
Friday, March 10, 2017

Your Heart Will Love These Black Bean Patties

Disclosure- I received the mentioned product courtesy of the sponsor for the purpose of this review. All opinions are genuine, based on my experience with the product, and have not been influenced by promotional items.

Beans, beans, good for your heart... We won't finish that little rhyme, but I do love beans. I use a lot of black beans in my meals lately because Jason's been looking to add more protein and fiber to his diet, and because they really are such a heart healthy food. They are an awesome substitute for meat in recipes, so they are perfect to keep on hand for Meatless Monday meals. I use them in my tacos, shepherd's pie, and casseroles all of the time. Now, with the weather starting to warm up, we are all probably looking forward to cookouts with our family and friends. This year I'll be skipping out on the burgers on the grill and will be opting to have these amazing Black Bean Patties that I found on Golden Blossom Honey instead.
Black Bean Burger
Made with a combination of black beans and spices, this burger is tender but has quite a kick of flavor. The recipe does call for using canned black beans, but I used 2 cups of dry black beans that I cooked in my pressure cooker, though I am sure that either method will produce the same end result. Serve it up with some ketchup, mustard, sour cream or yogurt for a healthy, filling meal.

3 tablespoons olive oil
3 green scallions, chopped
2 garlic cloves, chopped
1/2 red bell pepper, chopped
2 cans (15 ounces each) black beans, rinsed and drained
1 teaspoon chili powder
1 teaspoon ground cumin
1 tablespoon balsamic vinegar
salt and pepper, to taste


Black Bean Burger

You can find this recipe, as well as many more delicious recipes right on the Golden Blossom Honey recipe page! Be sure to follow Golden Blossom Honey on Facebook and Twitter to stay up to date on new products and promotions.

If you like this recipe, be sure to come back every Friday, where I feature a new recipe from Golden Blossom Honey!

 What are some of your favorite burger toppings?


  1. Hooray for cooking the beans instead of using the canned poison :) Ewww on cumin, nom on scallions and garlic! Spring onions and radishes have arrived here too with early signs of spring and even tomatoes, which is the earliest I've ever seen them arrive, so I used the opportunity to buy them for my morning samiches!

    1. I used to hate cumin, but grew to love it a few years ago when my sister-in-law seasoned our tacos with it for our Cinco de Mayo celebrations. Now, I have to use it every time I make tacos.

      Yay for seasonal veggies rolling back around!

  2. They sure keep the system going strong, didn't want to fart and play along? lol Sounds like a good healthy meal too.

  3. Those burgers sound really good. Beans are always a great choice for any sort of meat-like dish. Plus, they're full of protein.

  4. I love black bean burgers, but have never made my own. I cannot wait to give this a try!

  5. Those sound really good! I've never actually had a "burger" made with beans, but I imagine the flavor and texture of the beans lend themselves very well to being a burger.

  6. Those do look great! I like mayo on my burger. I know not everyone likes it, but I do.

  7. I really like black bean burgers. I have never made my own before though! I usually buy them.

  8. I love black bean burgers. I love them almost as much as beef burgers. I'm a total carnivore, so that's saying something.

  9. These sound good. I have a friend that might like this recipe.

  10. I am always struggling to find recipes for when my vegatarian friend comes for dinner. These look so yummy - I bet she will love them.

  11. We don't eat red meat and these look right up our alley! The honey sound amazing too!

  12. I never had a black been burger before but this looks awesome! I have to try this recipe soon. It would be a good change to still have a burger but less the grease.

  13. We love beans here in this house, all kinds! I would love to try to make these black bean patties, i know it will be a hit.

  14. Wow these look so good. I haven't ever heard of Black Bean Patties before what a great idea. Get my kids eating this would be pretty awesome. - jeanine

  15. I've never attempted making my own before. We love the ones we buy from the store.

  16. I LOVE how thick the patty is. Too often, vegetarian burgers will leave you wanting more.

  17. I have tried black bean patties before. I actually think they are better than beef burgers. They have a little bit of a kick to them, and they are better for you!

  18. Hmm. Don't often do the veggie burgers, but I think my roomie would love these.

  19. We are eating less and less meat, so it's great to be able to mix it up. Need to try these black bean burgers. They sound yummy.

  20. I didn't even know you could make patties out of beans! I would love to try this sometime!

  21. I am definitely adding this to our veggie recipes! Thanks for sharing Theresa!!

  22. I am a big fn of honey mustard. I didnt know it was in this brand!

  23. I'm not a huge fan of black beans, but that bean patty (haha - that just sounds funny) actually looks really good.

  24. I have never had a black bean burger. I don't love beans in general but I do ok with black beans. I will have to try a burger one day.

  25. That looks amazing! I love healthy alternatives to my favorite food items. I think making this for the family will be great.

  26. Black beans are my fave!! I use them in tons of things. Never made bean burgers. I wonder if the kids would like 'em!

  27. I have tried black bean chips and love it!


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