
Friday, July 7, 2017

Summer Calls for Fresh Green Bean & Potato Salad

Disclosure- I received the mentioned product courtesy of the sponsor for the purpose of this review. All opinions are genuine, based on my experience with the product, and have not been influenced by promotional items.

Who's still recovering from the 4th of July holiday? This girl, right here. From Friday through Tuesday, we were booked to the max with social gatherings. Thankfully, I didn't have to host anything myself (especially since I just hosted a huge 50th wedding anniversary party and am putting the final touches on Mariah's grad party that's coming up), but that didn't mean I could be a crummy guest and show up to the other parties empty handed. I did a quick search on Golden Blossom Honey to see if I could find something simple, but delicious, that I could double or triple without a problem so I didn't have to spend all day in the kitchen cooking up dishes to take to multiple events. I came across this Fresh Green Bean & Potato Salad recipe that was exactly what I needed. Since we were traveling out of the city for a few gatherings, I didn't have to worry about keeping the dish warm. Just pop it into a cooler and away we went. And, since this dish isn't made with the traditional mayo base that standard potato salads are made with, it made for a light, summery dish that didn't weigh the tummy down so everyone could eat, then enjoy the outdoor games. 

Green Bean Potato Salad

Fresh green bean potato salad is a great potluck offering, or BBQ side dish. There's a beautiful blend of flavors in this dish, you'll want to make it all summer long.

2 tablespoons white wine vinegar
1 shallot, chopped
2 tablespoons Golden Blossom Honey Mustard
1 teaspoon dried tarragon
1/4 cup olive oil
Whisk together all dressing ingredients. Set aside.

1/2 pound green beans, ends trimmed, cut into 1-inch pieces
3 pounds small red-skinned potatoes, unpeeled and cut in half (if potatoes are large cut into quarters)
2 tablespoons white wine


Green Bean Potato Salad
You can find this recipe, as well as many more delicious recipes right on the Golden Blossom Honey recipe page! Be sure to follow Golden Blossom Honey on Facebook and Twitter to stay up to date on new products and promotions.

If you like this recipe, be sure to come back every Friday, where I feature a new recipe from Golden Blossom Honey!

What's your favorite summertime side dish?



  1. Sadly, green beans do weigh my tummy terribly, so I don't eat them, but I do love the yellow ones. And I do love me spring potatoes! I love to cook them, grate them with some cheese, season them with vegeta and mix mayo in them, put it in the fridge and that is a very quick sidedish the next day, and it can be spooned with the ice cream spoon to get little balls which you can sprinkle with some sesame or chives

  2. Yep, I can see how these would be the perfect dish to bring a long. I like that they seem so easy to make!

  3. Sure won't end up a crummy guest that way. Potatoes and I never got along since mom tried to force me to eat them and the dog wouldn't eat them for me either lol

  4. Green beans and potatoes are a favorite pairing of mine. This sounds really tasty for summer potlucks.

  5. I'm interested in trying the dressing and I like having a few ways to incorporate green beans into recipes. They're some of my favorite veggies!

  6. This potato salad is different. I think we'd like it over at my house for sure.

  7. That salad looks super delicious. I love how healthy is it too!

  8. This looks amazing! I am not a great cook, but I definitely think I could whip this up. I will have to give this a try!

  9. I love the dressing. That would go great with any salad! I love that you chose green beans and potatoes to make the salad. I will make this tomorrow. It would be a great side dish for our weekly weekend BBQ!

  10. This looks AMAZING! We actually had green beans last night for dinner. I wish I had seen this recipe but you know, I could totally make them again tonight! Thank you Theresa!!

  11. I love a healthy side dish recipe that everybody will like. It seems pretty easy to make and a great combination of flavors.

  12. look super fresh and healthy, Theresa! Love it..

  13. This sounds wonderful. This is something my kids would probably love a dish like this so I would love to make it for my family! - Jeanine

  14. There are so many delicious stuff we can make with Golden Blossom Honey Mustard. I like how you included it in the ingredient list for your salad dressing. I can't wait to make some myself.

  15. I think my wife would rebel if I didn't make her Green Bean casserole. XD

  16. I've never tried combining this green beans and potatoes in a dish like this before. I imagine it's a good combo and I love that you chose to add honey mustard to it as well. I'm sure it's very tasty!

  17. Great combo of green beans and potato for this summer. it looks perfect and healthy

  18. I hadn't heard of this mustard before. I've not bought many honey mustards, but would check this one out.

  19. I'm really amazed how many things you can cook with honey!!

  20. That looks really delicious. I agree, it's a perfect dish to take to potlucks and get-togethers.


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