
Monday, February 27, 2017

Spring Clean Chemical-Free with HomeRight

Disclosure- I received the mentioned product courtesy of the sponsor for the purpose of this review. All opinions are genuine, based on my experience with the product, and have not been influenced by promotional items.

The only thing I hate more than cleaning is having a dirty house. Cleaning is not a chore that I love, but it's a necessary part of my day. Now that the days are getting longer and warmer, we are all probably thinking about starting on our spring cleaning checklist. Burning the house down and starting from scratch really does sound appealing, but I'm not sure my insurance company would be too pleased with that plan. So, I started spring cleaning in January, slowly going through each room and weeding out things that we no longer use (yes, I realize January isn't in spring, but by the time I'm done, it will be spring so that counts as spring cleaning in my book). I didn't want to overwhelm myself, so I'd do a closet one day, maybe dressers the next, the pantry a few days later. It did take me about 6 weeks, but I finally cleared the clutter out of our home and feel so much lighter not having so much useless junk laying around anymore. I plan on taking the next month to tackle the nooks and crannies that don't get much attention during my daily cleaning jaunts, and thankfully I have HomeRight to help me clean and sanitize the house without using harsh chemicals to get the job done.

HomeRight Steam Machine

If you know me, you know that I am big on using natural products to clean my home. I hate the way commercial cleaning products leave my home smelling like fake lemons or how I feel like I need to wear a breathing mask just to clean my house because the chemicals make my lungs burn with the fire of a thousand suns. The HomeRight SteamMachine eliminates those issues though. Since you only need water to clean and sanitize your home, HomeRight is the perfect solution for me. Simply fill the tank with water, wait 8 minutes for it to boil in the chamber, then you are ready to steam your way to a clean home. This 3 piece floor cleaning kit has everything you need to clean and disinfect floors, but to maximize the SteamMachine's full cleaning potential, you'll need the SteamMachine Accessories Pack also (must be purchased separately).

Home Right Steam Machine
The extra nozzles and brushes help me tackle almost every cleaning job, big or small. What I have always loved about HomeRight's SteamMachine is the ability to store all of your cleaning accessories right in the hood of the machine. No lost parts or pieces, and they are always within reach when you need them.

Home Right Steam Machine

I'm now onto the spring cleaning portion of those out of sight out of mind spaces like window sills, sliding door tracks, and jets from the bathtub. I used to look at them and cringe, but not anymore. My SteamMachine puts me in beast mode when it comes to knocking the dirt right out of those spaces. I have 6 sliding doors in my house, and each one is caked with outdoor crud. It used to take me hours to clean them all out by using various scrub brushes and old toothbrushes, but I can have one fully cleaned in under 3 minutes when I use my HomeRight SteamMachine.



While I do wipe my bathtub down daily, I don't focus too much on the jet nozzles on the tub walls, and it's a haven for soap scum buildup. I used to sit in the tub, rub-a-dub-dubbing away at the buildup with a cotton swab, another chore that would take me forever to finish. My SteamMachine fitted with the small brush attachment has the soap scum from each jet blasted away in under a minute each.



But, my favorite way to use my SteamMachine is to clean and sanitize my floors. The head swivels easily to get along all floor surfaces evenly, even around toilets.

I like to use the chenille pad on my tiled floors because the fluffy loops really reach down into the grout grooves to pull up any hiding dirt. I use the flat mop pad on my hardwood floors since it is a continuous flat surface. I'll also flip the mop over and do a quick swipe on my baseboards as I go along to clean up any loose dirt or dust. Best of all, the SteamMachine has wheels so it easily moves with you as you go along.

If you want a chemical-free clean home, I can't recommend HomeRight SteamMachine enough. You can get your own SteamMachine directly from HomeRight, or you can find them at select home improvement stores such as Home Depot, Lowes, and on Amazon.

What's your biggest challenge when it comes to spring cleaning?



  1. That is great! I've been washing things like mad, since my allergies and asthma have been in flair up mode since December. I think the hardest thing to clean is under the dressers, since we have all wood floors. The floors can get scratched easily.

    1. Yes! Heavy furniture and hard wood don't mix when it comes to cleaning. I have a big chunk take out of my floor from when we moved our entertainment center once. I did end up putting felt pads on the bottom of everything that touches the wood flooring now, so that really helps keep the scratching down when I have to move something.

  2. OMG moma's got another new vacuum cleaner :) Hiphip hooray!
    OMG moma, your doors are so nasty dirty! :)
    Do you now have a separate storage room for all the cleaning devices and machines in your palace?

    1. Dirt does tend to stick easily in sliding doors, especially when they are one of the main ones people go in and out of ;) I keep most of my cleaning supplies in the garage except the vacuum stays in my bedroom so I don't have to continuously carry it up the stairs to sweep. All of the bedrooms are carpeted, so it gets the most use upstairs anyhow.

    2. We have two for the same reason, one downstairs, for the main floor and the other upstairs with me, for my own floor :) I've no intention moving them upstairs downstairs all the time!

    3. I tried to get Jason to buy me another, but he said I was being ridiculous with that request. I'm glad I'm not the only one who doesn't like to carry the heavy cleaner up and down the stairs daily. I keep a small stick vac in the garage to quickly go over the area rugs downstairs each day, then bring the big sweeper down on Monday when I do my heavy duty cleaning for the week.

    4. maybe you could try to win somewhere one of those disk vacuum cleaners that move and clean on their own? With sensors and remote control.

    5. Now that would be a dream come true! Floors cleaned without me having to do any work at all!

  3. That is grand indeed how it cleaned your feed. Natural is a far better way. I'm with you on burning some houses down, but yeah, insurance would frown on that.

    1. Natural cleaning and sanitizing is grand indeed. I think the fire department wouldn't be to thrilled with me either if I struck that match and let all the dirt just go up in flames.

  4. Replies
    1. It's hard to find cleaning motivation, but once I start, I actually look forward to getting it all done.

  5. I hate cleaning, but once I start, I go nuts and do it all in one day! It's finding the motivation to start in the first place.....

  6. That steam machine looks perfect for cleaning and snaitizing your home. Great for anyone looking to get a boost on their spring cleaning.

  7. I would love one of those! I'll have to head over to their site and check it out. Thanks!

  8. That's an impressive before and after shot. Equally impressive is your opening line: The only thing I hate more than cleaning is having a dirty house. My Bollywood Princess couldn't agree more. As for myself, well, I do need a clean couch when I snore.

  9. I would love one of those. I'm not a fan of using chemicals to clean, so I think this would be great.

  10. This looks like a great option. We really need to deep clean the house.

  11. That is really nice. It's important to have a steam machine at home especially since we're going to be Spring cleaning soon. This is perfect!

  12. Oh wow, this really did the trick. We could totally use one of those. It would be awesome to have some of those stubborn spots clean again.

  13. I have OCD, so I steam clean a lot. This machine makes what I use look like a dry toothpick. Take my money, SteamMachine!

  14. I think that Steam Machine would be put into good use in my house. We have to do some serious spring cleaning! I babysit for my grandchildren 3 times a week and I want to make sure there are no allergens that would cause health issues.

  15. Aren't steamers wonderful? I even clean my bathtub with it. Works great!!

  16. This sounds amazing! A great partner for cleaning! Checking this out!

  17. I need to get one of these. I have been trying to reduce the amount of chemicals I use in my home.

  18. This device would definitely grab my husband's attention; he is an odd-ball who likes to clean and does so for our household.
    These before and after pictures show lots of promise.

  19. I have to face it I am a little germ phobic so that StreamMachine is something I would love to try and replace my vacuum which does not work that well.

  20. I like how easily and thoroughly it cleans the jets. The tracks are not too shabby either!! I also like that it has self-storage for the attachments.

  21. my challenge is actually to get started hahahah... Oooo I think I'd love watching all the grit "melt" away with steaming!! :P

    Ai @ Sakura Haruka

  22. I love to clean so much! If I had this product I would probably clean all day and get everything sparkling!

  23. I love steam cleaners for the floors but didn't realize all the other places you can use them. The one I have I can't do that with. I'll have to check this out!

  24. I need that handy thing! and I have been cleaning so mad I guess I need more help LOL..

  25. Oh - I need one of those so bad! My biggest challenge is our shower. It is a bear to clean - the grooves of the sliding door are awful, and it's awkward to clean because you can't run the water to clean because both doors have to be closed. It's a bear - the only way I can truly clean it is to get in the shower and clean it first, then clean myself. I don't like it a single bit!

    1. I honestly hate sliding doors in the shower. The girl's bathroom had that when we moved into our house and one of my first projects was ripping the entire tub out and starting from scratch. So much dirt and sludge gets stuck in those tracks and it's a real pita to clean!


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