
Wednesday, June 28, 2017

50th Wedding Anniversary Party!

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Last week, my in-laws celebrated 50 years of marriage. We can all only hope to be so lucky to reach such an amazing relationship milestone! I received an email from some out of town relatives asking if we were planning anything. At that point, I was thinking a small dinner, but after discussing it with the family, it went from a small dinner to quickly escalating into "Let's throw a surprise party!" I've hosted many shindigs over the past 20 years, but can say this was my first time throwing a surprise party. I was super stressed hoping to keep everything under wraps, but with a lot of help from my niece, we were able to get everything pulled together quickly and successfully. Thank God for unlimited texts, because I swear I sent out a million of them over the past two weeks. I let my niece handle most of the decorations so I could focus on the menu. We went low key, having the main course catered in so I didn't have to spend all day in front of a grill or stove. So, with a bit of free time, I whipped up a few desserts. With our color theme of gold, I baked my in-laws favorite sugar cookie recipe using numbered cookie cutters for 50.

To give them a golden hue, I sprayed them with Wilton Gold Color Mist. These cookies were a huge hit!

Since my mother-in-law has a strong love for peanut butter desserts, I used my Wilton Shot Glass Mold to make these peanut butter dessert shooters (a simple peanut butter mousse in a chocolate cup).

I filled the heart, 5 and 0 in my Numbers /Symbols Mold with white chocolate, then once the chocolate dried, I dusted it with Pharaoh's Gold Luster Dust. Tip: Dust the pieces prior to sticking them onto the cups unless you want a sparkly mess on your cups, like I got on mine.

To keep with the gold theme, I thought it would be fun to have candy dishes filled with gold candies. I took it a step further and bought some jars from the $1 store, then used Glass Etching Cream to spruce them up for the occasion.

My niece cut out photos of the happy couple and put them in a collage in the shape of 50.

She also decorated these mini wine bottles with cute labels she bought from Vista Print.

And, she made them a keepsake print that she had the family sign.

Instead of doing what the rest of us did and stuff money in a card, she thought outside the box and framed them 50 gold $1 coins. The only thing I would have done differently would have been to stick them to the frame with some double sided tape for a cleaner look, but she still did a good job with it.

We created a photo booth area. What party is complete without a photo booth and silly props?

The anniversary cake was topped with gold number candles that I found at Party City for $2 each.

Overall, the party was a hit and I was happy we were able to bring all of the family together for this very special occasion ♥

shop the products we used for our party below:


  1. Sure gave them a grand surprise. Neat how you worked 50 in in so many ways. We can all only hope to make it that far indeed.

    1. I'm hitting anniversary 15 next year and think that's quite an accomplishment. I do hope to see 50 with the hubs some day!

  2. 50 years is a huge milestone

  3. You truly outdid yourself, deary! Absolutely marvellous and fun! I'm sure the inlaws were in tears when they saw all the effort! I'm extremely proud on how you did those cookies and those peanut cups, topnotch thing, done fully professionally!
    Mine would've had their 45 anniversary methinks, the year my father died, but they stopped celebrating ten years before that when my mother sold some vacuum cleaner father bought her for one of the anniversaries :) He never bought her anything after that for that date which was on September 11th.

    Jason must have been so proud of you that day! And any other, naturally :)

    1. Awe, thank you Dezzy ♥ And to think, I have to toss together another party for 3 weeks time (Mariah's graduation!) Then, we leave for California. Busy, busy, busy month for me!

  4. That is so great! 50 years is huge. I don't know of many couples who have ever made it that long. I love all your ideas for the party.

    1. I was blessed to see my grandparents hit 50 also. It's such an amazing milestone that not many couples these days make it to.

  5. 50 years is a huge accomplishment. HUGE. So many couples divorce or just plain don't make it that long.

    1. How amazing it is to be able to celebrate that many years with your love ♥

  6. That looks amazing! You did a great job prepping for the party! I love all the gold. Isaak would be in heaven - it's his favorite color.

    Happy 50th to them. That is a great accomplishment!

    1. Isaak would have been in gold heaven at this party! You should make him some cookies and spray them with the gold coloring. He'd be tickled!

  7. I LOVE throwing parties and some of these ideas I'm totally stealing! The shot glass molds....can you actually pour liquid in them?

    1. Yes, as long as you aren't using hot liquids. You could pour chocolate milk in a chocolate mold, or pudding. Or, make the glasses out of hard candies or jello and fill them with liquid that way too.

  8. Happy 50th to your in-laws! I love all of your ideas - the party booth, the signed artwork and all of your yummy creations. You thought of everything and I am sure all had a blast. ;)

    1. Thank you Kristi! It was one of my most favorite parties I've thrown to day. So fun for the whole family :)

  9. Happy Anniversary to your in-laws!! You put together a great party and I just love the cookies.

  10. 50 is such an amazing achievement to get to! Congratulations to your in-laws it sounds like you have the most fantastic ideas for a party!

  11. You did an amazing job and there were so many different 50s to choose from, they were all so clever. I will take 30 if I can get the chance.

  12. What a great surprise party! You got creative with the Golden Anniversary theme. I love he collage your niece made.

  13. Aww what a lovely party and such sweet, thoughtful touches all around. Happy 50th anniversary to them!

    Ai @ Sakura Haruka

  14. What a great milestone to accomplish! I love the labels from Vista Print for the mini wine bottles.

  15. That is PRICELESS! What an amazing surprise. I am loving all the personalized keepsake items.

  16. Fifty years! Wow what an accomplishment! I love the mini wine bottle labels!

  17. What a great milestone to celebrate! I love all your ideas! Amazing! Happy Anniversary to them!

  18. what a fun way to celebrate 50 years! My great grandparents were married just about 75 years when she passed away a couple years ago <3 What a wonderful blessing to have such long years together!

  19. Hurrah for surprise parties!! Congrats to the happy couple. We have a few 50 year-ers in my family too, and it is a big deal/event when it comes time to celebrate. :) The decorations look great, love those cookies and shooters!

  20. 50 years! Congratulations to them and happy anniversary as well! Love that you were able to pull off the surprise! The desserts you made look amazing and so do the decorations. Love it!

  21. 50 years is such a long and amazing time! Congrats to them and happy Anniversary! How amazing. I remember celebrating my grandparents 50th! - Jeanine

  22. You sure know how to whip up desserts. 50 years.... is a long, long time.

  23. Wow! They deserve a grand celebration! A golden wedding anniversary is a milestone. I loved all the decorations and the cupcakes. I hope me and my husband would get to reach that milestone too.

  24. Congratulations to your in-laws! 50 years of marriage is a milestone. I am glad they stayed healthy and happy to be able to celebrate this special occasion.

  25. What an adorable 50th anniversary party. You guys really paid attention to all the little details!

  26. Congrats to your in-laws on 50 years! That's quite an accomplishment, and I wish them many more great years together. You did a great job with the theme and decor.

  27. Woooow...this is super sweet Theresa! And sooo creative...love to see all those things you have prepared for your in-laws..Happy anniversary


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