
Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Cocoa Avocado Smoothie Bowl ~ A Sweet Start to the New Year!

After the long holiday season had me gorging on a few not-so-healthy treats, I'm ready to get back into the swing of healthy eating. No, this isn't a New Year's resolution, since I never make them, but since the holidays are now over, I don't have any excuse to keep shoving my face full of sugary and fatty snacks.

Since summer, when I started my journey as a vegetarian, I have had quite an obsession with smoothie bowls. I'm not into the whole #foodporn craze. I don't go trolling around online looking for food photos, but I've stumbled upon a few Instagrammers who have me mesmerized with their delicious smoothie bowl pics. Who knew you could turn so many fruits and veggies into beautiful works of art? I'm terrible at styling my food since I'm just going to eat it anyway, but I do admire those who can line up their chia seeds, granola, and fruit on top of their smoothie bowls with exact precision.

Cocoa Avocado Smoothie Bowl

I've always had a smoothie obsession (just not in bowls), and after almost 20 years, I've finally got Jason on the bandwagon too. He even bought a Ninja blender for work so he can make himself one at lunchtime. To keep him from getting bored with plain old fruit smoothies, I recently made him one of my favorites and turned it into a smoothie bowl, which is perfect for a lunchtime meal.

Cocoa Avocado Smoothie Bowl

Cocoa Avocado Smoothie Bowl


  • 1 Frozen Banana
  • 1 Frozen Avocado, peeled and pitted
  • 1/2 Cup Vanilla Almond Milk
  • 1/2 Cup Plain or Vanilla Greek Yogurt
  • 2 Tablespoons Cocoa Powder
  • 2 pitted dates
  • 1/2 Teaspoon Pure Vanilla Extract


  1. Place all ingredients in a blender. Pulse at medium speed until well combined. Do not over blend. You want your smoothie bowl to be the consistency of a milkshake, not runny.
  2. Top with your choice of toppings. I used chia seeds, sesame seeds, coconut flakes and frozen blueberries here. You could also top with a swirl of honey, granola, your favorite nuts or seeds, sliced bananas or other sliced fruits, or cacao nibs
  3. Serve Immediately.
Created using The Recipes Generator
With the cocoa flavor and thick consistency, you could pass this smoothie bowl off as a bowl of chocolate ice cream sans the guilt of scarfing down that fatty dessert! It's really the same kind of treat you can get with one of those Yonanas machines, without the investment.

Cocoa Avocado Smoothie Bowl

Did you resolve to eat healthier or lose weight in the New Year?


  1. Almost 20 years and you finally got him, that is persistence lol there is a food porn craze? Damn, glad I wasn't in the know on that.

    1. Yep. There's a whole foodie world out there that love looking at food pics. My neighbor is one and is always posting his food pics to facebook lol

  2. Why does the banana have to be frozen, deary? I've never understood that part in recipes, isn't it like impossible to mash, mince or grind if it is frozen?
    Never had me an avocado in my life, but I wouldn't mind trying, we don't have it here oftentimes...
    How widespread and available is carob in your realm, dear? It is one of the native plants here in my Vojvodina, and I know vegetarians are crazy about it, using it everywhere instead of cocoa because it has similar, very sweet taste and is not bitter and is also like super healthy. We make strudels with it here and I like to put is sometimes in homemade Nutella :)

    1. The banana should be frozen because it will give it a thicker consistency, more like ice cream. If not, it will be mushy, like yogurt or baby food. It's just a matter of preference, really. Jason doesn't freeze his smoothie ingredients often, but I always do. I like it ice cold and creamy.
      I think you would love avocados. I'd send you some, but I think they'd be all spoiled and mushy by the time they reached you. They really don't have a long shelf life.
      I am not sure if we have carob or not. We probably do in the health food stores. I'll definitely have to check next time I go. It does sound delightfully delicious!

    2. I just checked Amazon and see that I can get it there. Now, You'll have to send me that homemade Nutella recipe ♥

    3. You need to boil 1dcl of soy or almond milk with 40g of carob powder, cool it down and mix in 40g of roasted, grind hazelnuts and 1 big tbsp of honey. Some like to put in some cardamom in it too, I've never had it in my life :) You can put in a tbsp of coconut oil too and some vanilla.

    4. Thanks dear! I'll have to try that soon!

    5. there is also a version with dry dates or figs, in which you mince them and use it as the sticky paste into which you ad some carob and hazelnuts, and you then do not need honey because dates are sweet.

  3. I'm the biggest smoothie fan in our family. Sometimes the boys roll their eyes at me with different options. I feel better when I have one. This looks great! I'd so try it. Maybe I'll split the recipe in 1/2 and just I can try it.

    1. You can definitely split the recipe in half for an afternoon drink! I always feel better after having a smoothie too. I usually mix my probiotics in, plus with the antioxidants from the fruits, it really is a healthy way to snack or meal replace.

  4. That sounds incredible. I love the taste of avocado, and the texture lends itself perfectly to a dish like this. this looks like a great breakfast!

  5. Yes! Avocado is my jam, and I'm always looking for new ways to use it. I see a bowl of awesome in my very near future. WOOT!

  6. Hmmm - I've never heard of a smoothie bowl. I need to try one!! Although, I have great plans to try to fix a smoothie, the process can be daunting in the morning while running around and trying to herd everyone out the door for work and school. I'm lucky if I get a cup of coffee and a protein bar as I'm running out the door. Haha!

    1. My husband feels the same about making them in the morning. But, now we have those individual cups that go right on the blender (Ninja, but The Bullet also has them) so he loads up all his solids and yogurt the night before, puts in back in the freezer, then just adds in his almond milk in the morning and blends for a minute and he's out the door. I'm too lazy at night to mess with it, but it works for him lol

  7. This looks like a great smoothie and would make a great breakfast. Thanks for sharing the recipe.

  8. I love smoothies and smoothie bowls! This one looks yummy and super healthy too.

  9. I've never heard of a smoothie bowl, or if I did I don't remember. This one looks really good. We do make smoothies from time to time. I like kale in them occassionally, but not too much or the kids can detect it. ;)

  10. Oh this sounds really good. I'm definitely liking the toppings you went with. I should try this!

  11. This sounds so good! I would love to try it since I am a big Avocado fan!

  12. Yum! That looks so good! Definitely a sweet start to the new year. Thanks for the recipe.

  13. I love smoothies, but I have never had a bowl like this! I am wanting to eat healthier as we go into the new year. I am going to note this recipe for one to have for breakfast!

  14. What a flavorful idea for a smoothie bowl. I love all those flavors! This is a must try!

  15. I love smoothie bowls and so do my kids! I've got to try this one out!

  16. Smoothie bowls are my favorite!!! I have never had cocoa and avocado paired together! Sounds delicious!

  17. Way to go with this one! I just crave for smoothies everyday, and having avocado and cocoa in one place just makes me smile.

  18. Wow, that sounds like a formidable task, becoming a vegetarian.
    But, this dish does look yummy.

  19. Mmmmm. I have never put avocado and cocoa together. This sounds amazing. I am all in!

  20. I love cooking and creating dishes with avocado! It's so filling and versatile. It's definitely perfect for smoothies and avocado plus chocolate is one of my favorite combinations. It's so good!

  21. It's debatable which I love more: chocolate or avocado. So you are winning major points with me for including them both in your smoothie bowl recipe.

  22. Aww. Guess I have to steer clear. Avocado allergies equal 'no bueno'

    1. That would be hell for me. I eat an avocado every day!

  23. I love it, Theresa! In Indonesia, we eat it raw with palm sugar. Oh my...sooooo good :)


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