
Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Do You Want To Build A Frozen White Hot Chocolate Snowman?

I am amazed at how mild our winter was this year. We had some downright frigid days that called for school cancellations, but not for the amount of snow we received, for once. I am not a fan of winter, so I'm definitely not complaining here, but with the lack of snow we didn't get to do any of the cold weather activities that we usually enjoy like sledding, tubing, snowball fights, or building a snowman.

My girls have a bit of an iced coffee addiction, and we usually end up with a lot of coffeehouse glass containers that need to be recycled. Instead of immediately tossing them in the bin this week, I thought since we didn't get to build a snowman this year, it would be fun to use them to craft a snowman to get our winter fun fix in.

Frozen White Hot Chocolate Snowmen

I have to say, I really like making these indoor snowmen much better than freezing my fingers off building one outside. Here's what you'll need to make your own Frozen White Hot Chocolate Snowmen:

• Glass Bottles (we upcycled used iced coffee bottles)
• Buttons
• Fabric Scraps, felt, burlap, or ribbon to make a scarf
• White Candy Melts
• Sandwich Cookies
• Decorator's Icing in Black and Orange
• Hot Glue Gun

Start your snowman by peeling off the labels from the glass bottle. You may have to use some GooGone to remove all of the sticky residue. Wash bottles in warm soapy water.

Hot Glue 3 black buttons to the the front of the bottle.

Cut a strip of scrap fabric long enough to wrap around the neck of the bottle to make a scarf. Tie into place.

Heat white candy melts according to package directions. Dip sandwich cookies into the melted candy, then place on wax paper and allow to cool. Once the candy has hardened over the cookies, draw a snowman face on each cookie with the black and orange decorator's icing.

Fill each bottle with Frozen White Hot Chocolate Mix and top each with a snowman face cookie. Serve immediately.

yield: Serves 4print recipe

Frozen White Hot Chocolate


  • 1/2 Premium White Chocolate Candy Bar (such as Lindt or Ghirardelli)
  • 2 Tbsp Heavy Whipping Cream
  • 2 Tbsp White Hot Chocolate Mix (such as Ghirardelli)
  • 1 Tbsp sugar
  • 1 1/2 cups milk
  • 3 cups ice


  1. Break the candy bar into bite size pieces and place in a bowl. Heat the heavy whipping cream to near boiling. Remove from heat, pour over candy. Allow to sit for 1 minute; stir the candy/cream until smooth.
  2. Add the hot chocolate mix and sugar, stirring constantly until thoroughly blended; slowly add 1/2 cup of the milk and stir until combined.
  3. In a blender place the remaining cup of milk, the room temperature chocolate mixture, and the ice. Blend on high speed until smooth. Pour into your snowman bottles and serve immediately.
Created using The Recipes Generator

I like to use Lindt Classic Recipe White Chocolate Bars and Ghirardelli White Chocolate Mix (<- affiliate links), but any premium bars or mixes will yield the tastiest results.

Frozen White Hot Chocolate Snowman

Did your area get hit with lots of snow or did you experience a mild winter too?


  1. I do adore me white chocolate more than any other! Milka used to have white chocolate with green tea and lime filling, and white chocolate with raspberry and blueberry filling and even with elderberry filling! Gone are those days of bliss.

    Our winter was extremely cold, the coldest I remember, but short, it has been spring here for a month or more now and we haven't seen snow this winter almost at all. I haven't worn a jacket in a month or so now, just my padded vests

    1. We have some really yummy fruit varieties in some of our white chocolate bars too. I am not sure I have seen green tea or lime, but now I'm going to have to look.

      I really wish the warm would hit here soon. We'll have a week of really warm temps, then Mother Nature will dust us with a little snow the next week. Up, down, up, down. It's been a really odd winter for sure!

  2. Frozen white hot chocolate sounds delicious and a cute craft idea as well. We just got 17" inches of snow bet. yesterday and last night. Oh, I am so over winter! I am starting to look ahead 15 days into the forecast - an it doesn't look good!

    1. Yikes! I am so glad we missed that storm coming through, but sorry to hear you got hit with it! 17 inches would probably sent me into a full blown meltdown this time of the year :(

  3. Sounds way more fun than actual snow. We had one week where it truly sucked and then 2 other snow storms and that was it. Then just stupid cold days here and there.

  4. This is so stinkin CUTE!!! My kids will love this.

  5. That looks both delicious AND super cute! I must make these for the whole family. Thanks for sharing these.

  6. These are awesome. Snowmen are my favorite and the kids will love these when we make them!

  7. It does look good. There was flurries coming down outside earlier at lunch time here. I know the weather goes back and forth, but this is crazy this year.

    I love your craftiness!

  8. A mild winter probably means a brutal summer

    1. I hope not, but that just means more beach days for me.

  9. This looks so cute and yummy. I live in Florida and we don't get much of a winter. I have never seen snow.

  10. Now these are a wonderful way to say farewell to winter! We are dealing with gorgeous temperatures in the 80s here in Las Vegas, so a frozen drink sounds perfect.

  11. Oh yum! These are super fun! I think this is a great way to offer some tasty hot chocolate drinks to guests.

  12. That is such a cute idea. This would be fun for a party.

  13. This is such a cute recipe. I really enjoy frozen hot chocolate. It's a tasty treat.

  14. Those are super cute! I'm glad that winter hasn't been harsh this year too.

  15. Super cute and refreshing. I think my grandchildren, nephews and nieces would enjoy this treat. Let me see if I can make this on the weekend for them. Thanks for the idea. It is awesome!

  16. This is adorable! What a creative idea. I love white hot chocolate.

  17. What a cute craft. Considering how cold it's been, we may be making this over Spring Break.

  18. Oh wow do I ever! This looks and sounds just amazing. White hot chocolate sounds incredible right now! and frozen? Yes please! - jeanine

  19. Great way to spend some time in the house now that we got some real snow. Those snowmen and white hot chocolate look amazing.

  20. These do look like a lot of fun to make. I am not one for the cold either!
    I also like the little, but significant variations that can be made to each.

  21. These are so stinking cute! I love this idea and hot chocolate is still viable for me since it's freezing here!

  22. These are a super cute way to enjoy being stuck home during superstorm stella, I can't believe March is closing out with a snowstorm just after daylight savings and right before Spring!

    Tracy @ Ascending Butterfly

  23. Those did turn out really cute. I agree, I'd rather make snowmen inside too. :)

    1. Lucky you that you don't have to deal with the snow anymore now ;) Send some of your FL sunshine my way please!

  24. Those are so cute - my daughter loves iced coffee, and my son loves hot chocolate. I'll have to upcycle her old bottles and make some of these cute little snowmen. As for our winter it was VERY mild - this is the coldest week we've had so far, and it's March! Last week we were walking around in flip-flops, then it got down to 26 degrees last night. Still no sight of snow - but I did have ice on my windshield this morning, which is a rarity. It's been a weird March - 70's one day, 50's the next, then back up to low 80's, then back to 55. LOL!

    1. Hasn't it been crazy? We were in the 70's in February and now we are back down to near freezing temps. Mother Nature needs to get it together.

  25. well, they look cute and perfect for freezing NYC! We have cold days and more winter storm this year

  26. Do you know I love to collect glass milk bottles?? These are so cute! Thanks for the idea :)

    1. I had no idea that you collected glass bottles Ai. I like to buy them cheap at yard sales and thrift stores for crafting purposes. You'll have to share your collection with us some day!

  27. This is such a cute idea! I wish it was not appropriate too, but since Spring turned into winter in New England I'll take it!

  28. These are the most adorable glass milk bottles, I've seen!


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