
Friday, April 21, 2017

Turkey Tostadas for Cinco de Mayo

Disclosure- I received the mentioned product courtesy of the sponsor for the purpose of this review. All opinions are genuine, based on my experience with the product, and have not been influenced by promotional items.

What's better than Taco Tuesday? Normally the answer would be nothing, but for the next week the answer would be Cinco de Mayo Friday. I don't know about your family, but in mine, it's a holiday that's not to be missed. So much so that we had my sister-in-law postpone her trip to Florida by a week just so she could celebrate with us (and cook up our tacos. love you Laurie ♥) We definitely throw down when it comes to Mexican cuisine, making sure we have a huge assortment of dishes on the table for everyone to enjoy. In addition to tacos, my girls are HUGE fans of tostadas. If I serve them up once a week in our house, I'm sure there wouldn't be any complaints. What I love about tostadas is how you can customize each one for your own specific taste, and there are so many options on how to make them unique each and every time. So, when I saw Golden Blossom Honey's version of a tasty tostada, I knew we had to give these Turkey Tostadas a try. 

Turkey Tostadas

These are perfect for Cinco de Mayo or any day of the week. I think we should start a petition to have Taco Tuesday changed to Tostada Tuesday. If you aren't a fan of turkey, you can easily substitute it for chicken, black beans, jackfruit, or shredded seitan. See, I told you tostadas are super versatile!


2 (14.5 ounce) cans diced tomatoes
1 medium onion, thinly sliced
1-2 tablespoons canned chopped jalapeno peppers (according to taste)
4 cups cooked turkey, shredded
Avocado Sauce:
1 avocado
1/3 cup prepared salsa
2 tablespoons sour cream
2 tablespoons fresh cilantro, chopped

8 tostadas
4 cups romaine lettuce, thinly sliced
8 tablespoons cotija (Mexican cheese), crumbled or Monterey Jack cheese, shredded


Turkey Tostadas

You can find this recipe, as well as many more delicious recipes right on the Golden Blossom Honey recipe page! Be sure to follow Golden Blossom Honey on Facebook and Twitter to stay up to date on new products and promotions.

If you like this recipe, be sure to come back every Friday, where I feature a new recipe from Golden Blossom Honey!

What's your favorite Mexican inspired dish?


  1. many people here have connected Easter holidays with May Day, which is a non working holiday here, in order to have two and a half week off work :) On MayDay most people go to picnics if the weather is nice.

    1. 2 and a half weeks off? That's more than most people get off all year here. That would be awesome to have that much time off all at once!

    2. according to our laws 20 is the minimum days your employer has to give you a year and that number is growing with each year of experience you have. Employers usually never let anyone use it all at once. Unless you work in a school where you have almost two months free during summer :) but your working year really is tough when you're a teacher. On top of the yearly vacation, we have around ten non working national holiday days too :)

    3. Teachers do deserve those summer months and holidays off. I can't imagine having their job. So much stress for such little pay, I think they definitely should be rewarded with that much time off. I remember I used to only get 1 week off working full time, but it gradually went to 2 weeks. Nothing more than that though and never anything off for only part-time work.

  2. Tostada Tuesday is more of a mouthful that Taco Tuesday though.

    1. True, especially when your mouth is full of tostada.

  3. This looks delicious. It has all my favorite things. I'm a big taco and fajita girl so I need to learn to make tostados! Now I'm hungry!

    1. Chicken fajitas ftw! I should try making them with turkey on my next round :)

  4. Those look so good! I can't wait for Cinco de Mayo. For a lot of people, it's a great excuse to go out to the bars or throw big parties. For me, it's an excuse to eat my weight in delicious food!

  5. Awww yeah. This is going on my BIG list of things to make for Cinco de Mayo this year. I am going to be eating from sunup to sundown.

  6. Those look delicious! I should not be viewing these types of posts when I am hungry, I now want to order some Mexican food! Thanks for the recipe!

  7. Well these look good! Definitely a good idea for Cinco de Mayo or a taco day. I should start planning now!

  8. I love tostadas! These sound super tasty and perfect for cinco de mayo.

  9. I honestly I have to say, I've never thought about putting turkey on these before. It looks and sounds delicious!

  10. I rarely ever eat Hispanic foods, don't like peppers or spicy things. And the rest is meat based most of the time

  11. Those look delicious. We usually have Mexican food at least once a week, just something our family likes so will add this into the menu rotation.

  12. We just had tacos. Our only problem is that I love four shells, Travis likes corn and one of the boys likes hard shells. These look so yummy!

  13. Yum. These truly look SO delicious. I haven't had tacos in a little while, looks like its time to have a taco night! - Jeanine

  14. We have just about cut beef from our diets. We use turkey all the tine now. This is a recipe I need to try!

  15. Tostadas are one of my faves. I think using turkey would be a great way to make them for the fam. This recipe sounds good to me. And can you believe it's almost MAY????????????

  16. This looks delicious! I will definitely be making for Cinco De Mayo!

  17. Oh yummy! These look so delicious. I am going to have to try them out for Cinco de Mayo!

  18. Thanks for sharing the recipe! This looks like a nice treat to make for my family this week. I am including it in my meal plan.

  19. Looks pretty tasty, though my Cinco de Mayo is already planned for. My wife always demands that I make her Carnitas. I slow cook that stuff all day so, by the end of it, you can just peel the meat apart with your bare fingers.

  20. I would love to prepare these for Cinco De Mayo! It looks so good and it's definitely a dish that the kids will be crazy about. Thanks so much for the recipe.

  21. Look at those vivid colors! And fresh tostadas! I love Mexican food and can't wait for Cinco de mayo :)

  22. My sister makes yummy tostadas too. I will let her know about your awesome recipe. Then I will convince her to make these for our family weekend get together. :)


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