
Friday, April 14, 2017

Walnut Pineapple Carrot Cake with Cream Cheese Frosting

Disclosure- I received the mentioned product courtesy of the sponsor for the purpose of this review. All opinions are genuine, based on my experience with the product, and have not been influenced by promotional items.

The girls have had a lot going on school wise this week, and between college campus visits and choir concerts, I'm am so ready for this 3 day weekend! I haven't had a lot of time for myself, so when I managed to find a few free hours in my day one day this week, I decided to go to my happy place- the kitchen. Jason mentioned something about wanting carrot cake recently, and though we are both limiting the sweets lately, I figured we both deserved a little treat since we've both been on our feet a lot this week. I found this Walnut Pineapple Carrot Cake with Cream Cheese Frosting on Golden Blossom Honey, and while I didn't make it for any kind of Easter celebrations, it would certainly be a smash if you served it up at your gathering this year. 

Don't mind my funky looking carrots. I never claimed to be a good cake decorator. My Facebook friends may recall the horrendous looking cake that I made for Jason's birthday a few years back. It was not pretty, but like the hubs said, it doesn't matter what it looks like as long as it tastes good going down. And I can claim that this is the best carrot cake I've ever tasted!

I never thought to add pineapple to my carrot cakes, but did it ever make a delicious difference! I caught Jason sneaking seconds, and admit, I cut off a few extra slivers for myself, too. 

4 eggs
1/4 cup vegetable oil
2 cups grated carrots
2 cups flour
2 teaspoons baking soda
1 teaspoon salt
2 teaspoons ground cinnamon
1 1/2 cups walnut, coarsely chopped
1 (8 ounce) can crushed pineapple, well drained

12 ounces cream cheese, room temperature
1 1/2 teaspoons vanilla extract 


You can find this recipe, as well as many more delicious recipes right on the Golden Blossom Honey recipe page! Be sure to follow Golden Blossom Honey on Facebook and Twitter to stay up to date on new products and promotions.

If you like this recipe, be sure to come back every Friday, where I feature a new recipe from Golden Blossom Honey!

Wishing you all a wonderful Easter! 



  1. Pineapple is definitely a good addition to the carrots! And the decor is lovely. I do love the crazy plate as well, it is so delightful :) I can imagine sliced spinach savoury roll on it!
    Hope you will have a lovely Easter!

    1. Isn't that plate so fun!? I borrowed it from a friend, but am thinking of heading to Pier 1 to buy one for myself.

      Happy Easter to you to Dezzy!

    2. yes, everybody needs a delightfully ugly plate like that! Sometimes ugly can be so lovely and cute :) Imagine serving lettuce on it, how charming would it be! I have similar ugliness in the shape of a yellowish/auburnish Autumn leaf.

    3. I have a few autumn leaf plates too, just never pull them out for some reason. Mine are more reddish and green though. Maybe I'll find something to put on them this fall.

  2. This looks so good! Maybe I'll try to make this for the May birthday party. Isaak doesn't like typical cake as much, but I could see him liking this.

    1. Honestly, I don't like cake much myself. I usually pass on the cake at birthday parties because it always make my tummy hurt. However, this one isn't as sweet as other cakes, so it was perfect for me. It's definitely a keeper recipe here!

  3. Funky carrots and all, looks like it turned out great at your hall. Hope a great Easter is had at your pad.

  4. That looks SO good! Carrot cake is one of my favorite desserts, and I love this twist you put on it.

    1. The pineapple is a scrumptious addition. I'll never make it without pineapple again.

  5. That is the fanciest carrot cake I've ever seen. I love the addition of pineapple to the mix. I'll have to give this one a try.

  6. Best kind of cake if you ask me! The cake looks beautiful great job.

  7. I bet the pineapple does make a delicious difference. I love carrot cake. :)

  8. Oh my, I couldn't tell you the last time I had carrot cake. This would make a great Easter dessert.

  9. This sounds so delicious. I think I need to make one now.

  10. That looks so good, Theresa! Carrot cake is one of my favorite Easter desserts but I never thought to use honey.

  11. That cake looks terrific! I think your carrots look just fine. You chose the perfect plate, serving like that would be perfect for Easter.

  12. You've been limiting the sweets, too? See, you are someone I can relate to. Love that carrot cake.

    1. I'm afraid I went overboard for Easter, but I'm hopping back on the less sweets in my diet routine in the morning!

  13. My family is not really fond of carrot cakes, but I am! I love it like second nature. I love the addition of pineapple and walnuts. Makes it more yummy. I'm making this for myself. Just me and my carrot cake, and a quiet afternoon. Winner!

  14. I love carrot cake, adding pineapple to it makes it sound even more yummy! I have shared this on my FB Page so I can come back to make it sometime soon!

  15. What a very cute presentation of this cake!
    I will have to try this for my husband; he likes carrot cake very much.

  16. You had ne at carrot cake! That is my favorite dessert in the world! AND THEN....Pineapple? Oh my goodness! This is the ultimate!

  17. Those pictures made my mouth water. It looks so thick and inviting. Yum!

  18. Golden Blossom honey is delicious. This cake seriously looks fabulous!

  19. Oh goodness, I'm drooling. That looks so delicious.

  20. This sounds amazing! Carrot cake has always been one of my faves and I love being able to make it at home. I'm curious about adding pineapples!

  21. This is definitely worth baking! I'd love to keep the recipe. My husband and I love carrot cake and this one's something that I'd like to try. It different from my usual recipe.

  22. Ooohhh that carrot cake looks divine. Now, I'm ready for my afternoon snack! :)

  23. my kids love carrot cake as well, Theresa...and having pineapple added will be good indeed :)


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