
Monday, April 24, 2017

Senior Photo Ideas

I know a lot of seniors get their photos done at the start of the school year. I wanted to do Mariah's in the fall when the autumn colors were dazzling up Mother Earth, but we never seemed to find the time to do them then. Then, you know how life goes. It gets busy and before you know it, you forgot all about taking those pictures. Then, one day your daughter wonders out loud if you are ever going to get around to it and you start to feel like a crappy mom because how could you forget such an important milestone, especially for your first born?

Truth be told, I am not a fan of taking pictures of people. I am not articulate when it comes to telling the subject where to put their hands, or what leg I want posed a certain way. It usually goes, "Put that arm there." "What arm?" THAT ONE! The one right there!" Words like left and right, front and back seem to just disappear from my brain when it comes to taking pictures. Trying to pose a person is the worst, especially for someone (ahem, me) who hates having her own picture taken because she just stands there all awkward because she never knows where to put her hands or how high up she should tilt her head without looking like she's just trying to stop a nosebleed.

I scoured Pinterest trying to get some ideas on classy senior poses, but ended up feeling a bit frustrated. Why does every teenage girl online look like a fashion model these days? Are girls today just born with the ability to strike a pose and get a perfect stance without even thinking about it? Finally, I figured we'd just go with the flow and do our own thing. If you are an average mom looking for a little inspiration for your own kid's senior photo shoot, you've come to the right place. Our pictures didn't turn out super fancy and my daughter doesn't look like she's posing for the latest cover of Vogue, but sometimes I think sticking with something simple is the best bet. And, for this simple mom, I'm pretty pleased with how they turned out.

Senior Class Photo

Senior Class Photo

Senior Class Photo

Senior Class Photo

Senior Class Photo

Senior Class Photo

Senior Class Photo

Senior Class Photo

Senior Class Photo

Senior Class Photo

Did you have senior portraits done when you were in high school?


  1. you should change your phone number because after this photoshoot the whole town will want your photo services :)
    Hope Mariah did not freeze her toes in that stream!
    In my city, senior class in high school makes a sort of big cardboards with their photos which they then put in the shopwindows in our main street so that everyone can see them, and it goes for all of our high schools. They do get very creative with them sometimes.

    1. It was hot out yesterday, so that little toe dip in the water was actually a relief.

      That is such a lovely way to honor the graduating class all over town. The most I ever see is a little piece in the paper for a select few students or places like Mariah's work will put their pictures in one of the weekly sales fliers for their graduating employees at the end of the year. I wish there was more recognition for all the students.

  2. Wow, they turned out really good indeed. The train tracks were a really neat spot to take them. Ours was just the typical sit in a chair and put arm here crap, much better at your sea.

    1. I would have loved to have done more track shots, but my stupid camera battery died and I didn't bring a back up. The few we took there were my favorites.

  3. We never took any except the main one for the school photo. The little shirt they make you wear looks so cheap in person but good in photos. Usually it's the other way around.

    1. I don't remember getting a cheap shirt to wear in our senior photos. I do remember them being very specific on the colors and style though.

  4. Her photos came out GREAT! What a beautiful young lady she has become.

  5. These are great ideas. I really love that shot on the train tracks. It's really pretty!

  6. I remember taking my senior photos. They are such a big deal. These are all great shots.

  7. She is such a doll! The black and white one is my favorite. Monochromatic shots are so striking.

  8. These remind me of my senior photos. I had mine taken outside and loved having nature as my background. What beautiful photos!

  9. I think you ended up with some really nice photos. The colorful flowers in the background of the photos was a nice touch!

  10. These portraits turned out so great. I love the one of her laying on the towel!

  11. These are some great tips. I have done a few senior shoots in the past.

  12. They really turned out great! I love pictures outside over inside, in a studio with fake lighting. I'm certainly going to do this with my boys when they get older. She's so pretty!

  13. Hey you do have a good eye for subject photography! Your shots came out beautiful, love lighting and backgrounds you chose. Your daughter is very pretty!

  14. I think they turned out great and you did a fantastic job. My favorite are the ones of her on the railroad tracks.

  15. These are really cute ideas! Your daughter is beautiful! Love how it all turned out.

  16. I love your creative ideas for photos here.
    Your daughter looks awesome in the various poses.

  17. I remember I had yearbook pictures done, but that was it. As for directing people? Despite my tendency towards photography, I generally avoid posing anyone for exactly that reason. I'm a much bigger fan of candid photography. It generally feels more real and vivid.

  18. Senior photos are one of the things that our kids will look back on as they go along life. I think these are lovely ideas! Who wouldn't want photos like this!

  19. Oh, I like the ones by the fences. Congrats on your senior graduating!!

  20. These are excellent tips! You just brought memories back from my senior photos!

  21. Those were some super cute poses! I like the one where she's leaning on the railing.

  22. Your photos are so beautiful I cannot decide which one is the best. However, if you were to "force" me to choose, I think the pic that appealed to me most is the last one, where she is sitting on a park bench. Her smile is genuine, the surroundings look so fresh, and I also like the blurred effect on the foliage.

  23. These photos turned out so great! I love all the different scenes!

  24. I don't recommend posting photos done on railroad tracks--even if the place you took them at were a protected park. It can endanger your readers and give them a false sense of security.

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