
Sunday, January 8, 2017

Summer Bodies are Made in Winter #changeameal

Today’s post is sponsored by Smoothie King, but my content and love for their Meal Replacement Smoothies is all my own!        Take the challenge as part of a low-calorie diet and daily exercise program.  Weight loss depends on individual needs.

It's time to face the cold, hard facts. I put on a few pounds over the holidays. I've been in denial about it long enough, but I'm now to the point where it's almost impossible to jump, squat, and squeeze into my jeans. It's either buy new jeans (I'd rather have my wisdom teeth pulled!) or cut the crap eating and add in a few more classes to my fitness routine.

The stores are already putting out flip flops and swimsuits, which is a definite reminder that summer is right around the corner. Since summer bodies are made in the winter, right now is the time to kick it into gear by getting my fitness routine in check and eating under control. Jason gained a few extra pounds as well these past few months, and it's not that I'm happy about that, but I am glad that he's ready to get back into shape too. I'll have a workout buddy so we can help keep each other on track and motivated to reach our fitness goals. So, what's on our goal list? Drop a few pounds each, get toned, and add more fruits and veggies into our daily diets. To help keep us on the right path to achieving out goals, we're both taking the Smoothie King Change A Meal Challenge.

Smoothie King Change A Meal Challenge

You all know how much I love a good smoothie, especially after my workout, so when I heard about the Smoothie King Change A Meal Challenge, I was all about joining in! So, how does this challenge work? It's simple!

•Set a fitness goal
•Replace one meal a day with a Meal Replacement Smoothie from Smoothie King
•Eat other sensible meals throughout the day
•Exercise 30 minutes a day
•Stick with it

How simple is that!?

Smoothie King Change A Meal Challenge

There are over 20 different Meal Replacement Smoothies in the Change A Meal Challenge, all under 400 calories (based on the 20 ounce cup size) and with at least 10 grams of protein to help you sip your way to your goal weight. One of my favorites is the Greek Yogurt Strawberry Blueberry flavor, and Jason loves The Shredder™ Chocolate flavor. There are so many tasty options to choose from:

•    Greek Yogurt – Pineapple Mango, Strawberry Blueberry, Peach Papaya
•    The Shredder™ – Chocolate, Strawberry, Vanilla
•    Lean1™ – Chocolate, Strawberry, Vanilla, Pineapple Mango
•    Original High Protein – Banana, Lemon, Pineapple
•    Coffee High Protein – Vanilla
•    The Activator® – Chocolate, Vanilla
•    Gladiator® – Chocolate, Strawberry, Vanilla
•    Vegan – Dark Chocolate Banana, Nutty Super Grain, Mango Kale

Smoothie King Change A Meal Challenge

The smoothies have a retail of $4 to $6 depending on blend, but there will be a special offer on January 12, 2017. Head to Smoothie King on Facebook to claim a Buy One Get One Free on any of the Meal Replacement Smoothies for one day only. Claim the offer, print the coupon, then take it to your nearest Smoothie King to redeem the offer. *must print the emailed coupon to redeem at your participating Smoothie King*

Smoothie King Change A Meal Challenge  

I think achieving your fitness goals by taking the Smoothie King Replace A Meal Challenge is reward enough, but simply by participating in the challenge you have the chance to win $500 cash, a Fitbit, or even a new bike! Simply snap a photo of yourself enjoying your favorite Smoothie King Meal Replacement Smoothie, and post it to your social media with the hashtag #changeameal and #contest. The more you post, the more chances you have to win!

Smoothie King Change A Meal Challenge

Ready to reach your weight loss or health goals? Head over to Smoothie King to learn more about the #ChangeAMealChallenge today!

Which of the Meal Replacement Smoothies would you like to try first?


  1. Summer is around the corner LOL LOL and LOL, lady, it is minus 15 outside, penguins are freezing. We are currently under a very cold wave, my cheeks froze and fell of from my face today.
    What jeans? I haven't been able to push myself into one in about a year, methinks.
    Oh, my, how much did you pay Jason to finally pose for a post of yours? :)
    Mango kale? Say what?
    Missy, why aren't you wearing no socks when it is snow outside?
    The photos are as lovely as always.

  2. Exactly! If you wait until it gets warm to work out, it's too late to look good in your summer wear!
    Jason will pose when I ask, but he's worse than a kid when it comes to picture taking. I'll have to send you one of the funny ones over on twitter soon. You'll love it!
    I love mango, but I'm not much of a kale fan. Jason is more kale, but I prefer spinach blended into my smoothies.
    Dahlink, don't you gagave no-show socks over there? I always wear them with my workout shoes. My fitness instructor works me like a dog and I hate having clothes on my body that are all sweaty. I wear as little as possible in my workouts to help keep me cool and dry.

  3. Summer? We just got a mountain of snow. Please tell it to hurry.

    I can eat what I want, which isn't much anyway, as doing P90x keeps me on task easily.

    1. I'm trying Pat, but you winter is a little stubborn when you're trying to kick it out the door!

  4. Awwww man - that sounds awesome. I would LOVE to try this challenge, but the closest Smoothie King is about 20 miles away...not too far, but far enough I can't drive there every day for lunch. :( I just looked at the menu, and man...there are so many yummy choices. Your favorite sounds awesome, but I usually go for something with strawberry, banana and grapes - I didn't see if they offered anything like that. Definitely need to do something to get in shape...I've gained way too much in the past year. Ready to get back to having loose jeans!! LOL!

    1. We just got one in our area not too long ago, otherwise it would have been quite a drive for me too. I'm usually a strawberry banana or strawberry kiwi girl, but the strawberry blueberry was awesome! I don't think I've tried blending grapes into a smoothie before, but I am so going to try that soon. Girl, I feel you on the jeans. I've resorted to moving the leggings to the front of the closet and pushing the jeans way to the back lol.

    2. If only I could wear leggings to work...that would be ideal! :)

  5. This sounds so great! I love smoothies. I've never had a Smoothie King. I don't think they have them here. I'll have to check that out. Great job on the post!

  6. That is so great! Summer bodies ARE made in the winter, and there's still a LOT of winter left.

  7. I had never heard of this program from Smoothie King but it seems like a good place to start! And you're totally right: best time to start working out for a summer body is now!

  8. I love smoothies as a meal replacement and a good way to sneak some extra veggies in. I need to hit up Smoothie King!

  9. Their challenge sounds great! I really like Smoothie King smoothies and I'm excited to try some more flavors!

  10. I could easily replace a meal with a smoothie, especially considering that Smoothie King offers high protein options. I look forward to finding a location in my area.

  11. I love smoothies but do not have any smoothies places around here so I've never tried the more exotic ones, only what I make at home! 😀 Good luck!

  12. I love smoothies but do not have any smoothies places around here so I've never tried the more exotic ones, only what I make at home! 😀 Good luck!

  13. I would love to give this a try. I am trying to eat healthier and exercise more. I would love to try the Original High Protein – Banana, Lemon, Pineapple first.

  14. Oh wow! This sounds interesting! Such a great way to help people stay on track of their diet.

  15. Smoothies will always be a healthier alternative! I think this is a pretty awesome challenge, one that will help motivate people to eat/drink better.

  16. That is a nice cash prize for participating in the challenge.
    I agree that Winter is the time to kick it in - my husband thinks so also; he belongs to the CKO (kickboxing club) and swears by that.

  17. This is a weight loss program I could really get on board with. I love a good smoothie, and they are better for me than a lot of what I eat anyway. So, here's to the smoothie challenge!

  18. I've never heard of Smoothie King before but sounds great. Smoothies are really awesome, and I REALLY need to have more of them in my life! - Jeanine

  19. I'm always looking for a way to cut down my calories and stay healthy and your smoothie challenge looks right up my alley! Thanks for the motivation!

  20. I love Smoothie King! I haven't drank one as a replacement meal but that doesnt sound like a bad idea. Anything to get me trim by Spring!

  21. We actually have a Smoothie King by me. I have yet to check it out. I loveeeee smoothies and I am back on the running bandwagon and looking to get that summer bod... well..at least, my version of me.

  22. I was actually trying to lose a bit of weight before the new year passed and had been looking at smoothies as a possibility. Despite my efforts, I don't think I will ever really stick with them. There's a certain appeal to eating my food versus drinking it.

  23. That's not a bad idea! Smoothies really help a lot in making diet easier for us, and they're delicious. I want to try one from Smoothie King, their Gladiator sounds like it won't fight my cravings though!

  24. I love a good smoothie! Looks super delicious

  25. This is so true that summer bodies are made right now. We need to make healthy choices and I think Smoothie King can do just that.

  26. I think the coffee smoothie would be first. I've never had one that wasn't just fruit and veggies. I bet I'd like it.

  27. Can't wait for summer! But I'm not really a fan of smoothies, although my kids et hubby are.. i love eating all those fruits and veggies as they are


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