
Friday, January 20, 2017

Valentine's Breakfast Idea ~ Cream Cheese French Toast with Strawberries

Disclosure- I received the mentioned product courtesy of the sponsor for the purpose of this review. All opinions are genuine, based on my experience with the product, and have not been influenced by promotional items.

It's been a long week, one that been full of lots of brain farts. I had today's post planned out so well in my head. I wanted to share a yummy recipe that would be perfect for Superbowl gatherings, but when I went to bake up my recipe, I found that I forgot to buy one important ingredient to put it all together. *pfffffft* <---my version of a brain fart noise. So, today I am jumping ahead to share a delicious Valentine's Day recipe instead. I always love this time of year because with the upcoming holiday, we get a month full of awesome sales on strawberries. I knew I wanted to make something with the sweet fruit for a Golden Blossom Honey post, but I'm still desserted out from all of the Christmas goodies I gorged on these past few months (spell check tells me desserted is not a word, but I say it is, so suck lemons spell check). After a quick browse of GBH's recipes, I found a Cream Cheese French Toast with Strawberries recipe that sounded too irresistible to pass up. 

Cream Cheese Stuffed French Toast

I have always used Texas toast when making French toast, so the idea of using actual French bread left my brain going  *pfffffft* once again. It was like "Hey, dummy! Why haven't you ever made that connection before!?" Please, someone tell me I'm not the only one who has never made it this way. Dummy's unite! I liked the control I had on slicing each piece of the French bread to fit the size I needed to add in the cream cheese stuffing. The drizzled honey lemon sauce was a tasty change from regular maple syrup. This sweet dish will make your Valentine's heart go pitter-patter ♥ Add in a little more strawberry sweetness if you like by tossing some chopped strawberries to the cream cheese filling before toasting it up, then put a dollop of whipped cream on the side. Mmmmmm! Valentine's breakfast perfection! 

6 slices French bread, 1-inch thick, cut diagonally
1 pint strawberries, sliced, and drizzled with 1 teaspoon RAW GOLDEN BLOSSOM HONEY

4 ounces low-fat cream cheese
Mix filling ingredients together in a small bowl. Set aside.

1 cup low-fat milk
1/4 teaspoon almond extract
1 egg
2 egg whites
Beat batter ingredients until well blended. Set aside.

2 Tablespoons lemon juice
Stir together sauce ingredients. Set aside.


Cream Cheese Stuffed French Toast

You can find this recipe, as well as many more delicious recipes right on the Golden Blossom Honey recipe page! Be sure to follow Golden Blossom Honey on Facebook and Twitter to stay up to date on new products and promotions.

If you like this recipe, be sure to come back every Friday, where I feature a new recipe from Golden Blossom Honey!

What's your favorite Valentine's Day treat?


  1. Is this the breakfast Jason will be getting in his bed on Valentines? :)
    So unusual to see strawberries in the middle of winter! I've never seen you make anything with raspberries, you don't like them?
    Lovely photos as usual.
    Never had a Valentines Day in my life

    1. Ha! I'm not making him diddly squat for Valentine's Day. He hates the holiday, so I usually buy myself a bag of chocolates and the girls a tin of chocolates for him to give us.
      I did a Raspberry Cheesecake for Easter a few years back http://www.theresasmixednuts.com/2015/04/white-chocolate-cheesecake-with.html. Though no, raspberries aren't my favorite fruit. I don't dislike them, they are just at the bottom of my list if I have other options to choose from.

    2. I like raspberries, blackberries though, are at the bottom of my list, if other things are around.

  2. Pfffting away is a good way to be when brain farts hit thee haha I guess that is one good thing about the stupid Hallmark day, the sales.

    1. The candy and fruit sales are my favorite part of the holiday, for sure!

  3. Holy. Moly. I have to give this a try. Cream cheese makes everything better, and this looks like a serious winner. Thanks for sharing this!

  4. This does look good! I've been craving French toast too! I love the addition of the strawberries.

  5. I love this! I love adding cream cheese to my French toast anyway, this makes it extra delicious!

  6. Cream cheese French toast? That sounds awesome! This is such a tasty treat for Valentine's Day.

  7. This looks like a delicious treat. I would enjoy it.

  8. I'm a sucker for French toast! Maybe I can talk hubs into making This for us!

  9. I think I should drop some hints to my husband to fix this for me on Valentine's Day. I would really love to try it.

  10. This is a perfect breakfast idea! Would love to try this for weekend!

  11. I've never made it with French Bread before either. I will try this one though, I'd like to make it without syrup and I do love lemon and strawberries flavors together.

    1. I usually prefer a fruit syrup over maple on my breakfast. I really enjoyed their lemon/strawberry one. New to me, but will be used again and again!

  12. Oooooooooh that sure looks delicious! Texas toast... French bread.... it's all perfect.

  13. I don't think I've ever had french toast like this before. It seriously sounds amazing!

  14. What a wonderful dish. I love french toast!

  15. That looks sooooo good. You can never go wrong with strawberries, cream cheese and French toast - and put them all together! Mmmmm!! Only problem is none else in my family would eat it but me...heck I still might make it for myself anyway!! 😊

    1. I'm going to admit, when I made this it was when everyone was at work or school and I ate it all lol

  16. This is one amazing breakfast! I wish someone would make them for me, for a change. I am always the one wanting to give everyone a yummy breakfast. Hopefully, one day, I'd wake up to a wonderful breakfast.

  17. I heard a lot about the RAW GOLDEN BLOSSOM HONEY.. This is something that I should try at home! Looks very delicious!

    - Our Family World

  18. It's so sweet with the strawberries looking like hearts. I rarely make French Toast, which is a shame because we all love it. This recipe sounds perfect for my little loves.

  19. Wow! You really can't go wrong with cream cheese and french toast, what more if you put them both in one lovely dish! I'd love to give this recipe a try!


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