
Friday, April 28, 2017

Picnics Are Better When Broccoli Tomato Salad Is On The Menu

Disclosure- I received the mentioned product courtesy of the sponsor for the purpose of this review. All opinions are genuine, based on my experience with the product, and have not been influenced by promotional items.

Thank you Mother Nature for finally blessing us with warm weather. I am ready for beach days, long walks in the park, and picnics. Most of our summertime weekends are filled with cookouts, and while hotdogs and hamburgers are always an outdoor staple, in my family, some kind of veggie salad is also always on the menu. Sometimes it's Greek pasta salad or potato salad, or even regular lettuce with mixed vegetables. When it's hot out, I don't like to weigh myself down with heavy foods while we're still enjoying the great outdoors, so I tend to lean more towards the salad options for outdoor dining. Broccoli has to be one of my favorite green vegetables, so it's easy to say that this Broccoli Tomato Salad from Golden Blossom Honey will be served up at many of our summer picnics and BBQ's this year.

Broccoli Tomato Salad

Filled with crisp tender broccoli, tomatoes and mushrooms, then topped with a sweet and tangy dressing, it's a recipe my whole family loves. Allison looked at it and said, "I don't know what that is, but I do know I want some!" the first time I tossed it together. That's saying a lot from my picky eater! Oh, and isn't this piggy bowl super adorable? It's one of those things I didn't know I needed until I walked into Pier One. I swear, that place gets me every time.

If you want to add a little extra oomph to the broccoli tomato salad, I think topping it with grated Parmesan or tossing in some cubed mozzarella chunks would be a great idea. I have 2 huge parties to host this summer, and I think adding in some cheese for one of the gatherings will be a great way to keep the recipe fresh for returning party guests.

1 bunch broccoli, separated into florets (reserve stems for another use)
1 cup cherry tomatoes, halved
1 cup fresh mushrooms, sliced
2 scallions, minced
1/2 cup olive oil
1/3 cup apple cider vinegar
1 tablespoon lemon juice
1 clove garlic, minced
1/2 teaspoon dried thyme
1/2 teaspoon celery seed
1/4 teaspoon paprika
1/4 teaspoon dry mustard
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon black pepper



You can find this recipe, as well as many more delicious recipes right on the Golden Blossom Honey recipe page! Be sure to follow Golden Blossom Honey on Facebook and Twitter to stay up to date on new products and promotions.

If you like this recipe, be sure to come back every Friday, where I feature a new recipe from Golden Blossom Honey!

Where is your favorite spot for summertime picnics?



  1. OMG OMG OMG that is the single most beautiful piggy dish I've ever seen OMG OMG OMG I can't stop staring at it, the piggy is soooooo adorable! OMG OMG OMG I'd keep it on my coffee table not in the kitchen it is sooo beautiful! And she's smiling! I'd kiss the person who created such delight!

    Funny how with your stomach you don't have problem with broccoli while I get terrible pain when I eat it :( I can only digest the frozen one.

    OMG how cute is that piggy bowl! Did it have smaller baby pigglets bowls around it, tell me it did!

    1. So, tell me Dezzy... do you like my piggy bowl? ;) I immediately said "I have to have that!" when I walked into the store. Unfortunately, there weren't any little bowls to go with it or any cute salt and pepper shakers for that matter. I'd have my own little pig farm if they did though.

      Surprisingly, broccoli has never caused many issues with me. Maybe a little gassy here and there, but I think that it does that to most people, no? I'd be devastated if I were intolerant to it because I love it so much.

    2. eh, just imagine if it had little pigglets around it! I adore figurines made in series or sets, I remember a figurine of a momma duck which carried three smaller duckling dishes on her back. Adorable

  2. The piggy bowl is a great touch indeed. Broccoli works here at our sea.

  3. That is such a delicious side! I love the flavors, and I love how healthy it is, as well.

  4. That looks so yummy! I love sides that are full of flavor but also delicious. I always go for those kinds of sides.

  5. This looks tasty! I like to bring quinoa salad with me to picnics. It has veggies in it too.

  6. This does sound like the perfect salad for a picnic. With just the right balance of dressing and crispness it would be wonderful!

  7. That's a great recipe, but what's better and cuter is that pig dish!!

  8. This sounds tasty. It would be such a refreshing dish for our next family cookout.

  9. This is my kind of salad - simple ingredients and an easy dressing. I do agree, some mozzarella would be the perfect addition. As would some kalamata olives!

  10. I am thinking we will love a broccoli tomato salad. Sounds like the perfect addition to any BBQ this summmer. Lovely!

  11. This salad mixes some of my favorite ingredients! Loving the fact that broccoli is the star of the show - some of the best salads involve broccoli. This one must be delicious!

  12. That piggy bowl is cute as cute can be. I'd love to have that too, and it would be awesome to make the broccoli tomato dish!

  13. Wow that salad looks amazing. Broccoli in a salad is poorly underrated.

  14. Picnics are so much fun this time of year. But they definitely are best when you have yummy things to eat. Can't wait to make this salad.

  15. It's time for picnics again and that salad is perfect! I love broccoli and tomatoes plus, I'm sure the hint of honey in this recipe makes this salad more interesting!

  16. This would be a very interesting salad to try. I would love the different tastes ad textures. I'm savin the recipe.

  17. This recipe looks delicious! I will definitely have to try this one at home!

  18. I live for salads like this! It looks so good and fresh as well. I love your dressing too, I should try that one of these days! YUM!

  19. My husband and I enjoy salads in the summer because we don't have to heat up the kitchen to prepare it. I think this is a must try! It requires minimal cooking and that's it.

  20. I would have never thought of putting broccoli and tomato together. This does look simply delicious.

  21. I love this salad! Everything looks so fresh! And the dressing sure sounds yummy. I'm saving the recipe and including this in our meal plan for next week. Thanks for sharing!

  22. Ive been trying to get more broccoli in my salads. Thanks for the idea!

    Ai @ Sakura Haruka

  23. Looks like something I'd love to have! And that piggy dish looks super cute Theresa..


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