
Thursday, June 1, 2017

Have A Cherry On Top Kind of Day!

Disclosure- I received the mentioned product courtesy of the sponsor for the purpose of this review. All opinions are genuine, based on my experience with the product, and have not been influenced by promotional items.

At the beginning of every summer, Jason gets something in his system where he thinks he needs to start a yard project. A few years back I opened the door to a delivery of a driveway filled with about a billion bricks and twice as many rocks for a project he neglected to tell me he was starting. Needless to say, I was not thrilled with the extra yard work I had to do that summer. This year he thought he'd dig up some old, overgrown bushes and expand the garden, which is a project that I am ok with since gardening is something that I have grown to love these past few years. 

On Mother's Day weekend we went to the local nursery and bought a few blueberry and blackberry bushes as well as a cherry tree and ever since I have been dreaming of all the recipes I'll be able to make once my bushes start fruiting. We do a lot of baking with cherries here, so to get the ideas churning on some of the things I can make once my tree is finally in bloom, I scoured Golden Blossom Honey's recipes and found this Chocolate Cherry Bread recipe that I couldn't wait to try.  

If you aren't a huge cherry fan, what's nice about this recipe is you could really use any kind of dried fruit and it would still taste amazing! I didn't buy overly dried out cherries, but bought the dried cherries from Costco that are still a tad bit juicy and really sweet. I think those cherries really made each bite all that much more sweet. Drizzle the top with your favorite icing recipe then garnish with a few cherries for an eye pleasing dessert. 

1 3/4 cups flour
1/2 cup unsweetened cocoa powder
1 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 cup dried cherries
1 tablespoon strongly brewed coffee
3/4 cup buttermilk
2/3 cup sugar
2 tablespoons vegetable oil
1 egg
2 teaspoons vanilla extract


You can find this recipe, as well as many more delicious recipes right on the Golden Blossom Honey recipe page! Be sure to follow Golden Blossom Honey on Facebook and Twitter to stay up to date on new products and promotions.

If you like this recipe, be sure to come back every Friday, where I feature a new recipe from Golden Blossom Honey!

What kind of fruits would you like to grow in your garden?



  1. OMG, dahlink, lily of the valley is deadly poisonous, don't put it on your cakes :) Admittedly, its more about their leaves and berries, but I still wouldn't risk it....
    I do love me cherries, don't remember when was the last time I ate them, since we have them only for about two weeks or so in spring and they always expensive and unripe. Sour cherries are more popular here and more widespread, almost every house has one in the yard. They're sour to taste, but better for cakes since they're juicier. Don't forget to save cherry petals for tea, deary.
    I'd love to have all kinds of berries, cherries, pears and bananas in my garden :) And oranges and tangerines and lemons and figs and mulberries and peaches...

    1. I thought it was the leaves that were poisonous, but in any case, thank you for pointing it out. I removed the flowers from the cake so nobody gets any ideas and gets sick.
      I do love me the sour cherries better than the tart ones because I do love to bake with them more than eating them raw.
      I do suspect you would have an amazing farm if you had the resources for one. I have always wanted a huge grove full of orange, peach, lemon and apple trees. And a banana tree would be so divine. Our greenhouse has one and it is so pretty to look at!

    2. But what I'd really lurv lurv lurv is to have a tea plantation down on Ceylon where I'd have an elephant too and a safari suit too, naturally.
      Did you bake a cake for Mariah today?

    3. Yes! Elephants and giraffes and monkeys too. How lovely that would be!

      Mariah loves the cheesecake, so I made her an Oreo cheesecake for her birthday. It's setting up in the fridge as we speak :)

  2. You have the best food posts. This does look good. I wish my June Berries would have happened this year. All the flowers blew off the bush on a very windy day. I will get strawberries and raspberries though.

    1. Oh no! That's terrible about your juneberries. I remember you had quite the harvest last year. Your juneberry jam did sound so yummy!

  3. Being able to switch fruits is a win for anyone wanting to give mix and match a spin. Soon you'll be able to feed an army with your back garden. No? lol

    1. Probably an army of birds and other little fruit thieving critters ;)

  4. That looks so good! I love the addition of the honey. Honey is so good in baked anything.

  5. OMG. Well NOW I need delicious sweet bread! I am so making this. It looks so good, especially the glaze.

  6. Having your own fruit trees would be awesome. My MIL used to have lime trees and we used those all of the time! The cherry bread looks really tasty!

  7. I really love cherries, so very much! I wish I could grow some here but don't think they will grow in the area I live in. Totally going to look into that now!

  8. I love cherries so this recipe would be perfect for me as is. We used to have a cherry tree in our yard.

  9. This looks like a wonderful cake.
    I like your simplicity you use in your recipe.
    Hail to the cherries!

  10. Yum this looks so delicious. I'm not the biggest fan of cherries but I will try just about anything at least once so would LOVE to give this a try. Cherries are a huge favourite in our house! - Jeanine

  11. Oh wow, you outdid yourself this time. That looks so darn good.

  12. Chocolate and cherries is a very underappreciated combination of ingredients. I will take two please!

  13. That looks so amazing! Too bad I am too filled up with doughnuts at the moment. Lol!

  14. Yummy! That looks so beautiful! And so yummy. I love cherries on top kind of days

  15. This looks fantastic. I would love to try it. Chocolate and cherries always make a great combination. I think that I would love this.

  16. It looks so amazing! It's the perfect dessert of the perfect snack during the afternoon with your favorite cup of tea or coffee. I love that you can change the type of fruit as well, depending on what's in season. YUM!

  17. Oh. My. God.

    I am genuinely drooling.

    WELP! Guess I know what I'M making the next time I want something sweet.

  18. Kristine Nicole AlessandraJune 4, 2017 at 2:59 PM

    Wow, It really looks amazing I love cherries and I want to try this recipe good for our dessert

  19. I absolutely love cherries! I would love to make this loaf and enjoy it with tea or coffee. It looks absolutely divine! Saving the recipe!

  20. This chocolate berry bread looks yummy.

  21. I love cherries! In fact, our kids also love cherries. This looks like a yummy recipe!

  22. I looooveeee cherries! I can eat them all in one go :). This one looks yummy indeed, Theresa..

  23. Well, at least you can't say your hubster is a lazy guy, which is a good thing. Plus I bet he deserves some of that chocolate cherry bread having done all of that hrd work. No? ;)

    How's that for being positive?

    1. Lazy he is not, but when he's married to a lazy woman, she does tend to get miffed when she gets dragged into his back breaking projects ;)

  24. I have never tried chocolate cherry bread before, but it sounds amazing. I would love to grow blackberries and raspberries if I had a garden!

  25. I wish I had mulberries too. My work does, and I love them.


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