
Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Moon Pie Ice Cream & Utter Nonsense

Disclosure- I received the mentioned product courtesy of the sponsor for the purpose of this review. All opinions are genuine, based on my experience with the product, and have not been influenced by promotional items.

I just heard they are getting ready to close down the duck pond at one of our parks since the upkeep is starting to get out of control. I can understand why they want to close it, but I admit that I feel a little sad to hear it will no longer be a part of our community. I remember when I was little, grandma drove the special needs bus that would pick the kids up from the school that is located directly across the street from the pond. On days she would let me ride with her, we'd get there a little early to feed the ducks and eat our own snacks while waiting for the kids to come out. One of my favorite summertime snacks were Moon Pies and grandma was awesome about buying me some here and there. After hearing about the closing of duck pond and reminiscing about the good old days with grandma, I remembered that I had a recipe for Moon Pie Ice Cream that I have been wanting to try. I mean, what says summer like ice cream and Moon Pies? Combining the two creates one heck of a good summertime treat.

Moon Pie Ice Cream

A chocolatey ice cream layer, followed by a marshmallow layer, then sprinkled with a crushed graham cracker layer gives this no-churn ice cream a flavor reminiscent of Moon Pies. Or, if you are a fan of S'mores, calling it S'mores ice cream works too.

Moon Pie Ice Cream

Moon Pie Ice Cream

print recipe

Moon Pie Ice Cream (No Churn)
  • 1 cup milk chocolate chips
  • 1 cup whole milk
  • 1 tsp pure vanilla extract
  • 1 13oz can sweetened condensed milk
  • 1 tbsp lemon juice
  • 1 tbsp unsweetened cocoa powder
  • pinch salt
  • 2 cups heavy whipping cream
  • 1 cup marshmallow fluff
  • 1 cup graham crackers, coarsely crushed
Melt the chocolate chips in a double broiler over low heat, stirring constantly, until you reach a smooth consistency. In a large bowl, combine the chocolate, milk, vanilla, sweetened condensed milk, lemon juice, unsweetened cocoa powder, and pinch of salt. Set aside.In a separate bowl, beat the heavy whipping cream until soft peaks form. Gently fold the cream into the chocolate mixture. Transfer 1/3 of the mixture to a freezable container. Spread 1/2 of the marshmallow fluff over chocolate mixture, then top with 1/2 of the crushed grahams. Repeat layers one more time to fill the container, ending with a final chocolate layer on top. Gently cover the container with plastic wrap, making sure to press the wrap on top of the chocolate ice cream. Freeze for 6 hours. Serve. 

Original Recipe adapted from No-Bake Treats by Julianne Bayer

Another thing I loved doing on summer nights with grandma is play board and card games. Now, I'm long past the days of Hi Ho Cherry O and Old Maid, but I still love family game night that runs into the late hours. Nothing beats chowing down on sweet treats, kicking butt at games, and laughing until your tummy hurts. Even though our game stash is pretty huge, one game that we've been using a lot lately is the hilarious accent game called Utter Nonsense: Family Edition.

Utter Nonsense

Utter Nonsense originally funded on Kickstarter with an adult version, has now gone PG. In this family-friendly card game, players combine silly voices with even sillier phrases to create sayings that are just plain ridiculous. The game contains 50 Accent Cards and 450 Phrase cards which players combine and act out. Don't worry about being good at accents. Make each one your own because the best performance wins.

Utter Nonsense

Pictured below are a few examples of the cards. The green card is the accent card which is drawn by the judge. Once everyone knows what accent they should be trying to imitate, they then draw a phrase from their deck of cards that they think would be the funniest pairing with the accent. Each player acts out their phrase in said accent. The judge then makes the final decision on which phrase acted out was the most hilarious. The person to win 5 rounds is the overall winner.

Utter Nonsense

The game is suggested for ages 8 and up so kids can read the cards, but the humor is appropriate for all ages. This is the most perfect game for family game night, back yard BBQ's, sleepovers, campfires, or anytime you just want to have a good time with lots of belly laughs.

Utter Nonsense: Family Edition is exclusively available at Target stores and online, with a retail of $24.99. If you would like to learn more, visit Utter Nonsense online.

What's your favorite snack to eat on family game night?


  1. Sounds and looks like a fun game indeed. Sure a mix and match there with the moon pie ice cream. Upkeep sure can be a lot in such places, but sucks when they close them.

    1. Those ducks are becoming a nuisance with all the scat that needs cleaned up and how they hold up traffic when they laze about in the road so I understand why, but it's still sad it will soon be gone.

      The game is a riot. I'm sure you'd have a lot of fun saying the silly phrases in the cat voice.

  2. Oh my this looks wonderful! I want to try it! Mica's birthday is the next up, so I was going to do a sorbet buffet. I'm not sure, maybe I should try this. Choices!

    1. A sorbet buffet sounds like a lot of fun! I'd probably go with that one instead because there are more toppings that would pair better with it.

  3. Wait, what, grandma drove a bus??? How positively novel!
    That ice cream does look very sinful, you've probably earned yourself a third circle in hell with it :)
    We had a swan lake in the capital of Vojvodina, but somebody kept poisoning the family of swans that lived there and each year some of their swanlings would end up dead :(

    1. Granny did drive one, but it was a small one. Some of my best childhood memories were spent on those rides.
      That is awful about someone poisoning the swans. What a cruel thing to do to such beautiful creatures :(

  4. I've heard of Moon Pies, but I have never actually had one! I NEED to try this, though. YUM.

  5. OMG, this is the most amazing thing I've ever seen! I live in the south where Moon Pies are everywhere. I cannot wait to try this! Om nom nom.

    1. They are only sold in our gas stations here nowadays, so I have to make a special stop when the craving hits.

  6. That is fully awesome. I love Moon Pies. I have ever since I was a kid. I can't wait to try this recipe.

  7. This looks so yummy. This will be a great treat for my husband, he loves Moon Pies.

    1. He's going to love the ice cream then Catherine!

  8. Do you know I have never had Moon Pie! But I really need to try them and your recipe for Moon Pie Ice Cream YUM!

    1. You must try one the next time you come across one. I'm a firm believe everyone needs to have at least one Moon Pie in their lifetime.

  9. I haven't' had a moon pie in a long time

  10. MoonPies are made in my city! This ice cream would be a hit at ,y next party. Everyone here loves moon pies.

  11. Oh that is a cool idea. Moon pies were very popular with my siblings and I. Utter Nonsense sounds like a hilarious game!

  12. Every single person in my household adores moonpies!! I love this twist with the ice cream -- I think I might surprise them with this over the weekend!

  13. Mmm moon pie sounds delish!!

    Plain old popcorn is our fave family snack for movies or games night haha..

    Ai @ Sakura Haruka

  14. We are going to have to try this over the weekend! This snack looks delicious, and my husband and I love games. We love to have friends over to play games, and this would be perfect.

  15. This looks SOOO good!! Such a perfect summer treat!

  16. I will have to try that game with my son who loves to play anything. Smores ice cream is a great treat that any game night needs.

  17. I need this game in my life ! The Moon Pie Ice Cream looks amazing. I cant even remember when the last time I had a moon pie was.

  18. oh my this looks like a heavenly treat. The first shot my mouth is already watering. Love Moonpies!!

  19. I had never heard of moon pies before. These all look incredible though, what a delicious and sweet treat I'd love to try! - Jeanine

  20. This has got to be the most brilliant ice cream flavor I've ever seen. I HAVE to make some of this and SOON!

  21. I never had moon pie before, however, I think your ice cream recipe is delicious! I will have to make that. Oh, that card game is going to guarantee lots of family fun!

  22. I've never made homemade ice cream before, but this sounds like a yummy flavor! I love chocolate and love moon pies!

  23. Oh my gosh! I love Moon Pies! I totally need to try this ice cream with my kids. I don't know if they've ever had them (I guess I'm really selfish).

  24. I don't think I've ever had a Moon Pie. I love that it was a part of your childhood memories though with your gram. :) Sorry to hear about your duck pond though.

  25. Moon pies and a fun game! Perfect night! We have game night every week and I need to add to our games. Sorry your duck pond is closing :(

  26. I haven't had Moon Pie in years! The Moon Pie Ice cream would be like going back in time with my first spoonful. I am positive this would be delicious!

  27. This looks delicious! I so want to make it this weekend with my kiddies!

  28. Oh man - Ice cream, and games! Fun for summer! :) That game looks like it would be a hoot to play - and who doesn't love Moon Pies. Sounds pretty easy to make - I whipped up some homemade ice cream a couple years ago using the base of heavy whipping cream and sweetened condensed milk. You can use that and add almost any flavors - I used mini-chocolate chip morsels, butterscotch topping and chocolate syrup stirred in. I was literally just throwing things in it, but it was awesome!

    1. Some of the best recipes are those you toss ingredients into willy nilly. Yours sounded amazing!

  29. Utter Nonsense looks like a fun game to play and that Moon Pie Ice Cream Cake looks yummy!

  30. Haven't had Moon Pie! Would be great to try it and I certain itwould be delicious!


  31. Moon Pie looks delish! And I am intrigued..Utter Nonsense looks fun!

    1. I am sure Bo and Obi would love to p;lay Utter Nonsense with you!


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