
Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Wordless Wednesday ~ Prom Shenanigans

Mariah had her senior prom this past weekend. Since there was a bit of time to kill after getting all gussied up, the kids decided to head over to the park for a little pre-prom fun.






Even with all the goofing around, we did get a few serious shots...



What was your favorite memory from your prom?


  1. This is such a great series of them! Such a great looking couple of teens! I just love how fun these are!

    1. Thanks Alissa! They are both the biggest goofballs when they get together.

    2. That means that they are a great couple. Having fun is the most important thing in a relationship.

  2. Nice looking couple. They look like they're having a blast, and your daughter looks gorgeous! My favorite memory of a prom is actually the story behind my 2nd oldest son's, but it's too long to type out. :)

    1. Well, I hope you share the story on your blog some day. I'm intrigued now ;)

  3. she didn't wear high heels? :)

    1. Not with a floor length gown where she could pierce the dress causing it to rip or get tangled up in it. I always make them wear flats when the dress reaches the ground. Heels are fine when the dress is shorter though and serve the purpose of making the legs look amazing ;)

  4. Great shots indeed. They sure look to be having fun. A little humor will take them far.

    1. They definitely deserved a little fun after chugging through the stress of senior year. Hopefully they still find time to have fun in college next year.

    2. Not too much fun. Just saying. ;) :) #motherhen

  5. They look so adorable together! These are all such great shots. I hope my kids are that happy for their proms when they come.

  6. They are so cute! They have to be one of the best couples I've ever seen. Remember when we were that care free?

  7. Great pictures! Heading to the park beforehand was a good idea! These will be some great moments to look back on!

  8. OH I love the happiness shown here in these beautiful prom dresses. They really are beautiful and that dress? How fantastically red, stands out and looks beautiful!

  9. I love all of these prom photos. Especially the one on the swing set!

  10. Prom is a tough time of the year for me. I was never allowed to attend prom. That was just a fact of life for me growing up. It is nice to see every one all dressed up and having fun, but for me it is a little painful.

    1. I'm sorry to hear that Dawn! I never went to my prom either but would have loved to have went. I didn't want to ask my mom for the money to cover the expenses. She was raising 4 kids on her own and money was super tight so I totally get where you are coming from here ♥

  11. These pictures are so fun and really capture their care free happiness and excitement! I love seeing the genuine smiles on their faces!

  12. These are such fun photos. They both look so great and happy! What fun Prom is, never went to one myself but love looking at prom photos! - jeanine

  13. Awww these are such precious photos! I still remember my prom!

  14. Prom time is such an enjoyable time. I am glad you two got into the moment and had fun.
    You both look great.

  15. Aww, your daughter looks awesome! My prom dress was the same color red too! Love it!

  16. Awwww, it looks like she has a wonderful date. It looks like you made it really special for her.

  17. Those are some adorable photos. I hope she had a blast and everyone stayed safe.

  18. I love these photos. Your daughter and her date is so cute together. Oh this brings back so many memories of when we were young.

  19. those are great photos! prom is so much fun and the kids look great.

  20. Wow what a fun prom shoot! I love that they did the photoshoot at a playground because its the perfect balance of transitioning from childhood to adulthood they are still big kids though. This captures the innocence!

  21. These two look gorgeous together. Your daughter looks stunning in her ball gown! My memories of my own high school prom was so-so. I wasn't prom queen or anything. LOL. Anyway, it was when my daughter attended her prom that worried me. If would have waited in the parking lot outside the venue if I could, but she was growing her wings so I let her go.

  22. What a great idea for photo opps! I don't remember anything spectacular at my prom. I wish I could go back and redo it! lol


  23. Awe, these are great photos and they look great! My favorite memories from prom were just having an amazing time with my friends, laughing and getting all dressed up.

  24. How lovely! It looks like you guys had an amazing time shooting these photos. They seem very happy!

  25. How beautiful she looked and he is so handsome. I love these fun pictures, so different from regular prom pictures. They look like they would have a fun night.

  26. Love to see those happy faces, Theresa...They are having fun indeed. We don't really have the Prom tradition back home in Indonesia, at least during my time. Now they have adopted this tradition and pretty much similar like what we have here..

  27. Great photos of your daughter and her date! Looks like they had fun at the park! Hopefully the prom was a wonderful night for both of them. (My prom was a bit of a disaster!) lol

  28. Love the pics, both funny and serious! Mariah looks so pretty.

  29. What beautiful pictures! Your daughter is absolutely gorgeous - and her date wasn't too shabby either. Very cute pics indeed - looks like they had a blast. :)
    My favorite prom memories? I wasn't dating anyone for either junior or senior prom, so I went each year with one of my great guy friends, which made it easy to just enjoy the night. Afterward a whole slew of friends all came back to my house and we woke my dad up to cook us all a 3:00 a.m. breakfast. :) I think it was just fun to dress up and have a nice dinner before meeting up with friends - nothing extraordinary, but fun none-the-less.

    1. Going with friends is definitely a great way to relieve the pressure of perfection on prom night. A 3 am breakfast is definitely what great memories are made from :)

  30. awww they grow up so fast!! She's gorgeous!! Hope they had lots of fun

    Ai @ Sakura Haruka


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