
Friday, January 6, 2017

Homemade Hummus & Pita Chips is Where the Party is At!

Disclosure- I received the mentioned product courtesy of the sponsor for the purpose of this review. All opinions are genuine, based on my experience with the product, and have not been influenced by promotional items.

Do you eat lucky foods on New Year's day? We usually do the traditional cabbage and black eyed peas with some corned beef, but this year I just wasn't feeling putting forth the effort of preparing a big meal. I still wanted to have black eyed peas though (don't want to tempt the luck gods and wind up completely unlucky this year!) so I decided to make this hummus recipe that I found on Golden Blossom Honey earlier this year. What initially drew me to this recipe was that it called for black eyed peas instead of chickpeas, which I have always used when I make my own hummus. I was curious how the two would compare. 


I didn't notice too much of a flavor difference, but since I usually use dried chickpeas, this was much quicker to toss together. I topped my humus with a sprinkling of red pepper, but you could use paprika if you prefer. 

3 garlic cloves, peeled
1/4 cup chopped onion
1/2 cup lemon juice
1/3 cup tahini (found in international section of grocery store)
1/4 teaspoon ground red pepper
1/2 teaspoon salt
2 (15.8 ounce) cans black eyed peas, drained

Serve with pita chips or your favorite veggies


I needed pita chips to complete this recipe, but just could not find any in the store. What aisle do you find these in!? After combing the entire store, I decided that I'd just get the ingredients to make my own. I whipped out my cell phone to search what I needed, only to have a "duh" moment when I found that pita chips are just pita bread toasted. How did people find recipes while grocery shopping before smart phones were invented? Isn't technology wonderful? So, if you are like me, just snatch up some pita bread, cut each round into pizza shaped wedges, then toast for about 10 minutes in a 350 degree oven. They'll still be a bit soft out of the oven, but once cooled, they'll be nice and crispy. You could also brush the tops with olive oil and sprinkle on some sea salt or herbs for a Mediterranean flare.


You can find this recipe, as well as many more delicious recipes right on the Golden Blossom Honey recipe page! Be sure to follow Golden Blossom Honey on Facebook and Twitter to stay up to date on new products and promotions.

If you like this recipe, be sure to come back every Friday, where I feature a new recipe from Golden Blossom Honey!

 What are some of your traditional New Year's food staples?



  1. OMG, lady, did you say '1/4 cup chopped onion'? I surely wouldn't wanna be in the same room with you after you eat that much garlic for dindins :)

    Traditional food here for New Year's Eve is Russian salad (boiled peas, carrots, potatoes mixed with diced boiled eggs, pickled cucumbers and tons of mayo) and also sarmas (minced meat stuffed and cooked sauer kraut leaves).

    1. You definitely need some breath mints on hand any time you eat hummus ;)

      I have never had mincemeat before, but I do love stuffed cabbage rolls!

    2. well, how do you make your meatloaves and burgers without minced meat? You never made stuffed peppers with minced meat? Or mousakka?

    3. I use ground beef. For me, when I think of mince meat, I think of a mixture of chopped dried fruit, distilled spirits and spices, which I never use in the mixture. Just ground beef, salt and pepper.

    4. dahlink, I said minceD meat not mincemeat that you are thinking of :)

    5. Hahaha! Well, we call it ground beef or ground chuck. I don't think I've ever heard anyone call it minced before ;)

    6. 'tis because you ain't British like moiself

  2. haha I eat the same day in day out, new years day or not. But lucky food? Damn, I guess I should look into that.

    1. Only if you are into New Year's superstititions. Otherwise, carry on with your same old, same old meals :)

  3. We usually don't do anything traditional - we have done the black eyed peas a couple of times, but we usually have guests in town, and don't feel like dealing with the whole production. This year we kept it simple and ordered pizza! :)
    I love hummus and will have to check out this recipe. Have you tried the pita chip crackers? They are good with dips - I like to bring them to work and dip them in palmetto cheese (it's a pimento cheese only found in SC - it's amazing!!!)

    1. I actually take it back...it originated in SC, but can now be bought in 38 states. Check it out if you haven't tried it. I actually never liked pimento cheese until I tried this one...and I'm addicted. :)

    2. I haven't tried Palmetto Cheese before. I think the closest place that sells it is about 2 hours away. I do love Pimento cheese though! Actually, I don't think there are many cheeses that I don't like lol. I have not tried pita crackers either. I think Costco was offering samples of them not too long ago, but I didn't try it since too many people were crowding the table. I'll have to look for them and grab a box when I do my grocery shopping on Sunday.
      We did pizza on NYE and since we had company over, there was no leftovers :( Is there anything better than starting the New Year than with cold pizza?

  4. This is great! We love humus. I had some out at our New Years Eve party. I didn't make it then just because we made other things, and our plates were already pretty full. Travis has made it before though.

    1. Can I borrow Travis for a bit? Just long enough for him to show Jason that men can cook too? ;)

  5. This looks so yummy and I can't wait to make it. We always make Fondue on New Years.

    1. Ooh! I wish we would have done Fondue! That's definitely happening next year!

  6. Oh wow! That is so cool! I've always wanted to make my own hummus, and I've never even heard of homemade pita chips. I love it!

  7. We eat a lot of hummus around here, so I would love to give the homemade variety a shot. I bet those pita chips are to die for too!

  8. I am a huge fan of hummus but I have only made my own once before and it didn't turn out the greatest. I think I am ready to give it another go!

    1. The first time I made it, it sucked. I didn't use tahini but tried making my own, which I think was the problem. It was a complete disaster lol

  9. That's interesting! I love hummus but I never tried to use black eyed peas for it. Definitely trying this one soon! Thanks for the idea!

  10. We don't have any new years traditions. We love hummus!!!

  11. Hummus is simply a good party option.
    This recipe also looks very good in particular.

  12. YUM! I love making homemade hummus and pita chips. Hummus is one of my favorite snack foods and makes a great party dip!

  13. I just bought some hummus today! Darn it! I am making this after I finish that container!

  14. Those look delicious! Now that the playoffs are amongst us I need all the good party food I can get. I'll be saving this recipe for later. Thanks!

  15. Smart phones are named that for a reason, I suppose. :) This does sound good. We vowed not to eat out so much for the new year, and we've eaten out 4 of 7 days already. -_- I need to make more at home!!! These sound great for weekend munching!

  16. I need to slow down and make my own hummus. I've been wanting to and this post reminded me I haven't tried to yet.

  17. I've never tried making pita chips before. They're my favorite. Saving this for later!

  18. Oh my gosh!! I never knew you made pita chips with pita bread either!! LOL Makes since tho :) I am going to try that hummus recipe! Thanks for sharing!

  19. I quite like it, and thanks for the full recipe. I really love Pita bread since I came from my cravings for shawarma.

  20. Hummus is one of the easiest to make, it's perfect for parties and movie nights with family and friends! I think this recipe is lovely and I wouldn't mind giving it a try.

  21. Hummus is one of my fav foods ever! I am so trying out this recipe!


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