veggie, and because it's really easy to whip up in no time at all. I'm guilty of rushing through holiday prep, sometimes I forget the little things like picking up dip from the grocers before our gatherings. I love this recipe because the ingredients are from kitchen staples, so even if I forget the dip, I can quickly make my own and nobody needs to ever know about my goof.

Curried Vegetable Dip

Not only can this recipe used for a dip, it can also double for salad dressing as well. It is sweet and tangy on the taste buds, almost reminding me of a light French dressing. 

2 cups mayonnaise, regular or lite
3 tablespoons catsup
1 teaspoon fresh lemon juice
1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce
1/8 cup scallions, finely chopped

fresh baby carrots, celery sticks, cucumber slices, cherry tomatoes, crackers


Curried Vegetable Dip

You can find this recipe, as well as many more delicious recipes right on the Golden Blossom Honey recipe page! Be sure to follow Golden Blossom Honey on Facebook and Twitter to stay up to date on new products and promotions.

If you like this recipe, be sure to come back every Friday, where I feature a new recipe from Golden Blossom Honey!

Do you tend to over indulge on the holiday goodies this time of year?



  1. What's catsup, deary? Hope it is not soup made from cats.... although they'd love that in China.....
    I was afraid those were weiners not baby carrots, but was glad to read they're not :) Weiners are cancer in plastic wrap.
    Mayonnaise does make everything lovely, it's always been my guilty pleasure.

    1. It's ketchup. Sometimes people just spell it that way. I crack up every time Jason has to go to Taiwan for work and tell him he should probably just stick with eating packaged food. Who knows if he's getting dog or cat meat. They put a lot of heavy spices in their foods, so it really is very different cuisine from what we are accustomed to eating here.
      I never did care much for hot dogs. I did used to love a good organic turkey dog though.
      You know, it took me until I was almost 25 to appreciate mayo. My taste buds finally matured around then, I suppose. Now, I'd slap it on everything if I could!

    2. Wait, what? He goes to Taiwan?

    3. Sometimes, but not for the past 2 years or so. He has vendors here, but I think they have been coming here in recent years.

    4. I've always dreamt of being big in Japan... or Asia... truly...

  2. We just made a veggie dip for Thanksgiving. It must of been good because all of it went fast! This looks yummy too!

    1. I want to come to your holiday parties Alissa. You always take the best foods!

  3. Yum - I was just thinking I need to eat more veggies too (cooked and raw). Too many indulgences this time of the year. Birthday parties, Christmas dinners, pot lucks at work and a cookie swap!!! Normally we do finger foods for Christmas Eve, to keep it simple, since there is so much going on...this would be the perfect dip! :)

    1. See, you get it! In addition to the cookie swaps, work parties, school parties, extended family gatherings, We have 3 birthdays this month too, the 18th, 19th, and 23rd. That's a lot of friggin' cake to toss into the mix! I am going to need a serious detox once the New Year starts!

    2. We have 2 birthdays (Abby 5th, mine 16th) plus one of Abby's best friends is on the 9th. I need to get back to my workout routine starting January. I had lost so much weight doing Zumba, and when I lost my job last December I stopped working out every day, because I got thrown off of my routine...then I hurt my knee (still not sure how) and it still bothers me. So Zumba is out - I need to ride my bike on the trainer...something...anything!

    3. I only do Zumba these days so I would be so bummed if I couldn't do it anymore. We have a bike in our basement, but I think it's so boring. I even try to take my ipad down to watch shows while I ride, but give up within 20 minutes. I think I need an instructor to whip my into shape. I just don't have the drive to stick with a routine on my own.

  4. After thanksgiving I only have Christmas meal, so I don't cringe too much. Plus I never have to cook, so win all around lol

    1. Does your work not do a holiday party Pat? Consider yourself very lucky you don't have to cook. Sounds like you have the perfect system in place for doing as little as possible during the holidays ;)

  5. That curried veggie dip sounds amazing. I love the flavor of curry. It adds such a great depth of flavor.

  6. This is a great take on vegetable dip. Curry is always a great addition to almost anything. I can't wait to try this.

  7. I love finding new dips to serve at holiday parties. This one is really unique and it sounds tasty.

  8. that looks delicious! I want to make this over the weekend.

  9. This sounds so good. I may need to save this post for my next party.

  10. Yum! That dip look so good! And a perfect snack for the holiday season! I have to make some of this.

  11. This is a good-looking dip.
    I have a vegetarian friend whom I am sure would love this recipe.

  12. This looks really good! I love vegetable dip! This is definitely a must try!

  13. I am all about the fresh veggies! This dip sounds like a flavorful addition to our celebrations. Love a bit of spice.

  14. That dip looks and sounds glorious! Would love to make it for my family and I'm sure they'd really enjoy it! - jeanine

  15. I love that you used the cucumber for a garnish. The dip does sound so easy to make! Perfect for weekend 'drop-ins' year-round too.

  16. cucumber, honey and curried dipping. Sounds heavenly, Theresa..and it looks delicious

  17. I always overindulge during the Holidays. I try to have everything in moderation but it does not always work.

  18. I'm addicted to dips. They're so easy and tasty with so many things. Looks yummy!

  19. I love a good dip! I make them for parties and game day but they are also part of my favorite snacks.


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