
Friday, January 27, 2017

Game Day Favorite - Salted Mixed Nuts

Disclosure- I received the mentioned product courtesy of the sponsor for the purpose of this review. All opinions are genuine, based on my experience with the product, and have not been influenced by promotional items.

Who's ready for the big game next week? Ok, let's be honest. Who's just ready for the halftime show, commercials and food? This girl, right here! I'm excited to see what Lady Gaga has up her sleeve for this year's performance, especially after that mind numbing number from last year that had us all sitting around thinking wtf did I just watch!? At least there were some funny commercials and delicious food to get us through. Oh, yeah. And that football game too. This is the first year that I won't be hosting a game day party, but that doesn't mean that we aren't going to have a nice spread of Superbowl snacks on hand to munch on during the game. When I think of game day food, nuts are always one of the first snacks that come to mind. They taste delicious and you can serve them right out of the jar. Or, if you want to put in a little more effort, whip up these scrumptious Honey Roasted Salted Mixed Nuts from Golden Blossom Honey. 

Honey Roasted Salted Mixed Nuts

Sweet and salty is my favorite combo, and this recipe does not disappoint. Allison has been filling up one of these cups each day to snack on after school. Yesterday I overheard Mariah say, "Hey, are these any good?" Allison was like, "No!... Just kidding. Do you think I would have eaten so many if they weren't?" She's turning into sarcastic chip off the old block.

Honey Roasted Salted Mixed Nuts

While these can be made the day of the party, I like to make them a day or two in advance so the honey glaze has more time to harden on the nuts. Also, when serving these for a crowd, I like to put the mixture in a large bowl with a spoon, then set out these little containers so you don't have everyone shoving their hands into the mix. 

1/2 cup walnuts
1/2 cup raw cashews
1/2 cup pecans
1/2 cup almonds
2 teaspoons coarse salt


This mix also makes a nice hostess gift or party favor. Just add the nuts into a glass jar and top with a bow. It's a simple and inexpensive, yet classy gift.

Honey Roasted Salted Mixed Nuts

You can find this recipe, as well as many more delicious recipes right on the Golden Blossom Honey recipe page! Be sure to follow Golden Blossom Honey on Facebook and Twitter to stay up to date on new products and promotions.

If you like this recipe, be sure to come back every Friday, where I feature a new recipe from Golden Blossom Honey!

Will you be watching the Superbowl this year? What team are you rooting for?


  1. But Gaga ain't singing the anthem this year, so I don't expect the same thing, some country singer is doing it, and Gaga will just do her usual freaky moves on the stage :) I do hope she sings Million Reasons, though. At least that racist thug biatch Beyonce ain't around this year.
    I still know not what Superbowl is about, rugby, baseball? :)

    1. It's football, dahlink. We don't get into rugby here and we already had our big baseball match off, which was amazing since Jason's Chicago Cubs finally won the World Series.
      I am really hoping that Gaga doesn't pull in Beyonce for a surprise guest performance. You know they collaborated on at least one song (Telephone). Beyonce has been there 2 years in a row. Hopefully, there won't be a third visit for her.

    2. Wait, football ain't the same as rugby??? :)))))

      Gaga and Beyonce hate each other :) They stopped talking after Gaga's version of Telephone became about thousand times more popular than Beyonce's and the racist got mad about it :)

    3. While they are similar, they have different rules. I had a neighbor that liked rugby better, so when he moved to England to play there. We do have small teams of it here, but nothing like what the Europeans have.
      I guess I missed the falling out between the two. I can see where she would get mad over Gaga's success though. I remember when Jennifer Hudson got all the attention for Dreamgirls, Beyonce was not too happy about it since she was supposed to be the "star".

    4. can't stand Jennifer Hudson, she is currently a judge in British THE VOICE and she makes it pretty much unwatchable, such a pompous, phonie, wannabe diva, totally annoying, but admittedly THE VOICE always had problems with female judges if you ask me, instead of putting the likes of Tina Turner, Anastacia, Nicole Scherzinger in the jury they put insignificant freaks like Rita Whora, Jessie J, Alicia Keys, Aguilera, Paloma Faith etc.

    5. I don't know much about her outside of what I saw on Dreamgirls. I do think she's a very talented singer. Isn't that what those singing show judges are supposed to be? Irritating? Didn't Simon set the bar for that and now they all follow? I think people tune in just to hear the snarky remarks as much as they do for the talent.

  2. Falcons of course, I hate the Patriots

  3. haha sarcasm is fun indeed. Cashews and almonds I go for. But have to be saltless or my body has a fit.

  4. I'm actually excited about the game this year - I mean, we always watch, but this is the first time in how long that the Falcons will be playing?!!! So excited! Being a southern girl, for the longest time the only team we had close to us was the Atlanta Falcons, so it's who we pulled for...even though they sucked. Then we got the Carolina Panthers - but the Falcons have always been my first favorite. Somewhere in our archives of photos I'm even sporting an Atlanta Falcons t-shirt. So...I guess you can see who I'm rooting for. :) BTW - my dad is from Georgia, and we grew up pulling for Georgia based teams...Georgia Bulldogs (used to get season tickets to home games), Atlanta Braves, and of course Falcons.
    On another note...I am hoping the half-time show is much better than last year. That was...ummm...something, but not good.

    1. That's awesome that your team made it! I'll be rooting even harder for them now. I was only rooting for them to begin with because I want to see the Patriots lose.
      I have never been a big fan of Coldplay, but even still I've watched performances from artists that I'm not into and thought they did a great job. Last year though, we all just looked at each other and said "What IS this!?" Felt like we were watching some really bad, trippy time warp lol.

  5. That is such an awesome, easy recipe! I love that you added honey to it to keep the salt on them and add a bit of sweetness. Yum.

    1. That honey is a good binder for the salt. Such a yummy combo, indeed!

  6. Those look really good. I love mixed nuts, and the honey sounds like it would add an extra flavor dimension to these.

  7. Since they don't use cane sugar... this is a recipe I can make.

  8. Yummy! I could easily eat an entire bowl of these, especially while watching the game.

  9. This looks so good! We always have nuts around for snacking on!

  10. We don't watch a lot of games but my boyfriend does like munching on mixed nuts when we watch TV. This combo would be great!

  11. Mixed nuts are my all time favorite. Love munching on them while I work!

  12. We go through a lot of nuts on game day so these would go over well! I personally skip the halftime show and am all about the game!

  13. I like this snack food prep.
    Nuts can be an important source of protein.

  14. These look delicious and super addicting! I would love to try it this weekend!

  15. Actually last year's Superbowl was pure entertainment for many of us. I wasn't confused at all.
    Adorable party favor idea for a mix of salty and sweet for those who like it.

  16. Yum! Nothing better than nut recipes.

  17. This mixed nuts recipe really is perfect for the big game! I think I'll make this a few days before, just like you suggest.

  18. I wasn't a huge fan of nuts until I got with my husband. I have since learned to love them, especially the salted ones.

  19. That does make for a classy looking gift. I like the idea of using the spoon too.

  20. Oh how I love this!!! I'm going to make these for my husband to gift to his coworkers right before the game!

  21. my family love nuts! we have chicken wings and burgers while watching football! ofcourse there is always nuts! mixed nuts sounds interesting!

    - Our Family World!

  22. These look amazing! I just love the Super Bowl. I don't watch football all year, but never miss the Super Bowl ☺

  23. I think I will head over to your house game day. You always have the best food Theresa!!

  24. Who are you rooting for? Patriots all the way here! I love sweet and salty too - these look delicious!

  25. I'm such a sucker for nuts and these look crazy good!!!

    P.S. A month late haha.. but Happy New Year!!!

    Ai @ Sakura Haruka

  26. I'm not much into football, but hope the Falcons win. I like mixed nuts but never thought to add honey to them. Will have to try it.

  27. We don't really watch the game although we do feel the excitement (and the sale) everywhere :). Mixed nuts are popular in my house as well, Theresa, particularly my daughter, Obi :)


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