
Friday, May 5, 2017

Happy Cindo de Mayo! Celebrate with Black Bean & Veggie Burritos!

Disclosure- I received the mentioned product courtesy of the sponsor for the purpose of this review. All opinions are genuine, based on my experience with the product, and have not been influenced by promotional items.

Happy Cinco de Mayo! Break out the food, margaritas, and pinata then let the fiesta begin! Since my kitchen can accommodate the masses, I always end up hosting Cinco de Mayo at my house. Now, the main attraction is my sister-in-law's famous fried tacos, so she's the head chef of the day, but I like to put my own little touch on the festivities and toss in a little something extra for everyone to enjoy as well. I found these Black Bean & Veggie Burritos on Golden Blossom Honey not too long ago and thought they would be the perfect addition to the menu this year.

Black Bean Burritos

Even if you already have your Cinco de Mayo menu planned out for today, I highly encourage you to save the recipe to try soon. Since it's made with black beans and a variety of veggies, it also makes for a fantastic Meatless Monday meal. Here's my tip of the day. If you have an authentic Mexican grocery store in your area, buy whatever ingredients you can from there. No, the ethnic section at the supermarket does not count. Trust me, your burritos will taste much better if you buy the real deal and your taste buds will thank you.

1 Tablespoon olive oil
1 onion, finely chopped
1/2 pound mushrooms, finely chopped
1 (16 ounce) package spinach leaves, chopped
2 carrots, grated
2 cloves garlic, crushed
1/4 cup water
1 (15 ounce) can black beans, rinsed and drained
1 Tablespoon fresh lemon juice
3 scallions, finely chopped
1/2 pound Monterrey Jack cheese, coarsely grated
salt and pepper
1/2 cup canned, mild enchilada sauce
4-6 (8-inch) flour tortillas
sour cream (optional)


Black Bean Burrito

You can find this recipe, as well as many more delicious recipes right on the Golden Blossom Honey recipe page! Be sure to follow Golden Blossom Honey on Facebook and Twitter to stay up to date on new products and promotions.

If you like this recipe, be sure to come back every Friday, where I feature a new recipe from Golden Blossom Honey!

What are your Cinco de Mayo plans for this year?



  1. What? And no mayo for Cinco de Mayo! What do people actually celebrate on this day?

    1. if they're not Mexican, alcohol

      if they are Mexican, alcohol and culture. Literally a celebration over the French defeat at the The Battle of Puebla which fell under the Franco-Mexican War

    2. What Adam said ;) Just like everyone is Irish on St. Patty's Day to partake in the celebrations, we'll celebrate Cinco de Mayo for the food. And it's my nieces birthday, so there's that too.

  2. Sure sounds and looks like you'll be eating good as you celebrate away. Until I started blogging I never even knew the day was celebrated much. Pretty much non-existent up here.

    1. It's amazing all of the things I learned since I started blogging! We just want an excuse to gorge ourselves on tacos here lol

  3. Those look awesome. I'm a huge fan of bean burritos, and I love this little twist on them. Thanks.

  4. I would keep the spinach for me, and substitute rice for the kids. These look good!

  5. That looks awesome! I'm 100% Irish, but come May 5th, I'm 100% Mexican. I love my Cinco de Mayo parties and foods.

  6. Ok, these look amazing! I am loving this recipe, and the fact that you used beans!

  7. These burritos sound delicious. I had tacos from a kit for dinner and I wish I had these instead.

  8. This looks like something Travis would totally love. He's been on a big kick with this kind of food lately too! He just found out that he got into a residency at a Mexican Art Center! It will be hard to balance with my surgery, but we'll get it done.

    1. That's so exciting Alissa! Congrats are definitely in order for Travis! You'll definitely get it done. You are a powerhouse of a woman and I can't see scheduling issues slowing you down much.

    2. The only sucky thing was that we planned to go to Branson, MO before my surgery and Travis' art residency. Now that has be on hold. I wanted to go!

  9. My husband loves burritos and would probably give these a try.
    These certainly look like a different version of a burrito than I usually see.
    The honey makes them sparkle!

  10. I love seeing your recipes from Golden Blossom Honey each week! They're always something i would never think to use honey in but sound amazing! These burritos look soooo good!

  11. IT really seems like Golden Blossom has amazing products. You always make such great recipes with them!

  12. What a delicious meal! I have been into black beans lately and just made a new soup recipe with them.

  13. I struggle with using black beans. I love finding recipes that help me use them because I love them!

  14. Now that sounds great to me. I love the flavor of black beans. And they are better for you than the meat. I would love to try these.

  15. Those look so delicious! I bet even my kids would love those since they like enchiladas and tacos.

  16. Ooo~ I could use this for my roommate. I ended up making Chicken Fajitas for my wife and I, but my Vegan roomie always gets left out. Might need to remember this one. :)

  17. Oh yum! Burritos! My all time favorite Mexican food next to chili. I am saving this recipe. I am sure that even if it is meatless, my family would love it still.

  18. This would be a healthy alternative. I know it would still taste great. I love black beans but my boys don't like it. No worries though, I can have this all to myself. :)

  19. I love the fact that these are just beans and veggies without the meat! It's so much healthier and it's definitely going to make feel less guilty when you eat it.

  20. I would love to make this for me and my husband! We love trying out healthier versions of the recipes that we enjoy.

  21. Happy Cinco de mayo...and that burrito looks so yum and healthy, Theresa..

  22. Yay for Cinco de Mayo! This recipe sounds amazing! I want some!

  23. I love a good burrito! I like how you snuck honey in it!

  24. Your burritos look delicious and healthy! I'll bet the addition of some hot sauce would be great too - sweet (honey) and spicy!

    1. Oooh, gonna have to add the hot sauce to my next batch. I do love a sweet and spicy combo!

  25. I seriously wish we had done these on Cinco De Mayo, instead of what we did. Hubby thought it would be a good day to order out Mexican food so we didn't have to fight the crowd at a restaurant. Guess who got to go fight the crowd to pick it up...I seriously wish I had taken a picture. When I called they told me 40 minutes - when I got there I had to park across the street and a block down - cars were lined up and parking anywhere they could find a spot. So I got to the restaurant, where after 15 minutes of waiting, they told me one of the items I called in had run out and I had to replace it with something else...and wait for it to cook. I'll tell you, it's funny now - but I was not amused at the time! LOL!

    1. That sounds very stressful! I stopped by the Mexican supermarket, which is attached to the restaurant here, and the parking lot was overflowing. I thought for sure I was going to be in the store all day, but everyone was dining thankfully. I am sure every Mexican restaurant was packed that day!

  26. your post always makes me hungry :))

    Pls come on snapchat so we can stay in touch more!



    1. Thanks Z :) I tried SnapChat and just wasn't a fan. The filters can be fun, but it's just not my favorite social media outlet :(


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