
Friday, February 10, 2017

Sweeten Up Valentine's Day with Chocolate Raspberry Thumbprint Cookies

Disclosure- I received the mentioned product courtesy of the sponsor for the purpose of this review. All opinions are genuine, based on my experience with the product, and have not been influenced by promotional items.

You know Valentine's Day is right around the corner when you see a billion strawberry dessert recipes pop up. I was planning on making a few strawberry flavored desserts this weekend myself, maybe a pie or cupcakes, but then I decided I wanted cookies instead. I just wasn't feeling strawberry flavored cookies, so I decided to head over to Golden Blossom Honey to see if they had anything that included red fruit in a cookie that could pass off as a Valentine's treat. I actually found this Chocolate Raspberry Thumbprint Cookie recipe in their Christmas recipe collection, but hey. Raspberries are red, chocolate is the universal flavor of Valentine's Day, so why not? Plus, my friend Dezzy recently asked why I never post raspberry desserts, so dahlink Dezzy, this one's for you ;)

Chocolate Raspberry Thumbprint Cookies

Honestly, I don't bake with raspberries often because they aren't at the top of my favorite fruit list. Something about the texture of the berry isn't my cuppa tea, but this recipe calls for raspberry jam which is definitely something that I can get behind. I think any kind of fruit makes for a wonderful jam, raspberry included.

Chocolate Raspberry Thumbprint Cookies

This was only my second time ever making thumbprint cookies, and I have to wonder why I don't make them more often. They are so easy to make, and the chocolate and raspberry jam combo is almost sinful, it's so good. I don't even want to admit how many of these I scarfed down before I presented the remainder to the family.

1 1/2 cups flour
1/4 cup unsweetened cocoa powder
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/8 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1/4 cup sugar
1/4 cup butter, room temperature
1 egg
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
2 tablespoons sugar, to roll cookies in
1/4 cup seedless raspberry jam


Get a little fancy and top the cookies with raspberries. Plus, you could always consider them healthy if there's real fruit on top, right? If you want to get extra fancy, I think drizzling white chocolate over the tops would make them pop even more!

Chocolate Raspberry Thumbprint Cookies

You can find this recipe, as well as many more delicious recipes right on the Golden Blossom Honey recipe page! Be sure to follow Golden Blossom Honey on Facebook and Twitter to stay up to date on new products and promotions.

If you like this recipe, be sure to come back every Friday, where I feature a new recipe from Golden Blossom Honey!

Chocolates, cakes, cupcakes, cookies... What's your favorite Valentine's Day indulgence?



  1. I knew they were for me the minute I saw them :) They're ever so gorgeous and so wonderfully suitable for Valentines with them heart shaped raspberries! And such gorgeous photos too! Can't believe you have raspberries fresh in the middle of winter there :)
    I hate them seeds too, but whatever you make with raspberries you can just sieve them through the sieve quickly and get rid of them :)
    Wishing lovely Valentines weekend to you and the family!

    1. The seeds always get stuck in my teeth. I think that's why I'm put off by eating them whole. The seedless jam worked beautifully for this recipe though.
      Happy Valentine's Day to you too love ♥

    2. yes, that is why I always sieve them when using them in cakes, both raspberries and blackberries too which are nom nom as well. Just mash them and push them through a sieve with a spoon and than cook the puree with some sugar and you have a jam for cakes. I love putting mashed raspberries in my ice tea during summer with lemon and honey

  2. They sure work for Hallmark Day indeed. But agreed, raspberries have a meh after taste or something, never liked that about them.

    1. My niece once threw hers away and when we asked why she said "because it has hair all over it!" lol. She didn't like the fuzz on the outer layer I guess.

  3. Those sound totally amazing! I love jams in baked goods. I can't wait to try these!

  4. These look so good! My mom does make a similar cookie (with raspberry) at Christmas, but she doesn't usually add an actual raspberry. These are perfect for Valentine's Day!

  5. My grandmother used to make thumbprint cookies and I loved them. I would definitely try the drizzled chocolate. Can't wait to try these

  6. My oldest sister makes something similar to these. They are really good!

  7. I love thumbprint cookies. These are so cute with the raspberries on top of them.

  8. This recipe makes me think of my mom. She would make thumbprint cookies every Christmas. I need to make these for my kids!

  9. These chocolate raspberry thumbprint cookies look so delicious and easy to make. I will have to get the ingredients I need to make some this weekend with the kids.

  10. These look like a yummy cookie!
    I plan on sharing this with my sister.

  11. These are perfect treats for Valentine's Day! It looks SO good! :D

  12. I like the sugar cookies with the frosting on it

  13. I've been dithering what kind of treat to make for Valentine's Day. You've solved that dilemma with thumbprint cookies. Amazingly enough, I have all the ingredients to do these later today.

  14. Your thumbprint cookies turn out so much prettier than mine do! They're one of my favorite recipes. I would love to try this recipe!

  15. Thumbprint cookies are great because you can use whatever you like for the topping. Raspberry jam sounds good. I'd make some of those and I'd also make some with nutella.

  16. I like raspberries. I think using them to make thumbprint cookies is a very smart Valentine's Day treat idea! I'm with your niece on the 'hair' thing though...when you eat them fresh it's always something that's noticed. ;)

  17. The cookies looks great and delicious! I would love to try this recipe

  18. Oh my, Theresa...looks so easy to make, yet super delicious. Chocolate and raspberries.. what else you could ask for :)

  19. These cookies looks incredible! I love making festive cookies for my kiddies!


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