
Monday, January 23, 2017

10 Minute Craft ~ Stenciled Dog Toy Box

Since the start of the year, home organization has been my #1 priority. I've been going through my house, room by room, scrubbing everything down and decluttering. Most of the junk has made its way to the basement where I'll spend a few days sorting through what we'll keep for later use, what we'll pass on to family and friends, and what we'll be donating to charity.

I'm trying to live a live free of clutter, so I've spent a small fortune at the hardware store on shelving and bins to help me keep everything tucked away, yet easy to access. I'll buy cheap storage solutions for the stuff that's tucked into cabinets and closets, but for the stuff that's within every day view, I'll spend a little more for nice baskets and containers. Since my dogs were puppies, I've always stored their toys in plastic dollar store containers, and even though they are not chewers, they do think the containers that hold their toys are chew toys.

We thought we'd try a metal basket after the destruction of several of those cheap plastic bins. See how well that turned out?

I was sick of looking at that twisted metal bin, so I went to Michael's to see if they had any cute, yet cheap solutions. There I picked up this wooden crate for about $3.50 after sales and coupons. It was kind of boring to look at, but I knew I could spruce it up rather quickly with a few stencils cut out from my Silhouette Cameo.

It only took me a few minutes to type up some font and add a paw print to the design. I cut out 2 more paw prints for the sides of the bucket and I was as good as done.

dog toy box

If you have a steady hand and are good with paint, this can easily be made without vinyl. I do not have an artistic bone in my body, so I had to work with what's easy for me. 

dog toy box

If you don't have a cutting machine, or you don't want to mess with paints, you could also hand cut the designs yourself from a sheet of vinyl.

dog toy box

dog toy box

Here's hoping that my dogs don't have a taste for wood and this bucket actually sticks around for a while! Either way, at least it was cheap and easy to decorate :)

Have you done any home organization this year?


  1. Won't them pups chew down the stencils as well? :) Maybe they just need a few dinosaur bones to gnaw on in their free time :)
    They do look lovely, though! How is the old lady? Still blind and deaf?

    1. No, I think they are too far down for them to get their teeth on. Plus, I'll see the bite marks before it gets that far and will dispose of this bin if it comes to that.
      Yep, Old Lady is still deaf and blind and dumb as a door knob, but she still always has a big old smile on her face. Gotta love her!

  2. haha if it holds toys it must be a toy. De-cluttering is the way, all done that with my ocd at our bay

    1. I'm sure that's their thinking. We do a major de-clutter at the beginning of each year. It's amazing how much crap one can accumulate in 365 days!

  3. How cute! I hate clutter as well. Its my mision to clean up and reorganize my office which has been my catch all for a few months!

    1. That's my craft room, for sure. Funny how those small spaces usually end up with most of our junk!

  4. Cute! I need something like that for my cat toys - I found 3 lying about on the floor while cleaning up the other day.

    1. Pets are worse than kids! Always leaving their stuff laying around, not caring what mess they make lol

  5. That is such a cute little box! I need to do this for my two guys. Thanks for sharing.

  6. That's so cute!

    We really cleaned Isaak's room well. We got rid of a lot! I need to go through his short sleeve shirts to see what I can pass down to his cousins. They are growing like weeds. Mica's clothes always go directly down to Isaak.

    1. The girl's room took me the longest as we also went through all the clothes too. My problem is, Allison is so small, when she finally fits into Mariah's outgrown clothes, they aren't in style anymore. She refuses to wear anything other than skinny jeans, something Mariah never liked when she was her size.

  7. This is such a cute way to store dog's toys! This would be perfect for our dog's stuff.

  8. This is such a idea. I know this would be great for a few dog lovers I know.

  9. Oh that is so perfect! We definitely need something like this for our cats. They have a lot of toys.

  10. What a fun and creative idea! I'd love to make one of these for our dog, Cuddles. I'd also like several of these wooden crates, so cute! A trip to Michael's is in my future :) Thanks for sharing!

  11. This is going to be a fun craft to do for my Sister. She has two little dogs with a ton of toys.

  12. I knew my dog got old when she no longer cared about dog toys. Just food.

    1. My pug never cared for toys. Probably because she was a rescue and was used for breeding. It actually took her awhile to learn that treats were a good thing!

  13. It did turn out cute. Nice work. :) Our one-eyed cat is like Adam's dog...it could care less about toys, even the laser (gasp). ;) I did see it slay a lizard the other day though in about five seconds flat (poor lizard). I had to carry the body out (ew).

    1. Oooh, I forgot you guys get lizards there. It's such a novelty to see them on the ground and in trees when we go to Florida. Though, I would not be thrilled with carting out dead lizard bodies. I am sure my dogs would get a kick out of "playing" with the lizards too lol

    2. I'm not a fan of carting them out either... plus I like the little ones, they're kind of cute, so I felt bad for the poor (but very dumb because he ran straight for the cat) fella.

  14. My fur baby will surely love this! Looks so cute!! :D

  15. I'm pretty sure that my dog will surely love this surprise! It's actually cool and unique idea.

  16. What a fun and cute idea! This will be great for my dog to easily find her stuff.

  17. I am also a fan of decluttering.
    This looks like a useful project.

  18. WE have two rescues and they are the loves of our lives! My kids always want to make them crafts- and buy them toys and this would be such a fun way to spend quality time with my kids doing something we love together for our dogs!

  19. Oh super cute! What a fun and fabulous idea. My 3 have so many little toys and bones I think this would be pretty awesome to make and keep them in. - Jeanine

  20. This looks like such a great idea! We don't have a pup but our neighbors do so I need to show them this.

  21. I need to do this for our dog. The only thing is that she has so many toys that we will have to get a REALLY big box, lol

  22. great idea indeed! Nice to see the final result..

  23. I need to declutter a lot;)

    its too cute

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