
Friday, March 3, 2017

Do Brussels Sprouts Grow Up To Be Cabbages?

Disclosure- I received the mentioned product courtesy of the sponsor for the purpose of this review. All opinions are genuine, based on my experience with the product, and have not been influenced by promotional items.

I think brussels sprouts have to be the saddest veggie in the garden. They get such a bad wrap, everyone hating on them all the time. Honestly, I have never had a brussels sprout in my entire life. All the scrunched up faces and "eeeeewwww" comments immediately turned me off to ever taking a bite. But, last week I was feeling like a little daredevil, so I threw caution to the wind and bought a small bag of those little green balls of "eeeeewwww" to see what the fuss what all about. As a lover of almost every green veggie there is, they couldn't be that bad, could they? Upon getting them home, I took a closer look and thought they look like little baby cabbages. I love cabbage so I was already feeling pretty optimistic about my purchase. Now, I just needed to figure out how to cook them. Thankfully, Golden Blossom Honey had this Brussels Sprouts with Honey Lemon Vinaigrette recipe ready and waiting for me to to give these babies a go.

Brussels Sprouts

Allison surprised me by grabbing one out of the bowl to try. She immediately smothered in in Sriracha sauce, but that's not something I would recommend simply because my kid is weird. I, on the other hand, ate these brussels sprouts as cooked per the recipe and my hunch of them tasting like little cabbages was correct. Seriously, why so much hate for the brussels sprouts but so much love for cabbage? Maybe people just aren't cooking them properly? Follow this recipe, and I bet if you weren't a fan of them before, you will be now. With St. Patrick's Day coming up soon, I think these will make an excellent addition in adding a bit of green to your dinner table.

1 pound brussels sprouts, cut in half, ends trimmed
1/4 cup lemon juice
2 tablespoons olive oil
1/4 teaspoon dried thyme


Brussels Sprouts

You can find this recipe, as well as many more delicious recipes right on the Golden Blossom Honey recipe page! Be sure to follow Golden Blossom Honey on Facebook and Twitter to stay up to date on new products and promotions.

If you like this recipe, be sure to come back every Friday, where I feature a new recipe from Golden Blossom Honey!

Have you ever had brussels sprouts? Are they a "yay" or a "nay" for you?



  1. I don't eat them anymore because for some reason all cabbage veggies give me stomach pain, but I did adore them before. I used to make soup with them (just mix them with carrots, parsley, garlic and celery and vegeta and it is a lovely soup) or halved and baked in the oven with some onions (people usually roast them in the oven with some bacon bits too). You can also just dice them and stir fry them with garlic, ad sour cream and pour it over some pasta. They're nice in risotto too and millet as well, also with garlic.
    PS they will be nicer if you put some vegeta in the water while cooking them :)

    1. I will definitely try making them into a soup with some vegeta. Sounds so good! I saw a recipe on Facebook recently where they were roasted with bacon and cheese. Looked really good, but I'll have to find some vegetarian bacon bits to substitute for the real bacon.

    2. just ad diced red onion instead of bacon and roast away :) They are lovely roasted because they caramelize in hot oil.
      PS if you try it in the soup, don't forget to ad some sour cream, either at the end of cooking or in your plate :)

  2. I've had them before, don't know what all the fuss is about, they weren't bad. Not something I'd immediately go for, but if I had to eat them wouldn't bother me.

    1. I was expecting them to taste like dirty feet or something since people make such a big deal about them being nasty. I seriously don't get the ewww factor here.

  3. I've never tried them either, for the same reason...the faces! This looks good so I may need to be a big girl and try them!!☺

    1. I think you'll be surprised at how good they actually are. You probably don't want to eat them plain though. Just put a good dressing on them like what I have here or roast them with some bacon and onions for more flavor.

  4. It's derived from wild cabbage along with the regular cabbages (all colors), broccoli, cauliflower, and a few others

  5. I really enjoy brussel sprouts since I've became an adult. I got hooked on the roasted sprouts a few years ago! I'll have to give your recipe a try too!

  6. LOL. That's an awesome title. I actually used to tell my kids that Brussels sprouts were baby cabbages. ;)

  7. Brussels sprouts definitely get hated on all the time. I think they're delicious. So do my kids!

  8. I used to hate them as a kid, but now I like them.

    We grew cabbage, but have never grown brussel sprouts. I think they can be grown here, but we just haven't tried it.

    This recipe looks good!

  9. Haha that is a great question! I have always like brussel sprouts - especially when they are all dressed up like this.

  10. Brussels sprouts are my favorite vegetable! I have had them numerous ways, but never with a touch of honey. Yum!

  11. Brussel sprouts are so cute. My family won't eat them though.

  12. You always need a good recipe for brussel sprouts.

  13. I remember being pleasantly surprised after trying brussels sprouts for the first time. This sounds like a nice flavor combo for them!

  14. It's so funny because I didn't use to like brussel sprouts when I was a kid, but now I love them. Not so sure my kids would eat them though - lol!

  15. This is such a great recipe! I love brussels sprouts so I'm definitely going to try this!

  16. We have cooked with brussel sprouts before. They make for a good meal accompaniment.

  17. I am sorry, but I think that brussels sprouts are a creation of satan himself...

  18. As i get older I am developing a taste for Brussels sprouts. We are having a big dinner next week. I will have to try this recipe. It looks delicious and easy to make.

  19. That is a very valid question lol I remember thinking that when I was little. These look fantastic.

  20. Dang, Golden Blossom seems to have some pretty awesome products. IT makes me want to eat brussells sprouts lol

  21. I have always loved brussel sprouts. I especially enjoy them roasted with a bit of charring.

  22. I honestly think brussels sprouts are great! They're versatile and easy to prepare and they go well with the simplest of ingredients. I don't mind keeping and trying this recipe!

  23. These look super yummy! So making this recipe, I know my kids will love it!

  24. actually, my hubby and I love it! We usually steam them and eat them with chili sauce hehehe. But your recipe is alluring as well..

  25. I had brussel sprouts for the first time about 2 months ago - i found a bag of shredded brussel sprouts at the grocery store, and figured they sounded easier to fix than whole ones, so we sauteed them. My husband and I both liked them - but I can see them being an acquired taste. I have since had them in some other meals, and I think they are a yay. :)

    1. I didn't know brussels sprouts came in a shredded version. This would be awesome for adding to soup! Now I'll have to look harder to see if our stores carry it shredded. If not, I'm sure my food processor could easily get the job done.


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