
Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Wordless Wednesday ~ The Graduate

High School Graduation

Scientist Graduation Cap

Graduation Photograhy


  1. congrats to the proud momma! Why are some of them wearing white and some blue?

    1. It's purple on the boys dearie. Just looks blue from the crappy indoor lighting at the school. All of the schools here have the kids wear the school colors at graduation. Mariah's school is purple and yellow, but thankfully they changed the girls gowns to white this year. Yellow would have been hideous for the photos. My best friend's son had something like light baby blue for the boys and maroon for the girls, I think.

    2. but why do they separate them that way by sexes :( Some of our schools are considering bringing school coats back so that they would all look the same and not brag with expensive clothes, but I've seen that they are planning rosy for the girls and blue for the boys, and I don't like that kind of segregation, I mean what is then the point of coats if you will impose two different colours on them. I wish they would all wear the same.
      Some of our high schools graduates opt for not buying expensive clothes for prom and instead they collect that money and give it to charity to celebrate their entrance into adulthood in a generous way. When they went on that walk through the city that I mentioned to you recently, instead of parading in gowns and suits, they put a disabled friend of theirs on the head of the group and he led them in a new electric wheelchair that they bought him with the money for expensive outfits, it was so lovely.

    3. I guess it's just something that's always been done. Honestly, I don't think anyone here thinks it's a big deal being color coded by gender. I think our school would allow a transgender student to wear whatever color they wanted. Now, if they were separated by race or religion, that would be an issue, I'm sure.

  2. Congrats to your daughter. Now on to the big bad world, bills, ugg lol Girls and boys are color coded at her graduation? First I've seen that. Most just wear the same color. At least here.

    1. Yes, most schools do color coded based on their school colors here. She's ready to get out there in the big bad world. At least, itching to get to college where she can have a little more freedom lol.

  3. OMG I'm sure you're so proud! What fun photos. She looks incredible! She's going places!

    1. Thanks Alissa! She's the next generation of scientists! I am so excited to see where she ends up, but for now the plan is drug research and development.

  4. That is SO exciting Congratulations!! I am sure she has wonderful things in her future!

  5. I know your daughter was posing, but it's still interesting that she is the only one in the picture smiling. Is everyone else just bored?

    1. It was at the end of the ceremony and they were all getting ready to file out. I just happened to catch her eye in the stands for that shot ;)

  6. That is so awesome! Congratulations on this huge milestone! This is big time stuff.

  7. Our kids aren't ready for the final cap and gown of high school yet, but we have had a few grade school graduation No matter which it is, it's a big deal

    1. Every year passes is a milestone that should be celebrated!

  8. Wow, congrats! It must have been great seeing her get her diploma after all the hard work. Great pictures!

  9. I have to show my son that top picture. He loves science, so he will get that right away, and maybe copy for next Tuesday when he

  10. I love the hat design, that is too funny! Congratulations to the new graduate, how exciting.

    1. She was really excited to get to decorate her cap with something pertaining to science ;)

  11. Congratulations! My daughter just graduated a few weeks ago. I wish they would have been allowed to decorate their hats. The admin at the school does not allow it. I love your daughter's hat! Very clever!

    1. Congrats to your daughter too! I did notice that at my best friend's son's ceremony, they didn't decorate their hats and they all threw their hats in the air at the end. Our students didn't want to lose theirs, so no hat throwing went on here lol.

  12. Congrats to her, you'll graduate a bit later than we do here in SC.

  13. Congratulations to this lovely lady! That's such an awesome achievement! I'm sure you're very proud. Love the hat! So witty!

  14. I think these are beautifully captured moments! Congratulations! It feels amazing to achieve something as huge as this!

  15. CONGRATULATIONS to BOTH the Graduate and YOU for your hard work! Way to go! I love personalizing the caps makes it easier to find yours after the cap toss!

    Tracy @ Ascending Butterfly

  16. I think her hat is absolutely awesome!
    I never have seen this effect before, but it is so appropriate!

  17. Congrats to both of you! It is definitely a team effort seeing a child through high school! I love her cap!

  18. Congrats to your daughter - I know you are proud of her!! :)

  19. How amazing! Congrats to you both! What an accomplishment to be proud of! - jeanine

  20. Her hat was so cute! I wish I would have come up with something that creative for mine!

  21. Congratulations to her on such a big accomplishment! It seems like she rocked it!

  22. What a big day for you AND her. It's so hard to see them get to this point but such a happy moment as well.

  23. Congrats on the graduation! I love the pics and especially the last one with the sign!

  24. Graduating is such a huge accomplishment! Congratulations on reaching this milestone in your life.

  25. Oh my...how come I missed this! Congratulations! It must be proud to see how our kids achieve more and more progress. I will be burst in tears..

  26. Congrats! That was such a special day for us with our daughter!

  27. Congratulations to your daughter. She's so tall and pretty! I wish her all the best in whatever she sets her mind into. I know with you as her mom, there is no limits to what she can achieve.

  28. Congrats to your daughter. I wish her all the best in her future endeavors. Both of my boys graduated high school this year. In regards to the comments about different colored gowns, the boys wore red and the girls wore white at my sons' school graduation.

  29. Congratulations!
    I have never seen a hat quite like that before :D


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