
Friday, February 24, 2017

There's Nothing Peanut Butter & A Spoon Can't Fix

Disclosure- I received the mentioned product courtesy of the sponsor for the purpose of this review. All opinions are genuine, based on my experience with the product, and have not been influenced by promotional items.

When it comes to fitness, I think Jason and I are polar opposites. He's up before the crack of dawn to head to the gym to get his workout in. I, on the other hand, leave my house at dusk for mine. Honestly, I don't get you morning people, especially those who want to get up and immediately get all sweaty first thing in the morning. I've tried the whole get up and go workout routine, but then I just come home exhausted and go back to bed. My problem is, I hate mornings. Loathe them. Despise them. I actually have to be awake for a few hours before attempting any kind of physical activity. And, quite frankly, I'm just not a nice person first thing in the morning. What can and does lift my mood early in the day is a yummy breakfast. Hahahaha if you thought hot food was ever on the breakfast menu here. Remember, me + physical activity early in the day = ain't happening. So, most days I let my blender do all the work and enjoy a smoothie to get me going. I recently came across this Peanut Butter Banana Yogurt Breakfast Sundae on Golden Blossom Honey and knew that it was immediately going in my morning recipe rotation. No kitchen appliances are necessary to whip up this tasty treat, and anything with peanut butter added in already gets my seal of approval because there's nothing peanut butter and a spoon can't fix, including my early morning moodiness.

Peanut Butter Sundae

It has everything that I love all combined into one fantastic cup, and best of all, it's a really healthy way to start the day. It doesn't mean that I'm going to start my day with this sundae then start working out, but with all of the protein in this recipe, I think it's great for anyone who is trying to get in shape or maintain healthy eating habits and still feel like they are getting a delicious treat too. I do think that the next time I make this, I will swap out the plain yogurt for Greek yogurt since you get double the protein, half the carbs, and half the sodium over the plain variety. Both of my girls thought this was a milkshake, so I served it up and let them believe they were getting an extra special treat ;)

2 cups plain low-fat yogurt
2 tablespoons creamy peanut butter
2 bananas, peeled and cut into small dice
1/2 cup granola, check your bulk aisle to purchase just 1/2 cup


Peanut Butter Sundae

You can find this recipe, as well as many more delicious recipes right on the Golden Blossom Honey recipe page! Be sure to follow Golden Blossom Honey on Facebook and Twitter to stay up to date on new products and promotions.

If you like this recipe, be sure to come back every Friday, where I feature a new recipe from Golden Blossom Honey!

Are you more of a morning person or a night owl?




  1. I'm definitely team Jason, not only that I can work immediately in the morning, but I do all of my daily chores from 7AM to 9AM while most of the world is still slumbering :) I think I grew up like that since my school was an hour walk from the house ever since I was 6 years old, so I walked that distance for 15 years and back too and needed to wake up early for it.

    Soy or almond milk instead of yogurt in my Sundae, please!

    1. PS school here starts at 7.15am so do the math :)

    2. I drop the girls off around 7:15 too. I am up at 6:30 to make their lunches then start on the daily housework before driving them in. Then, as soon as I come home, I just sit down and do nothing until 9. Nothing meaning read a book, watch a show, or sometimes just go back to bed if I'm having a day where fatigue just wants to win. I just can't get my body to want to physically move that early, even if I've been up for a bit. Any time after noon for exercising is good for me.

      Never soy milk for me. Can't stand the stuff. Almond milk though is so good. The family finally caught on to its deliciousness and they've all made the switch from cow's milk. I'm happy they're finally seeing the light.

    3. what about coconut milk? I've never had it, nor seen it here, is it expensive there? I've never tried soy nor almond either, but I reckon they'd suit my tummy better than the bodily fluid drained from cows :))

    4. I don't like coconut milk either (or coconut water for that matter). I only do almond or cashew milk. Those do cost double what you would pay for cow's milk, but I think the flavor and health benefits are so worth it. I read somewhere that like 80% of the population has some kind of intolerance to dairy milk, but they don't recognize the symptoms since they are subtle or the people are just used to feeling crummy. You can actually make your own almond milk. You just need almonds and water and a few days time and you're all set. There are tons of recipes online if you can get the almonds cheap enough to make it cost effective at making your own.

  2. I can be either or at my sea, as long as I only do one at a time. If I tried to be an early riser and a night owl on the same days, yeah that wouldn't go over well. Either up early and bed early or up late and bed late.

    1. I must get at least 7 hours of sleep, so none of that night owl, early rising crap for me, so I totally get where your coming from.

  3. We love peanut butter a lot!

    I used to be a night person, and now I'm a morning person. I think having kids, and my work schedule made me into a morning person.

    1. I've given up a lot of foods this past year, but I will never get rid of peanut butter. It's the cream of the crop when it comes to food, in my opinion.

  4. For real! Peanut butter and a spoon make everything better. Celery. Apples. Raisins. I use peanut butter with pretty much everything.

    1. I agree! I can't think of much that peanut butter doesn't make better!

  5. This smoothie looks awesome. I love anything with peanut butter in it.

  6. Huge peanut butter addict here and this sundae looks incredible! While I know it is ideal for breakfast, it is my definition of the ultimate late night snack.

  7. Oh my lands, this is so me. I hate getting up early for exercise and peanut butter is my jam.

  8. This is definitely a great combo. I wouldn't mind making myself this treat on an off day!

  9. This looks so delicious I need to try it, I need super quick options to get my morning going and usually have a smoothie of some sort. I'm not a morning person either quite frankly! I am a total Nite Owl :-)

    Tracy @ Ascending Butterfly


    woah that looks so delicious! i like the idea! it's a good combination

  11. I would love to try this! I'm sure my kids will love this too!

  12. I love that it's got peanut butter in it too. I agree pb is a solve-all (I have my own peanut butter spoon). :) My kids would likely love this one too. Score all the way around.

  13. That looks so incredible. I LOVE the banana around the glass, so yummy looking. Peanut butter is seriously one of my favourites! - Jeanine

  14. I am a morning person not by choice. Its the mommy responsibilities that require me to get up and start breakfast. Thankfully, there are quick and easy ways to fix breakfast - just like the recipe you posted here. Peanut butter gives me that extra boost of energy I need to start the day.

  15. I am right there with you, i am NOT a morning person at all. Ive tried, but i just cant. This recipe looks super tasty! I love how the bananas look around the glass, super cute!

  16. The presentation of those glasses look so good. I love bananas. Not really a big peanut butter fan

  17. Oh my this is so right my alley. I love peanut butter in all varieties. This sounds like a perfect way to start my morning.

  18. That smoothie looks so good. My children love peanut butter on everything!

  19. Wow you made this look real appetizing! I love the display of this and of course how you added honey to it.

  20. This looks so good! I really do love honey, banana, and PB! We just restocked up on raw honey at Trader Joes.

  21. It's really something my family love! peanut butter to the rescue..

  22. Now, what if you're on a diet like me and you happen you read this post (like me as well)? What is a guy to do but to run into the kitchen and grab himself a spoonful?

    1. It's okay since it's a healthy treat. Grab 2 spoonfuls Blue! Live a little ;)

  23. How did u stick the bananas to the glass - artsy:)

    I love PB it's my fav ;)

  24. I am drooling! It looks fantastic, Theresa..I bet my kids will finish them in a split second..

  25. Yum! That is something I would enjoy. I'm not a morning person either - however, with my work schedule if I want to work out I have to do it early. By the time I get home it's dinner time and it's just not happening after that. So...I'm trying (so hard) to motivate myself to get up a little earlier to get in a decent workout. It's hard though. Maybe if I make this it will make it a good treat for afterwards. Yes...will try!

    1. After dinner is a no go for me too, so we usually eat late the 2 nights I head out to the gym. My favorite instructor is starting a new Body Pump class that will start at 5:30 in the morning (yikes!) but I really want to try it, so I'm going to have to try to push myself to get up and get motivated to head in and work out early for a change. We'll see how well that goes lol


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